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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. Yes, the number of words left, the number they had saved for each other, gave an indication of their (flagging?) dedication to each other. Saw the 'other' cast this afternoon. Liked and enjoyed both cast members, and Hannah Rudd particularly fluid whilst dancing. The choreography properly her cuppa I guess. Vocals were clear enough, for my ears Jacob Wye clearer than Alex's aussie twang. Not sure The Boss would have appreciated the singing though from either this afternoon!
  2. They seem to happen all the time at ROH these days (as many a curtain call photo ruined with heads and raised clapping hands attest)
  3. As I say, 7pm would be great for me, but appreciate it wouldn't suit everyone. Perhaps alternate shows at 7? Ironically, Saturday evening performances are often at 7pm, but I'm not keen on Saturday shows as there is so much else I'm a-doing on a Saturday!
  4. I was reading an article last week, where the NT are going to be running early start shows from February, at 6.30pm. Midweek shows only (Tuesdays an/or Thursdays) I believe. This is in response to more working from home etc where people are no longer going to the theatre after a quick bite/drink from the office/workplace, and like to get home earlier. The last part would appeal to me for sure. Now most shows at Sadlers Wells are about 2 hours (or so it seems to me), so even if they inevitably start late, usually ending before 10pm, so no problems for me making connections for getting a train home. For me, it's not so much the start time, as the end time. Ideally, a 2 to 2.5 hour show starting at 7.30 is ok; 3 hour ones would be SO much better if they started at 7pm! Thoughts?
  5. Really enjoyed this - unusual, witty, quirky. Splendid! I'd have told them to learn signing though, rather than morse code...
  6. I followed Sam Raine into the auditorium! 🙂 William Bracewell there too
  7. I now only go early afternoons, towards the end of a run, if I go at all. I sometimes get the cinema to myself, or at worst, just handful of like minded people who just want to see the film
  8. I was meaning general littering - look under any bush or hedge in the UK and you can almost guarantee a smorgasbord of dropped detritus (takeaway wrappers/packaging, bottles (plastic or glass), cans, etc). In my local cinema, they all but encourage littering, saying to leave your litter by the side of the seat so it can be collected for recycling. I suppose that's better than finding it stuffed down the sides of the seat
  9. I struggle to agree with this comment, much as I love some of the more junior dancers cast in this, and have no affinity for some of the current Principals
  10. Victor Meldrew was right!!! I'm definitely joining the 'grumpy old man' set - people not being able to go without sustenance for the duration of a film is bad enough, but for 30-60mins for an act in a theatre.... And don't get me started on littering!
  11. I’m more fortunate, as I liked both pieces, so happy to go to this bill. I would have gone to more, except it clashes horribly with things I want to see in the Linbury. Which frankly, Is a bit annoying. For me, most of October is bonkers, then mid Nov onwards is relatively quiet
  12. zxDaveM


    missed it - he won at 3/1 at the end of September at Gowran Park, beating good horses Gentleman's Game and Envoi Allen!
  13. zxDaveM


    Vadream runs in the Champion Sprint today at Ascot’s Champions Day. Second best in the betting, as he does love the ground conditions
  14. You're welcome to start one - just restrain from 'reviewing' the general rehearsal
  15. perhaps they mean standing on cabaret tables - 25 per table or so, all trying to take photos of the show. Perhaps they'll be revolving cabaret tables to allow different standers a turn at seeing the stage better and all welcome not just to dance in the aisles but on the tables too. Those seated at the table ordering their drinks via their phone, will have a foot or so reserved in front of them for their refreshments; I'm sure there'll be no fisticuffs over split beverages as everyone having such a splendid time - or perhaps they'll have a mini-table fitted into their recliner seat instead... As you've probably guessed, I'm not thinking that this is a particularly good idea
  16. 'donkey shot' (perhaps more "donkey show-t") is always how Sylvie Guillem charmingly pronounced it, and it always stuck with me 🙂
  17. that's obviously so you can spend a penny later on...
  18. This maybe so, but it's still difficult to understand the logic of £150 stalls seats 'given away' for £12, when amphi seats have gone from £23ish to £52 (as the view is still restricted at the higher price)
  19. though not valued enough to offer a massive discount to, obviously
  20. with it being an invite from BRB, meant we could use some of the production photos, which pepped up the review somewhat!
  21. Sorry for starting a new thread, was hoping to keep the Londoners responses in one place is all. (And with a review on top, rather than in the middle). Oh, and thanks for the kind words! 🙂
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