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Everything posted by porthesia

  1. Only number 3 for me and I think it's a lovely place
  2. Cookery/food programmes - trying to loose weight and they don't help! (got the Hairy Dieters book thanks)
  3. Our local ballet shop always gives me a discount albeit very small as I order 6 pairs of tights at a time, which reminds me he hasn't contacted me to tell me they are in, must go phone him. This makes the tights only a bit more expensive than if I order them from Dance Direct and pay postage. I like to put a bit of business his way when I can.
  4. I paid £48 per pair for Grishko Nova and they are a size 4 - sorry Just Ballet couldn't get over to you, lots of stuff going on.
  5. Wishing your son a speedy recovery x
  6. I tried very hard to get rid of my piano when we were moving for one reason or another we still have it. I may take up lessons again - do hope you manage to find a good home for it. I didn't think at the time but have you tried house clearance companies? I did see a piano the same make as mine in the Brackley Antique Centre and it did sell in the end but it was in much better condition than mine. I'm presuming that it was from a house clearance that it ended up in the Antique Centre.
  7. Julie so pleased for your daughter - I hope she enjoys her course at Nottingham and the rhododendrons. Have been checking back to see where she got into. Many congratulations Spooky congratulations to your daughter too. One never know when somebody's dc may dance on a set designed by your daughter - wouldn't that be something!
  8. Happymum if you go into Lewes there is a lovely French style café which sells fresh macaroons - I'm not a fan but non-dd is and she loves them. It's down the cobbled bit not far from Argos and on the same side as Argos almost opposite a lighting shop. There's some antique syle/bric-a-brac shops there as well
  9. LinMM, loved all the info you have given out. Have only been here nearly 3 years so I've learnt a lot about the area I now live in - thanks Happymum, glad your DD has settled in. I can't add much to the information given by LinMM except if you like cider at all, visit Middle Farm on the A27 between Eastbourne and Lewes - National Cider Collection here, lots of lovely local produce and a butchers as well.
  10. Do the still do a Cycling Proficiency test? I presumed that they had stopped doing it because of all the bad cycling I see.
  11. Fiz, thought it was just me who had problems with coat hangers. Hate the blasted things.
  12. I have the chimney swept every year - some people have said they leave it for 2 years but as I'm not that au fait with this open fire lark I've had it done every year since we came here. I usually leave it until later in the year as I like it done just before I start the fires again but it can get difficult to get a sweep - maybe he'll charge less if I get it done early If I order enough bags of coal (over 11 I think), order an odd number of bags (don't ask me why, are they pulling my leg?) and have it delivered during June and July then I get it cheaper. Problem is there is no room in the garage at the moment - not even for 11 bags of coal!
  13. I thought garden bonfires were illegal nowadays. We have a smell of fires in our lounge - we think it is because the sun is so hot and it is heating up the chimney and thus the smell. It's spoilt my lovely display in the fireplace as I've had to take the newspaper out I'd stuffed up the chimney to stop the soot dropping down (and the draught) and so no display at the moment just an empty grate It is surprising how much soot does come down with the rain as there is some kind of cowl thing spinning round up there - not sure what it is, was all here when we moved in. Perhaps I need to get the sweep in earlier this year?
  14. newballetfan, it's not open yet - 1 August is the big day. Nearest one is 19 miles away although non-dd is being trained at the one 31 miles away, but she is having quite a lot of fun. Just need John Lewis to move into town and I'll be happy. Local town shops due for re-vamp and expansion - not even started yet and supposed to be completed by 2015 - can I wait that long!! Believe it's a local pub that is refusing to sell holding it all up. Non-dd has been making slices of cakes out of felt and decorating the tops with felt strawberries, raspberries and icing - they look good enough to eat!
  15. Hi Spanner, the elastics are sewn at the back, only have to be sewn at the front but dd has been a bit busy (and lazy!!)
  16. Hi Lemongirl, would it help if you followed the first part of the video and drew the pencil lines as that gives an angle to follow - the top of ribbon is positioned just under the pencil line. I have only ever used this method on Grischko shoes but presume it should work for all pointe shoes - it also works on demi-pointe or soft blocks. So glad that dd does her own now although she has brought her split soles back for me to sew. Yes Just Ballet those lovely split canvas shoes that you sent up to her still hasn't got the elastics sewn in properly!!
  17. My knitting was also very tight! As she got older my mother used to get me to knit the rib for her as her knitting was quite loose but then she would struggle when she first took over as I knit it so tightly. LinMM our first project for sewing at school was to make an apron for our cookery lessons - I've still got it - don't know why and I've still got the sampler type thing made in infant/junior school. At infants school we had to knit a dishcloth - the teacher had to knit mine for me and at junior school in our last year we had to make a coffee table - bit of varnishing, bit of weaving cane to make a decorative edge and glue the legs in - and again the teacher had to finish mine off for me. I keep trying all these crafts but really I'm not that good - got a box somewhere full of glass from my stained glass days and also the grinder. I enjoy grinding the glass and love the soldering but am pretty useless at cutting as very little strength in my hands now and as for picking colours - not really my forte. Did make a lovely window having pinched the design from a friend I made at the class - unfortunately got broken in the move. I also made this dragon suncatcher who is flying across the face of a moon - my goodness I bled for this dragon - literally, As a first project it may have been a bit ambitious - some very fiddly bits to put together and his tail kept going out of shape and the glass kept cracking through the constant taking apart, re-foiling and re-soldering,. Fortunately the instructor did sort it out for me but most of it my own work. Can't seem to find a chain strong enough to take the weight - the moon is the size of a dinner plate - that was really good fun cutting that out!! I've got loads of bits for making cards, again I can copy but I'm not very good coming up with my own designs. It's a bit worrying that non-dd has just started at Hobbycraft - what could I try next?!! edited to correct typing mistakes, really got to get these nails taken off!
  18. Oh how I smiled at this! My mother was a beautiful knitter, but I never really got the hang of it. Took me 18 years to knit a Rowan jumper with just one cable up the front. OH does wear it occasionally. If I drop a stitch then I have to pull back and then I can never pick them up again. Got a scarf that I've undone about 6 times now! Of course it doesn't compare to the cross stitch that I started before I even got pregnant with dd and she was 19 a week ago!! Mind you I have completed a few other cross stitch projects during that time.
  19. Lemongirl, I have used the method as demonstrated on youtube. I was recommended this method by the fitter we go to. I have found that it works perfectly for my dd and I always get the ribbons in right first time. No more pinning, trying on, sewing the ribbon, then it's wrong and then unpicking again since we moved to this method. DD sitting right next to me and says that this method does help keep the shoes on her feet. As your ribbons are already cut this won't be possible but perhaps worth a try with your next shoes. DD now uses this method herself and takes the old ribbon out and puts in her new shoes - have to save a bit of money somewhere. Made one set of ribbons last 5 pairs of pointe shoes!! edited to say dd says it was a bit of a fluke that the ribbons lasted for 5 pairs
  20. Update on Poppy. After her scan to ascertain the levels of kidney function (not good at all) she went and got herself stuck under our neighbours gate! The gate had to be taken off as there was not other way to get her out. Then she started to refuse food and on the rare occasions she ate she was eating on one side and there was this awful noise. We took her to the vet in case there was something wrong with her teeth (there is but she can't have an anaesthetic because of the kidneys) painkilling injection and antibiotics. I made the decision not to put her in cattery and we delayed our trip to fetch dd back from school - we had been going to spend the week up there. Took her to the vets again thinking this was the end but 4 days on a drip and she is so much better. The vets have a policy where you can visit your pet which was a bit weird - can't take a cat a bunch of grapes! Now asking for food although not eating a lot and doing all the things she did before instead of just looking miserable. I missed fetching dd back - dh went on his own but so glad that Poppy is enjoying life again apart from the tablets she has to take and the constant visits to the vets! Don't know how long she has but at the moment her quality of life is good.
  21. Hope you're feeling better soon
  22. Remember coming home from a long day at the riding stables and my mother refusing to let me in the house. I had been cuddling a fox cub and it had wet on me. I had to go round the back and take my jeans off before I was allowed in the house!
  23. Fiz, if only the Elves were in charge of Elf and Safety we might get some sanity, that's after they've written a long song about it
  24. LinMM - thanks for posting this I adore big cats and this reminded me of when I worked at a riding stable/rescue centre. The owner had various wild animals including big cats. They had a Lynx when I first went there but eventually got a lioness, followed by a tiger. I used to carry the lioness cub, Tina, around in my arms when she was little, well I supported her rear end and she kind of had her paws on my shoulder! The only picture I have of Tina is the last time I took her for her "walk". By this time she was too big for me to carry so I have her on a lead. This is also the last time I took her out as she was getting a bit too much for me to handle. She lived for many years, and was replaced by the tiger when she died, I had married and moved away by this time.
  25. Janet I have to agree. We only saw the highlights and it made very uncomfortable listening. Only hope it doesn't disturb the players on the other courts.
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