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Everything posted by hoglett

  1. which got me thinking...how do your dcs schools inform you of progress and development and things to work on? Hope I'm not opening up a can of worms here! Thanks all! They don't! DC report was all very positive and mentioned things improved on but no specific things to work on. I'm not sure I would know now when my DC is having a growth spurt...think it was obvious when they were much younger but much more subtle now.
  2. Okay so DD was told today that she doesn't have the ideal physique for Classical ballet. Now I know that comment alone could open up a huge can of worms but I've read up a lot about this on this forum and I have my own opinions. What I'm asking really is if she isn't destined to be a classical dancer, what options/ path should she be aiming at. Are all associate programmes aimed at classical ballet? Which schools /dance programmes should I be looking at? Thank you, you're all so knowledgeable. She's 12.
  3. Just wanted to say a huge congratulations to everybody involved. There was such a huge array of talent on that stage. Fabulous experience for the dancers. Well done.
  4. Your timings are spot on as my DD is dancing in Nottingham with EYB this weekend. It is quite a commitment, worth noting that EYB put up posters so that parents can put down if they are willing to car share so that might help. My DD had to have a licence as she has performed in the previous six months despite it being in half term and she didn't need any time off school. Suzy at EYB sorts out all the licences. It is a really worthwhile, valuable experience - my DD loved working with the professionals from the dancers to having a 'proper' seamstress! Well done to your DD and enjoy the experience.
  5. Thanks...fabulous idea. You can get so confused with them all plus need to weigh up costs!
  6. Oh no Maria. ..the waiting is terrible. Hopefully no news is good news.
  7. Thank you. I asked for feedback but i received a straight forward we don't enter into correspondence. .. I know they have a lot of applicants but it would help to know what to work on.
  8. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you,this forum is so useful.
  9. Congratulations. Completely agree...speak to the school and also have you tried sitting down with your family and really telling them how much this means to you and how much you want it. Don't be too harsh on them, they probably realise what an incredibly difficult career you've chosen and they don't want you to be disappointed. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
  10. Hope that you can help. After a 'No' for Elmhurst Extended Associates, my DD has set herself the target of increasing her flexibility before she applies again. I am so impressed with the way that she has taken this recent rejection so I want to do everything I can to help her. Does anybody know of any specific classes that can help her with this in addition to her normal classes? I've searched on here and read about a flexibility DVD...any good? She has a flexi stretcher band but isn't really using it as I suspect she needs to know what to do with it really! We're based in the Midlands. Many thanks
  11. Brilliant news.Well done. ????We got a no...can I ask what year your DC is DD. My DD doesn't know yet.
  12. Becky at Stardust is brilliant. I'm sure she would get in whatever you need. She keeps up to date with what the manufacturers recommend ...you're in very safe hands. Was very impressed for my DC.
  13. Did your DC enjoy the audition yesterday? My DC did thankfully. The anxious wait for the results now... Does anybody know how many places are available? x
  14. Hi there,can I ask what time your appointment is. I'm still awaiting conformation. Thanks.
  15. This forum is fantastic - thank you, this is just the sort of advice I needed.
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