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Everything posted by Petalviolet

  1. That is reassuring atacrossroads! A real variation. The Vagnova video was a bit unsettling. I was struck by the auditionees in just their underwear but that must be a cultural difference? Totally normal for them and that's just how it's done. It did make me feel protective over how exposed to criticism they literally were. Wanted to swoop in with a blanket. I'm sure auditions are conducted very privately but certainly a very rigorous approach.
  2. I stand by my original calculations! I might as well, as others have put it more succinctly, it matters not.
  3. DD not too tramatised by results of measuring experiment. More troubled by some of tonight's lamb curry going down wrong way and now tedious hiccups. That leg of lamb has lasted well. It must surely have had excellent leg to lamb ratio. Please no one take offence as none was ever intended. X
  4. I really didn't mean to upset anyone! Sorry! I was just trying to balance a sensitive thread by giving a lighthearted example from the "less than ideal but not going to let it stop us but yes we are realistic but then hope springs eternal" point of view?!
  5. Ok Get child to begrudgingly sit by wall, nice and straight. Measure where their head comes too. This gives you torso length. (Though also includes head but...anyway) Measure height. Minus torso from height to give you leg length. Then (and this bit is tricky) I THINK you then divide leg length by height X 100? Now I could be wrong but I googled this? I hope I'm wrong actually as DD's real measurement was so extraordinarily non classical we should really just pack up and go home right now!
  6. According to my excellent and flawless calculations DD has a leg to body ratio of 207%. There. Beat that. You're all in awe right now.
  7. I think it was stopped? I'm not sure you need to ask to join a thread? The glory of participating in a Balletco locked thread still eludes me. I won't consider myself a fully fledged balletcoer without this battle scar.
  8. I think there is a similar discussion on the "what does the RBS look for?" thread.. A locked thread mind you.
  9. I would love for my DD to go to YDA - it would be a dream come true! We are a couple of years off all this but thank you to everyone for sharing your journeys - more than anything it is really inspiring to see how amazingly everyone is coping and how supportive you all are! Please keep sharing the ups and downs especially for some of us with little ones who just want to follow in your footsteps! P.s amos's DD is amazing at pirouettes.
  10. Thought as much. Ah well...their uppence has come and that is enough.
  11. You tease, Pictures. Perked right up there...can we possibly elaborate....?
  12. Dads bring a lot to the table when it comes to dance, much more than they realise I'd expect and I wish more had the time or felt comfortable enough to be involved. There isn't anything that can't be improved or anyone who doesn't benefit when men and women or mums and dads get together and contribute.
  13. Personally, I don't think you have anything to apologise for Annaliesey X
  14. Frankly I think my two sole responsibilities 1) doing the bun 2) changing the loo roll make me.. THE BACKBONE OF THE HOUSEHOLD.
  15. Funnily enough, I'm my short experience so far, the mums that seem the most down to earth are the ones with children who have been through an audition process outside of their local school/area- be that festivals or associates or youth ballet but who have done it on their own. When you have to jog along with a group of strangers with children from all sorts of different schools and backgrounds and deal with the intensity of being judged or scrutinised by panels that are unfamiliar you develop a degree of tact, humility and patience that I don't think is as tested if you stay within the comfy surroundings of your local area or in a protective huddle. It's really hard rocking up on your own and I'm not the most gregarious individual but sometimes I 'do chatting' and sometimes I just step back and watch and listen and I quite quickly realise DD is not the best dancer of her generation (!) and there are families putting in more miles/money/sacrifice/effort and we aren't that special or different. I think it's a confidence issue too. If you travel en masse from one event to another then of course it encourages some to conduct themselves with a bravado they wouldn't dream of displaying otherwise. That and a total lack of curiosity. Some people just aren't that interested in 'having a look around'. I guess they just might be a bit threatened by what they might see? Try not to let competitiveness upset you - it's insular and ultimately just plain boring.
  16. Dance mum's like that tend to cultivate chit chat with an easy target though don't they? What they want is a good sounding board, in this case, a flustered nanny who couldn't think of anything quickly enough off the top of her head mumbled feebly something about "she likes a good book". Don't worry though. It was with great delight.. I witnessed dance mum's prodigy child escorted out of class moments later with teacher's hand firmly on crown of her head and ejected back into her mothers arms with the phrase.."well...she did manage to be better behaved than last week". Nothing beats a dance teacher for keeping it real.
  17. Bet you have to get your bins out early though? Night before.
  18. Worst overheard bragging dance mum comment ever went.. "Brag brag brag..brag brag..brag..." Turn to neighbour "So........(pausing for respite after exhausting bragging) Has YOUR daughter found.....anything.....she EXCELS at.....................yet?"
  19. Room for one more? You know when Indiana Jones just manages to duck and roll underneath the closing Temple of Doom doors... It is with that sort of manoeuvre DD scrapes into NYB JA finals from the last audition this Sunday. Phew. She's ok..grazed knees...pursued by some angry tribesmen with spears.. par for the course, really.
  20. Brilliant news Amos! And many congratulations to all the WL yes's - hope for lots more good news to come! Xx
  21. But also just to complicate matters further...if you do go down the "not telling" route...and no one would blame you.. You will have to rely on your seven year old to be discrete too, which is an added pressure at a very young age. You could not tell her she's going to audition up until the day before but afterwards there's no guarantee she won't say anything and it's a good few weeks before results come out and a lot of nail biting for you. I'd get it over and done with and if the school start being difficult come back here and have a good vent and enjoy a Balletco group hug plus many a story of 'was the same for us' etc.. Just another perspective though?
  22. Snowflake you liked your own post. I'm going to like mine.
  23. I don't think they contact each applicants dance school plus you don't even need your dance teacher's signature. Have you thought about auditioning for any other associate schemes like Tring or LJB or YDA? Last year they all held their auditions within the same month and although it was a bit hectic it was great to experience each different scheme with the Royal being the last of the bunch meaning you are nicely warmed up by that point if frazzled and out of pocket. In my opinion, for my own peace of mind, I would let your dance teacher know you are thinking of applying. I say this mainly because it's such a lovely opportunity and the audition day itself is a special one. Would you want to be panicking the entire time and stressing that someone will find out or you might bump into someone who knows someone? It would ruin it! I really feel for you as you certainly aren't doing anything wrong. I would stick to your guns, hold your head up and tell the school and if they react as badly as you say then that will just confirm you should move on to somewhere that is more encouraging. I feel if you can't approach a teacher about this then you can't approach them about anything and if you aren't a dancer yourself or come from a dance background you really need a much higher level of support than you currently are getting. Oh and if you do audition for LJB just...don't trust the donuts in Chiswick ok?
  24. That is such a sweet story! Who knows what became of that five year old...? She could have become a dancer herself? I love a letter. A proper letter. I write to my grandmother every ten days or so as she's in a care home up North and never remembers my calls so I repeat self in letter and then when the letters are read to her she gets a little prompt but by the time I call again she's forgotten the letter and so it goes on....
  25. She's going to be busy! Her spelling has got to improve? Especially if she can use 'bumptious' which featured in a recent test.
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