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Everything posted by alison

  1. Just so as not to be too parochial : Australian Ballet: http://worldballetday.com/session/australian-ballet/ Bolshoi Ballet: http://worldballetday.com/session/bolshoi-ballet/ National Ballet of Canada: http://worldballetday.com/session/national-ballet-canada/ San Francisco Ballet: http://worldballetday.com/session/san-francisco-ballet/ I hope the first two will have supplied more details by Tuesday. The NBC programme sounds tempting, but I've just realised that I'm not sure I'll be able to watch any of it for technical reasons. Might have to nip down to the library - all day
  2. Considering that the AB are part of that, it's surprising indeed. I wonder who was so specific as to pick the 4th (except in a handful of cases)?
  3. That's a good point, Grand Tier Left. After all, if they were hoping to marry, one would hope they weren't still in the first throes of being "in lurve", but had moved to something beyond that. And that's one of the things I love about this ballet: forget the desperate passion of, say, Romeo & Juliet, it reflects rather better the day-to-day realities of marriage, and the comfort, caring and support that entails.
  4. Just thought I'd better bump this, since the first showing is fast approaching. BTW, use this link http://www.cinemalive.com/index.php?p=view&id=200 for Sleeping Beauty, because some of the links we've posted above are dead.
  5. I'm afraid so, although of course there is the Penney/Dowell one from an earlier era. Personally, I'd have loved to have had the Cojocaru/Kobborg one which was relayed to the big screens as well, but I don't see that ever happening. There haven't been that many broadcasts of the ballet, actually, have there?
  6. Now, interestingly, that's what I *don't* like about that interpretation - which has crept in in recent years, unfortunately, to my eyes, because it never used to happen. I find it totally inappropriate to the character and the period - it's way too 21st-century in the demands it makes. Yes, she needs to hold out the arm, but a bit more modestly, rather than demanding "AGAIN!". IMO.
  7. Well, tonight's performance was one of those rather special ones which remind me how much I love this ballet. A step up from the first night, I think. Oh, and I'm pleased to report that Peregrine behaved himself impeccably
  8. Of course, the Wilis in ENB's previous production of Giselle, by Derek Deane, looked pretty scary, too (although without the loose hair, of course)
  9. Do they have to show ID when picking up the tickets? Some may not have it yet, I suppose.
  10. I'd guess it's probably not the best time of year for student standby - won't they only just be arriving at college and settling in? Or have term dates shifted since my day?
  11. Well, the offer *has* been up here for a few days, Sim Aileen, the particularly galling thing is that there is only the one weekend matinee - which has sold out. But the number of amphi seats available is truly shocking. I wonder why they left it so late to bring out that offer?
  12. Since some people have mentioned dropping languages as an option, could I just mention, with the longer term in view, that a recent CBI report indicates that the UK education system isn't producing enough people with foreign language skills to meet the demand from business, which might be one reason why so many people from elsewhere in Europe are being employed here. Not to mention what I think was a £48 bn cost to the economy due to our general lack of language skills. Plus, if children are seriously committed to becoming professional dancers, they may well end up having to work abroad. If so, having learned a language at school will be of benefit: whether or not they use it directly, success in learning one language makes it psychologically easier for you to tackle another should you need to.
  13. I still don't see the fascination with scheduling midweek matinees, BTW.
  14. Another one, just for the Friday matinee: LA FILLE MAL GARDÉE ROYAL OPERA HOUSE SAVE UP TO 79%! TICKETS JUST £10! Usually £49-£44 Cornfields, clogs, chickens and young love: Frederick Ashton’s rustic comedy is a classic of The Royal Ballet repertory and has proved irresistible to newcomers and ballet lovers alike time and again. Lise, the ‘wayward daughter’ of the title, is determined to marry Colas, the son of a farmer. But her mother has grander ideas! Delightful solos, pas de deux and lively ensembles are set to one of the most wonderfully tuneful ballet scores of all, whilst picture-book designs complete the evocation of a rural idyll. Join us in the breathtaking setting of the Royal Opera House this Friday afternoon for some glorious country sunshine! This offer is for the 2.30pm peformance of La Fille mal gardée on Friday 30th September. The ballet continues in rep until 22nd October. Royal Opera House, Bow Street, London WC2E 9DD BOOK ONLINE AND ENTER ROYALBALLETMATINEE* CALL 020 7304 4000 AND QUOTE ROYAL BALLET MATINEE TERMS & CONDITIONS *Please note ‘royalballetmatinee’ must be lower case Amphitheatre tickets for the 2.30pm performance of La Fille mal gardée on Friday are now available for £10 (usually £49-£44). To claim this offer, visit roh.org.uk/fille. Select the 2.30pm performance on Friday 30 September and enter the code ‘royalballetmatinee’ (case sensitive) in the ‘Do you have a code?’ box, which is situated above the seating plan, and click ‘update’. To book by telephone, call the Box Office on 020 7304 4000 and quote ‘Royal Ballet Matinee’.
  15. It's been announced that Leanne Cope will be the guest for the Ballet Association's AGM meeting in November (whenever that is).
  16. Then I guess you'll be delighted at this snippet from yesterday's Links: "Benedicte Bemet will star as Aurora in the Australian Ballet's 2017 production of The Sleeping Beauty" from http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/stage/australian-ballet-launches-2017-season-with-three-iconic-roles-for-women-20160926-grp6kc.html
  17. I often find that where you are in the theatre tends to have a bearing on things like that. Front amphi for me.
  18. Clearly doesn't like Chrome. I've now entered both codes and now get 404 errors on Chrome. Yet when I try either on Firefox it works fine :shrug:
  19. Going really off-tangent from the previous post, but I remember when we were in our late teens that one friend had parents who were totally cool about boyfriends staying overnight, even - I don't know about the alcohol side, but then people back then didn't tend to drink as heavily as some do now. Everyone else was of course really envious. It was only years later that the friend admitted that she, in turn, had been envious of those of us whose parents didn't allow such behaviour, because at least it showed that they cared. Things have changed a lot since then, of course ...
  20. Dancers often seem to be perfectly happy to link to videos which they feel are beneficial to them in some way, regardless of provenance. It tends to be rights holders and people who run the sites who are more sensitive to such things.
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