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Everything posted by alison

  1. alison

    Olympics 2016

    Well, they keep telling us how high her difficulty ratings are For me too You really can't expect everyone to repeat what they did 4 years ago. But what's this about Greg's "foul"? Did they later decide that the one they'd marked as a foul wasn't? I seem to have missed that. Quite. I stayed up until it was finished. I was recording it for DVD just in case it turned out to be a really good match, and since they'd already moved it over from BBC4 to BBC1 with very little warning (and my hard-drive recorder had stopped recording) I didn't dare leave it unattended in case they moved it again. After all, we know that tennis isn't really high priority at the Olympics, don't we? It's just the same problem as with Wimbledon, where they switch channels at the drop of a hat. Even recording both BBC1 and BBC2 on the hard drive, I got caught out a few times when matches were switched to the Red Button. I mean, which RB channel do you pick? I'm not overly keen on the "power gymnastics", either, any more than I am about the very technical, but not nearly as artistic, direction in which women's ice skating has gone. I did like Aly Raisman's floor routine better than Simone Biles', although I can appreciate that hers was harder. Both were very good.
  2. alison

    Olympics 2016

    They're pivots, plain and simple, unless they go on for more than 360 degrees. I see yesterday's Evening Standard is reporting that Olympic sailor Dylan Fletcher is the son of former RB Principal Graham Fletcher and his wife Jane (maiden name unspecified), who used to be with LFB/ENB.
  3. It's been a matter of concern to me for years as to how many dance teachers there are out there who aren't doing their CPD and keeping up with the latest thinking on what constitutes safe training and what doesn't. After all, there are probably loads of teachers out there who still encourage their students to do grand plie in 4th, or to bounce when stretching ... Practices change so frequently, and not everyone keeps up with them.
  4. Oh dear, I hope that's not your newish local Aldi, MAB I remember being refused a bag of apples at my ex-local Co-Op because it was actually past its sell-by date: the fruit was fine Not to mention a perfectly good bouquet of flowers, but that's another story ...
  5. alison

    Olympics 2016

    I only came home partway through the gymnastics, so missed Wevers. How lovely it must be to have a "disaster" on the beam and still manage to grab a bronze medal , but what was even better was to see how delighted and supportive of Fernandez's performance Simone Biles was, even after her own shock at a rare failure. But, Max Whitlock - why don't we have a :not worthy: / :worship: icon on here?!
  6. Lumps can come and go (she says from experience), but make sure he keeps an eye on things, just to be sure. From what you've said, I'm sure he will.
  7. Hmm, a book purporting to be a "definitive new history" of the Bolshoi - but with the title Bolshoi Confidential? Doesn't really compute for me, I'm afraid, although I suppose it may just be the publishers trying to "sex up" the book (would it need it?)
  8. Really *forcing* yourself to concentrate on the performance can help too, difficult though it may be when the possibility of coughing can be a distraction.
  9. I'm sure my slow cooker allegedly costs the same to run as an (incandescent) lightbulb.
  10. I like the Ratmansky "revived" version a lot (in particular the gorgeously "floppy" tutus for the Jardin Anime - but then I usually like that style), although I can see why someone would have felt the need to "tidy up" the original production: it does feel odd for Gulnare not to appear until the harem scene (and gives Medora a huge amount of work to do as a result), and for Conrad to have so little dancing to do. I could see why you might, for instance, introduce Gulnare in Act I and give her the pas d'esclave, rather than have it danced by two people who take no further part in the proceedings. What I did find particularly strange is all the Birbanto business: firstly why we should have all the business about Medora recognising him by the cut she inflicted on him when he attacked her unmasked (if it was dark in the cave, why did the other pirates bother with cloaks to hide their identity?), secondly that Birbanto suddenly decides not to murder Conrad after all when the latter starts to wake up (where are you, Ali?), and thirdly that Conrad in turn doesn't actually get around to shooting him before being captured himself, but then later allows the treacherous bleep to sail away with him on the ship as if nothing had happened! Plus I found the whole onboard fight scene rather confused - it wasn't clear to me what had started it. I know dramatic logic was by no means top priority, but it still grates ...
  11. "Fountains" has been "bigged up" before now as the "battle of the ballerinas"
  12. Welcome to the forum, fillebiengardee! What was the "drunken" dance to which you allude?
  13. alison

    Olympics 2016

    Philip Hindes had a bad start, so "fell", I think, and forced a restart. He admitted he'd only done it because he wanted Chris Hoy to get the gold.
  14. Hi Lin, there's also some pertinent information in this thread: http://www.balletcoforum.com/index.php?/topic/10989-buying-tickets-for-the-mariinsky/
  15. Lizzie Harrod is one example, but I'm sure there are several others.
  16. alison

    Olympics 2016

    Sorry, I think I meant the team sprint there. It's confusing (especially when GB win so many of them )
  17. Oh, are you saying it may be the ROH air cooling system which may be behind it? That would certainly explain the "out of nowhere" aspect.
  18. alison

    Olympics 2016

    At least we won it legitimately this time around.
  19. FLOSS, given what an Ashton fan you are, I'm surprised you haven't yet made the trip to Sarasota.
  20. There are some coughs you do almost involuntarily (especially when you realise it's a quiet part of the score), some you do because someone else sets you off, and some because you absolutely can't help it (usually my problem, when something irritating has just found a place in my throat) - I'd guess this must have been one of the first two
  21. My goodness. Opening night is only about 6 weeks away. Gulp. Best of luck to them.
  22. alison

    Olympics 2016

    Michael Phelps, on his own, would currently be 9th or 10th in the medals table That was an incredible swim last night, and I feel really sorry for the two swimmers who made the mistake of trying to keep up with him
  23. I've heard that in the amphi a few times before now.
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