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Everything posted by abitwornout

  1. Hi, just after some information . My daughter has just taken her intermediate imperial classical ballet exam with ISTD . We are currently looking at the possibility of changing schools as my dd is taught alone at her current school as there are no other students at same level. The school we are looking at teaches RAD and said my daughter would need to take the intermediate RAD exam. I was wondering why ? Is ISTD intermediate not the same level?? Or is it a requirement of RAD to have done their exam before progressing??? ( I unfortunately was not at the meeting to ask questions my husband was and he didn't query it) thanks in advance
  2. My dd is attending week 3 at OPES . It will be her 1st time at OPES summer school and she is very much looking forward to it. Does anyone know when they usually send the emails with all the info on?
  3. Thank you Piccolo and a huge congratulations to your dd xxx
  4. Balletmum55, hi yes she is a MA . We had a no for finals and waiting list for Summer School this year so SA is a fantastic boost. I dont know how long they've had SA at both Birmingham and London. Birmingham has a smaller intake. I think the next age group of advanced associates is only at London.
  5. Thank you Balletmum55 and joyofdance. I'll admit I've had a happy weep.
  6. abitwornout

    RBS SA

    So very proud dd has just been offered a SA place in Birmingham. Sorry for proud parent post but we just can't believe it and not many people understand our excitement. Hope there are others with some positive news out there.
  7. Centrepointe now have their very own cafe
  8. To everyone going to finals enjoy every minute of your day. Remember you are all fabulous x
  9. Arucariaballerina please don't be too sad the probability of getting to a final for y10 entry is very very small. We know of fabulous dancers who didn't get to finals who were offered senior associates in previous years. My dd is also a little sad but she's not giving up.
  10. It didn't mention associates on ours either amos73
  11. A no for finals for y10 entry for dd . Not a surprise. Now we have the long wait for senior associate results. Good luck to all those still waiting ( we auditioned in Manchester)
  12. Just seen on twitter that they are going to send this year's out on Monday 1st Feb
  13. Last year the emails went out on the 30th Jan
  14. Hello Jackaroomom. My dd was at White Lodge Summer School this year. There was approx 50 boys spread over 2 groups ( younger and older group) They were taught separately to the girls. My daughter said she only saw the boys at meal times. They stayed in the boys dormitories (same as girls) I had my daughters dance teacher watch and give corrections whilst I took the photos on a mobile phone. I hope this answers most of your questions. Welcome to the forum
  15. In my dd's group this year @ WLSS 1/3 were from th UK . I do not know the ratio in the other groups.
  16. Hope your dd has a fabulous week Gowiththeflo , a word of warning registration can be a little overwhelming , lots of people not really knowing what they should be doing next.(like me) but it all seemed to go quite smoothly in the end.
  17. Hi Gowiththeflo my dd is currently at WLSS and is enjoying it very much. She was a bit homesick on the first day but is really loving it now that she knows the daily routine and has made some new ( and truly international ) friends. The days are quite full so I'm fully expecting to pick up a very tired but happy dd on Saturday
  18. My friend uses this app to locate her Mum and visa versa ( by the way her Mum is 80 and she is 54 ) it gives them both peace of mind :-)
  19. Congratulations, how wonderful and very exciting (and you're definitely not bragging, just sharing great news) x
  20. Hi Gowiththeflow, just received an email with the information pack for the summer school ☺
  21. Not received anything here yet. x
  22. At Manchester the satin shoe choice is to do with the flooring there.
  23. Hi my dd started ma's not having done pointe before. It was not a problem At all. Each centre has slightly different preferences for uniform . At Manchester they prefer satin shoes and they don't like the RBS zip up tops to be too big for MA's
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