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Everything posted by JennyTaylor

  1. I sent Brian Maloney flowers when he retired (this is relevant to Mayerling thread as he was playing Bratfisch). It's the only time I have ever done this but I felt he had had such a journey, he deserved them. Nothing was presented on stage, but he actually found me on Facebook and said a lovely thank you, which I thought was amazing. I agree, men should get recognition in the same way as the ballerinas.
  2. I thought she was excellent. Lovely to see her as Mary at last. She and Thiago had a great rapport. I found the final pdd in particular, very emotional and superbly danced and enacted.
  3. Must have been thinking of Manon where Rupert/ Sarah were fantastic. Still loved Rupert's Rudolph though
  4. Rupert Pennefather is a good case in point. He only got one performance first time round and didn't quite get going. He was excellent when he got a second chance - and that was with Sarah Lamb I seem to recall. I remember being thrilled with their rendition
  5. I've seen McRae and Thiago Soares in this run and Watson several times in the past. I booked to see McRae out of sheer curiosity to see what he would make of the role and also because, of course, he is a great dancer. For me, though he gave it his all, it was somewhat one dimensional. He looked manic quite a lot of the time, and certainly we saw a different interpretation from the other dancers. So, it didn't grip me as the others do, I found no pathos, though he did give it a go in the ballroom scene and with his mother and the pdds with Sarah Lamb really didn't do it for me either, though technically they were fine. I found his pdd with Stephanie the most moving (Meaghan Grace Hinkis), I think because he was just brutal and she just danced incredibly well in response. In the hunting scene, he played it as mad, and he meant to shoot the courtier. In the tavern, he was more drunk than most Rudolph's. How I missed the wicked gleam in the eye of Irek's Rudolf, for example in that scene. All that being said, of course, this might have been what Rudolph was really like - a thoroughly nasty piece of work. For me though, it's not an interpretation which I really enjoy in the theatre. In today's performance, apart from Meaghan Grace, I thought Kristen McNally shone as the Empress Elizabeth. I also enjoyed watching the other character parts more than the 2 Principals, sadly.
  6. I went to see Marianela and Vadim last night and what effectively is, I'm assuming the first cast. This was a fascinating contrast to Frankie and Alex the previous week. Marianela and Vadim were exemplary. Vadim's solo in the final act was beyond superb and Marianela sparkled her way through the entire performance. So why did Frankie and Alex move me to tears - the only couple ever to do so in this ballet. Was it something about Frankie's youth, that she was doing the role for the first time, the sheer promise of what is to come and the way Alex was a true Prince to her. Whatever - it was the emotional gut wrench. Yet, I have seen many other debuts and in the main. I'd say one's better off seeing the 2nd or 3rd performance and generally, it's an improvement Nothing has ever moved me in a debut in this way. Could someone who is technical please explain why Frankie and Alex's fish dives were so good, There seemed so much extra speed in execution. It was one of the aspects I particularly looked to contrast last night - and there was no comparison Overall, I'd say the other roles were danced a notch upwards, but I'd agree with the many comments on the Forum that it's been a breath of fresh air to see so many young dancers being given their chance. I love it . Still love Christina Arestis as Carabosse. Wicked enjoyment of the role.
  7. RB - the Crucible - worst thing I have ever seen. Closely followed by Raven Girl - appalling Then, if we go into individual pieces of ballets: Coppelia - I used to love this but now find it very uncomfortable to see the old man being mocked Cinderella - the Ugly Sisters - oh dear - just completely outdated now Sleeping Beauty - the Prologue - agree this can be somewhat dull. The older ballets are not good value in terms of Principals being on stage so to have to wait a whole act for Aurora to appear and then another act for the Prince, seems to me unacceptable Ondine - I hate the music which really spoils the dancing
  8. I went to see Francesca and Alexander today and I cried. I have never cried during the Sleeping Beauty - ever. Sometimes I'm bored through the processsion of dances. I welled up not once, but several times. This was something else. The Rose Adagio and Frankie's complete joy throughout - her sheer youth and promise. .. and the little extra smile she gave the 3rd prince when she knew she was nearly at the end and had nailed it. Alexander Campbell is now the ultimate principal and prince - and what a partnership. I've never seen the Grand PDD executed like that - and I've seen it a few times. I was lucky, I was near the front and could see their faces so clearly, but the musicality of the dancing was on another plane. Another highlight for me was Christina Arestis's Carabosse. She really enjoyed being evil and I loved her facial expressions.
  9. I had a huge row with the ROH when they posted their policy. I usually come straight from work and always deposited my wheelie bag containing heavy laptop in Aisle H in the cloakroom - no problem. Job done. Picked it up perfectly at the end of the performance -less than 1 minute wait. Then I saw the policy - and flipped. Basically I need my wheelie for my heavy laptop. I can't carry it - it breaks my back. They said they had been advised by the police that this was the new policy. I flipped again and ended up trying to carry a briefcase with laptop and really struggled during the day to do so. I don't go in the office every day and have no storage facilities there - we are totally mobile workers. The thought of being turned away really freaked me. In the end they gave in and said there was room - which there patently is. That being said, the move to all cloakrooms and toilets being downstairs is appalling. Huge queues and delays for both. I went today (no bag) and the queue to get downstairs just to the toilets was dreadful. I know the back way so circumnavigated but even so........ The rebuilding appears to make it much worse, not better. I always found the cloakroom facilities really convenient and quick. Now I will try to avoid them
  10. I was there last night too. It was a superb all round cast performance. Special mention for Gary Avis who holds the stage throughout and must have a gold medal for dramatic cloak swirling and glitter. Loved it!
  11. Not sure that they are more prone - look at Sylvie Guillem. Rarely injured. This would be a really interesting question to ask Brian Maloney.
  12. I haven't bothered to go at all which I know means I can't be seen to have an opinion. However, perhaps the RB could take note that as a great fan, this is one production which I can't face, and don't want to see. I can't believe I'm the only person who feels like that, however loyal a fan. Revenue lost.
  13. I saw the rehearsal today having last seen this ballet about 12 years ago and remembering little of it. Yes, Acts 1 and 2 were written after Act 3 which is the original one act ballet and are very different. I found Act 1 (on a ship) and Act 2 (palace setting) interesting, but not emotionally moving. Act 3 however, has a totally different tone, atmosphere, setting, music - everything really and the dancing is stunning - classic MacMillan. It's a fantastic part for any ballerina (it was Lauren today and she was excellent) So, I found it strangely unbalanced and you can certainly see that he added the first acts on when he needed to write a ballet for a full company rather than a small one. I'm now tempted to book for a full performance (which I hadn't yet). Pity Acts 1 and 2 don't match Act 3 otherwise we would have another Mayerling or Manon on our hands. Note, this was a rehearsal so should not be judged as a performance. I have deliberately limited my comment to the structure and content as I saw it. Some good parts of the up and coming young men in the company!
  14. What an absolutely marvelous performance this evening by the whole cast and a fitting send off for Roberta Marquez. I can only echo the comments of everyone who saw the the first Campbell/ Marquez performance. This was something special and Alexander Campbell's partnering was exquisite. His dancing was pretty hot too! Everything came together - loved Bennet Gartside, Luca Acri and Gary Avis, Peregrine the pony has a special bouquet (pony munchie box actually) and Roberta was showered with bouquets and a flower throw. What a shame we won't see her again at the ROH. She certainly graced the stage this evening with a superb performance. I'm still smiling
  15. I went last night and saw Tamara Rojo. Utterly, utterly stunning on several counts. Not to see this in the round but on an ordinary stage will forever seem second class. I was sat in the Choir which provides a marvelous view with just a little part of the stage cut off. I didn't feel I missed anything and was also fascinated to see the orchestra at close quarters. The conductor has a screen by his podium but he also turns round when the principals are dancing. I was beguiled at times watching how this works. I've seen this production several times over the years and always loved it. However, I think the quality just gets better and better. I've always been lucky to see top class principals (Edur/Oakes) and then Vadim's very first performance. Oh my goodness, that was sheer luck. Last night, I felt Tamara hit extraordinary heights in technique and I've seen her dance many times. Her fouettes were multiple, totally on the spot and yet also to 3 sides of the auditorium. As for Act 4, I just LOVE this version. The music, the 60 swans, the drama. Real hairs on the back stuff. The swans were amazing - so well rehearsed and the effect is stunning. GO, GO, GO if you can
  16. I had my 2nd viewing tonight. Tristan Dyer and Sarah Lamb (same as I saw last time) but otherwise different and Nehemiah Kish as the Creature. I liked it more but also retained some of my initial sensations. Act 1 - enjoyed but no emotional highs Act 2 - dull. This frustrates me a lot as there is so much story line in here. I can't fault the dancers at all, for me it just doesn't take off emotionally. Act 3 - now I know it's Cinderella, I'm fine with that, as I like Cinderella. Really concentrated on the Creature and how he flits in and out. Final climax was tremendous. All 3 dancers gave their all and the final 2 pdds were exceptional. The audience reaction was extremely enthusiastic and there were some standing in the Orch Stalls. I think Act 3 and the climax carries it. If only we could reach those peaks a little earlier too. Loved Nehemiah Kish as the Creature, very moving performance. One of the best things I have ever seen him do. Now, if he is such a good dramatic actor, what would he make of Rudolf? Just a thought. Along with many others on this Forum, I feel very strongly that the Creature is sadly underused - more please in the 2nd iteration (I'm sure there will be one). I'm sad I didn't make it to see the 1st cast, as I do like to compare. Oh, ROH please make some changes as this does have potential
  17. I saw it for the first time last night and came away not knowing what to think - which for is a conundrum. Usually I hate or love, very rarely neutral. My overwhelming desire was to see it again, though, so that's positive. Compared with Raven Girl and Strapless which were - never darken my doorstep again (hated RG and S was boring). Having read the many flavours of reviews I can see everyone's point of view. So, for me Enjoyed Act 1 but not blown away Act 2 - left me cold. Despite the dramatic story line Act 3 - finally got some emotion going. Obviously a lavish production with no expense spared - costumes, scenery. pyrotechnics - but was there emotion? For me, very little. Dancers could not be faulted - loved Tristan Dyer and the amazing James Hay in particular. I felt Ryoichi Hirano was slow to get going, but came into his own in Act 3. I agree with everyone that the Creature was sadly underused. So much potential to show how much he wanted to be loved and the pain of rejection but this only really came to light in Act 3. Some rewrites please for every interaction he has. This would create SO much more pathos. Some of the set pieces could be cut to compensate. For me Act 3 was the Cinderella ball because of the music and dancing though I can see La Valse. The music overall did nothing for me, but I need to see it again as I can something be slow to assimilate. For me it was pleasant but I didn't leave with a single tune in my head. So, I am left feeling rather frustrated. So much promise, yet........... Let's hope they take the feedback on board, because it could be brilliant.
  18. I'm not sure what your price range is but try the side seats in the Orch Stalls if you want to be close to the stage and they are slightly cheaper. I go there myself and they are also often available in singles quite late on. I attend on my own too, so am happy to meet up. You MUST see La Fille. The best ever ballet
  19. I went to see this triple bill last night in anticipation, being a big fan of Christopher Wheeldon. I was so disappointed with Strapless. In fact, I was bored, which bearing in mind the great cast was a big let down. The music was a big factor in this - it did nothing for me, and I couldn't find any sort of tune and the ballet aroused no emotions whatsoever - except boredom. We had to wait an awful long time for the strapless moment and then - so what. The lady next to me fell asleep. Oh dear. Haven't felt so let down for ages. In contrast, I felt Marianela and Thiago were sublime in the main After the Rain pdd. Such partnering, grace, control, togetherness. Oh, one could say a lot more. ........ I also loved Within the Golden Hour, as did the rest of the audience. So contrary to all my expectations, I loved the two more abstract ballets and disliked the story ballet. A complete contrast to my normal preferences.
  20. I went to the final Nunez/ Soares performance and loved it, not just for them but for the other major roles too. Valentino Zucchetti was amazing as Mercutio - one of the best death scenes I've seen and I thought Eric Underwood was a powerful Tybalt. For me, Marianela is the best Juliet by far - there are so many additional nuances in her performance.
  21. I went to the first night on Tuesday and was totally beguiled. I've got to the point where I normally give the Nutcracker a miss - seen it so many times and do get bored. So I booked a ticket because I happened to be in London on that night, I was more than amply rewarded and would go so far to say as this is the best Nutcracker I have ever seen - and I started when I was 4 years old Dream cast - Gary Avis (I put him first deliberately), Alexander Campbell and Francesca Hayward, Steven McRae and Iana Salenko. Brilliant all round in very different ways. Gary Avis - what can one say. He held the stage, with his cape swishes and multiple glitter scatterings. I was in Christmas heaven. I think he set the scene for the rest of the cast. Dream pairings for the other principal roles, beautifully executed dancing and blissful ambience. Never have I waxed so lyrical about a Nutcracker.
  22. I had an amazing thing happen at the ROH on Tuesday. I was in row B of the Stalls Circle, right in the middle. A couple turned round and said - we've been in that seat and we'll swap round as I'm taller, and so they did. I'm 5' 1" and after years of sitting on my coat and manoeuvring around heads in front, my evening, if not my year, was made
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