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Everything posted by Fiz

  1. Yes, we saw her too. I can still see the resolution as she told Onegin to go and what it cost her. She is a wonderful actress/ballerina.
  2. I know how much it moved you from your Facebook post, Sim. This is a wonderful review and I really wish I had been there too.
  3. I would not watch if this nonentity becomes a judge.
  4. She’d need a sparkly frilly dress cut down to there too, to quote Barry Manilow in Lola! 😂
  5. Fiz

    Room 101

    Oh no! Get well soon, Anne.
  6. Fiz

    Room 101

    Wow! They are so high handed, aren’t they? I hope your poor dd is making a good recovery. Thank you for your kindness. My knee is mended but there’s still lots of bruising and swelling from the initial point of impact. The consultant thinks I twisted as I landed on the pavement. The DVT waxes and wanes. I have nicknamed the pain Jafar from where he turns into a curved fanged serpent at the end of the Aladdin film. The cold and cough are just a flipping nuisance but at least I no longer sound like a barking seal! 😂
  7. Fiz

    Room 101

    I’ve had a bad time this week with my G.P practice too. I had DVT as a result of the broken knee and it got worse so the consultant I saw about the break sent me back into A&E. I was possibly developing a pulmonary embolism so I was sent for a complicated radioactive lung Xray. No embolism, thank goodness but you need to get your G.P to alter your anticoagulant dosage and we will email them. Great! However I started on Monday to chase up the new prescription. I did not get until 5.30 yesterday afternoon despite numerous hospital phone calls and emails and surgery phone calls. They won’t ring for hospital results or anything so I had to, despite battling DVT and the cough and cold from hell (probably A&E actually). They are less use than a chocolate teapot. We are thinking about changing practices but I really don’t know if a different one would be any better. They are perfectly polite but utterly incompetent.
  8. I’m really fed up that I had to miss the cinema screening.
  9. I once dreamed that I was going to shoved on the ROH to sing in “La Fille du Regiment”. I simply cannot carry a tune in a bucket and the state of sheer panic that I was in woke me up. It isn’t even an opera I know. Heaven knows where that dream originated!
  10. I remember my dear mother in law saying about that so bad it was series The Borgias (BBC in the 1980s) “I don’t know who all these cardinals are!” My darling husband said “You don’t need to know. They’re just cardinals”. 😂
  11. I am hoping this wretched DVT will have cleared up enough for me to attend the cinema screening in June. I will be so happy if Gary Avis dances Tybalt. He’s superb in that role. I love the whole ballet. (Yes, Fiz, we know. Stop fan girling!)
  12. Thank you, dear Jan. I will check it out. x
  13. It’s George Raft but if you follow the YouTube link it says that only he and Carole Lombard were used in close up shots. I know that Christopher Dean was greatly influenced by musicals and music plus given that he was using a lot of old Hollywood songs for ice dance inspiration I am fairly certain that he saw this. I wonder if he was influenced by it either consciously or unconsciously. The dance lifts look so similar to those in the Torvill and Dean Bolero.
  14. I wonder what other people think about it? I also feel pathetically proud of myself for transferring the link. 😂
  15. Oh, I made a discovery on Twitter the other day about Bolero as skated by Torvill and Dean. An acquaintance of mine put a film clip of the actress Carole Lombard dancing with another actor to Bolero. It was stunning and so sensual. However I recognised a great deal of the ice dance version from it! I will see if I can find it and share it with you so you can judge for yourselves.
  16. Thanks, Amelia! Setting up recording them now.
  17. Fiz

    Foot creams

    I use Aveeno Shea Butter as an overall moisturiser for everything. I have highly allergenic skin and I’ve used it for over five years successfully. I’m very sorry you were injured and hope you get well soon. I’m in a similar situation following a broken knee and having developed DVT so I am being driven mad by being able to do very much at all at present. Sending love.
  18. I have never bought pointe shoes from Just Ballet but I don’t require them. I have always had wonderful service and help from Sheila at Just Ballet with everything else. I am sure it’s worth a try.
  19. Sorry if it looked like I was lurking! I was a bit nonplussed.
  20. The previous link sent me to someone’s Facebook page!
  21. Is a red run a company walk down and curtain calls? I don’t know this expression.
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