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Everything posted by Happymum

  1. I've just came back home from Riverfront theatre. The Show was fantastic, you must be so proud BankruptMum! I think the associates danced really good and they were so professional! And I laughed so much I nearly cried! My DS loved the rude mechanicals! ( me too!) And then flowers for the girls! My DD asked me to make sure that she is too young to be a Ballet Cymru associate :-) ( sadly she is!)
  2. I'm going to see it with my DD and DS on Friday. My DD is too young to be an associate but she always does Ballet Cymru workshops before each show in Riverfront theatre and she loves it! Good luck to all the associates dancing tomorrow!
  3. I wonder, is it possible for children who wear insoles/orthotics to be accepted at vocational school? Sorry, silly question but I though they want them to have perfect physique/posture/feet etc but if I remember well there is a question on RBS forms about insoles.
  4. Good luck to everybody! DC and their parents (probably parents are more stressed then DC :-) ). Enjoy the day and let us know how it went.
  5. Oh, it doesn't sound so good anymore :-(. Did your DD enjoyed it? Would she like to go there again? I'm sure my DD would love it anyway just for the fact it's in WL, but shame that classes are so big, and not too many lessons or afternoon activities like in other SS.
  6. Thank you BalletMum, my DD is so excitied about the dorms! Thank you for reply. Was your younger DD 10 as well this summer? Did she enjoyed it? And do you remember how many hours daily did they dance? Were the classes very big? On the last day Is there a show for parents? Hope my DD gets a place..
  7. Back to RBS Summer School - do the younger children at WL have free time organised? Or is it more like YBSS that they have just free time after their lessons? Is it ballet only or other classes as well? And the most important info for my DD - do they sleep in the actual Y7 girls room? She's so excited, finally able to apply for the RBS SS this year :-)
  8. I'm sure every 9year old will be different. My DD (just turned 10) wants to go to a vocational school and loves ballet. She has classes on Mon, Wed, Thu and Fri plus RBS JA every other Sat and modern on Sat. She Is planing to do her RAD grade 4 exam in April (but also does classes from grade 2 to intermediate foundation). All together she does 9 RAD ballet classes, 1 modern, 2 Pilates sessions and JA. I think that this is a lot - she'd like to do more (but I said no!).
  9. What z Lovely story! I have to ad that I had Luck with my DD shoes couple of days ago. I helped her to pack everything she may need (shoes, socks, glue, hair pins etc). She had a very important private lesson booked a long drive away from home. After we left me and my DH realised we don't have any documents, money, credit cards etc. Very silly but we decided that there is no point going back for my purse, we didn't want to be late. Half way there my DX realised she left her ballet shoes etc at home!!! Too late to go back and no money to buy new ones! No idea what I was thinking but I called a dance shop in Bristol and ask for help. They said that I can come, pick up all what I need and take it without paying!!!! If I could only call them later that day with my card details..., and that's what we did and we were just 2 minutes late for the lesson. I'm so grateful to the shop staff/owners! And I hope my DD lernt a lesson. So my story it's not so magical as yours, but I felt like it was a miracle and I thank fate for all the lovely people I meet every day.
  10. And a big thank you from me too @-->---
  11. I tried to find some information on the forum and on the RBS website but couldn't find anything. My DD will be hopefully auditioning next year at all 4 schools for a Y7 place. Do all 4 schools have an open day? Can she go in Y5 or is it for Y6 children only? Will the schools always advertise it on their websites or is there other way to find out about it? And when the open days normally take place? I think it would be great to see the schools before auditions if it's possible.
  12. All the best wishes to you CeliB and to your DS! Try and stay positive! He may just have a bruise for couple of days and that's it! Try not to imagine the worst. Hope he'll recover quickly and shine on the day of this important performance.
  13. Hi Balletmummy, my DS will be 8 in January and he also will be auditioning for Bristol JA. His older sister is loving her second year as a JA, she also auditioned when she was 8. We did the JA experience and are planning to do it with my DS as well. It doesn't get you ready for auditions but gives an idea of how the JA class looks like and also you will be able to see if 2h 15min it's not too much for your DD. I think that JA classes are great and my DD has improved enormously. But as the others said they are looking for specific body type etc ( we never know what is it exactly! The ballet X factor! :-) ) so it's good to prepare DC for the fact that they may not make it this time. If you have any questions or would like a "chat" please PM me. Good luck!
  14. Thank you all for reply. It's good to know that they are looked after so well by houseparents. But also worrying that (as they are not allowed to use phones till evening) I won't be able to send a text saying "don't forget you have...piano/physio/flute... at...pm today". Just hope they will learn to look after themselves and their belongings. At the moment it's a big problem for my DD! She forgots about everything but ballet dancing. Hope some of your DC were the same and then they matured quickly in year 7... Also, I didn't realised that children can go home every weekend! I thought it's possible only once every 3 weeks when there are no RAD lessons on Sat. Buy I guess that patents are allowed to visit any time, even midweek if needed. One more question: what if a child is unwell? Do they need to be collected immediately if they are sick? May not be easy for working parents specially If hey dont live close. Do houseparents also look after sick children? If children are unwell, not taking part in lessons etc and can't go home are they allowed mobile phones during the day?
  15. I have a question about what help DC get from houseparents? Are they left alone to do their homework, pack their bags, remember about all project they need to work on, remember what time to be somewhere etc. Of course they all should be independent and responsible but it might be hard at the beginning, especially if they are DC with "artistic personalities", deep in their thoughts, not down to earth... ( that's my DD :-) ).
  16. Is anybody else taking DS to Tring this Saturday? My DS (7) is very excited! I was supriced to see a singing class on the timetable, I thought that will be a musical theatre class but my DS doesn't really mind and is happy to give it a try.
  17. Oh! So the 15 minutes break IS a reality! :-( well my DD is inspired to work even harder after reading the books ( though I thought she doesn't really need more inspiration!) so I hope she will also learn how to change clothes quickly, tidy her room quickly, eat her meal quickly etc etc I wish! Thank you for the information so far, still hope to hear from those who's children are at WL at the moment
  18. If we are talking about a generally healthy adult with no allergies who is physically active and would like to lose a few ponds: The diet full of all vegetables, fruits, fish and meat is really good. I'll add nuts - high in protein and fibre and good fats etc. The ready protein shakes and bars etc have got carbs in it and vitamins so it's easy to overdose it if you are already taking some supplements. These products are for the people who have no time ( or will) to prepare a well balanced, low GI, high in protein meals. My advise is not to buy it. As to bulky muscles - it's not what you eat but what you do - what exercise, how heavy resistance, how many repetitions etc. Bananas are starchy and quite high in sugar so try not to eat too many. But it's a fruit so now and again it's a healthy choice. Orange juice- it's much better to just eat an orange. Juices are high in sugar ( think how many oragnes are needed in one glass of juice), low in fibre and it's a hard work for your kidneys. Drink lots of water. Whatever you eat always make sure that proteins are included - that will make a low GI snack (example - apple + a handful of nuts). Hope it helps. Feel free to PM me if you'd like more information.
  19. Oh yes! I read the books before I gave it to my DD! :-)
  20. Yes, it looks like no one sells them any more. There is quite a lot of them on eBay. Just buy one from UK seller ( I ordered one from US - never arrived). One of the one I bought on eBay used to be a library book - looks like it might be hard to borrow it - there wasn't any in out library.
  21. My DD loved the first book in series so as her birthday present I bought her the following 4 - all about the girls in Year 7 at WL. Of course I did read the books myself and now I can't stop wondering how does it compare to reality? Does anyone who have/had children at WL and read the books would like to tell me? To me some stories are to good to be true ( all the support the school gives to children assessed out) Other information worries my DD - only 15 mins break between ballet class and academics - she would only be able to change her socks ( if that!) Of course I don't need details, and my DD may never be accepted at WL but We just generally would like to know.
  22. Our head teacher calls it a day of "approved sporting activity". There is a special code fir it in school files.
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