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Everything posted by dramascientist

  1. Thank you everyone for sharing your news, I was getting worried it had all become too much for everybody! DD also in her last year and looking scarily at the future and what it might hold. Like she said in her last email it's like the dream is within her grasp so it's exciting but terrifying too. After a tough time this time last year I am just glad she is once more healthy and has her eyes firmly on her future. Best of luck for those just starting the journey we balletcoers are with you every step and pirouette of the way! DRSC
  2. It is very quiet, is no one auditioning this year? I keep logging in to get my daily fix of excitement and noone's talking. Have they started yet? Surely someone must be auditioning for something soon? DRSC
  3. Maybe instead of using the money to reaudition at this stage perhaps spend the money on extra classes, associate courses, workshops and holiday courses for the next year and reapply after two years as somebody suggested above? Rather than worry about what you are missing at a vocational school try to focus on what your current course can offer you ( often "the grass seems greener elsewhere" but it may seem like it and then not actually be the case). Plus a degree opens many doors and there are some fantastic MAs on offer (I know because I have been researching for DD!) Be careful of giving something concrete up for some "chance", I would think very carefully about taking that step! DRSC
  4. I was presuming it is an administration fee since a large number of dancers plus directors need a lot of organisation plus cost of venues etc?
  5. Missed it all #myfaultforlivinginasia
  6. LOL GillyM had the same thought until I read the second post!
  7. Okay I am confused Did you have to apply in 2015 for audition in 2017? On the website you cannot get the application form, only the terms and conditions? Or is it because it will not open on an iPad? It seems a bit daft to have to apply last year for audition next year? #tiredafteralongandbusyday!
  8. Wow Balletbean as a teacher I am shocked and angry, teachers like this head give us a bad name! Goodness me why are they so very inflexible? My DD went to a vocational school abroad and did NO GCSEs! Every school she applied to in the UK for entry at 16 it was not a problem! She had excellent reports and grades from the school and that was all that was required even to embark on A'levels if she wanted to. Why oh why is it so important to have 15 or 16 GCSEs? If your speak to somebody from Finland (supposedly one of the best education systems in the World with the best overall achievement grades for students) you will find students who didn't begin formal education until they were 7, did NO homework (inFinland students are expected to use their time after school for sport, arts etc NOT school work) and did not sit final school exams until 19 years old! This obsession with " the more the better" is crazy, when did it become de rigour to be so busy that you have no time to reflect and think about the world about you? No wonder kids only have the energy to slump on the sofa in the evenings, they must be mentally exhausted with trying to push so much into their brains. Gosh it's crazy, I am now living and working in Asia and there is something to be said for the ability of the people here to simply sit and take in the world around them. I would definitely speak to somebody on the board of governors, this head has acted very unprofessionally and just plain rude, wow telling you to go to another school if you don't like it wow, I am speechless!
  9. Hair stuff, there are never enough hair nets and hair pins in a dancers life!
  10. True but luckily DD was still very much a leetle girl at the time
  11. Ballet bean just to answer your question it was for a year 7 place so she was 10 yrs old. They were in front of a panel including the head of dance, the director of the school and a doctor. I can tell you we found the biggest Bridget Jones pants we could find! TBH she didn't care she was just desperate to go to the school and every other child was in the same boat. People think very differently there about bodies (I tell you you would not believe the sights you see at the swimming pool the changing rooms ) It makes you realise that sometimes we can be a little too uptight about our bodies and we should relax and just be ourselves, others in the World certainly don't care! DRSC
  12. Just be glad she can wear a leotard, when my DD auditioned for an Eastern European National Ballet School they had to just wear their pants!
  13. It might be worth your DD looking at Ballet West in Taynuilt. Though it has a very strong ballet focus their contemporary training is excellent too. My DD who has always been a classical ballet dancer before is now in her third year at Ballet West and has now decided she really wants to persue contemporary when she graduates. In her words "ballet is lovely but I love the fact that you can express very different things in contemporary". She loves the choreography too. Plus, now this is a real shock, she actually has stepped out of her comfort zone into commercial jazz dance as well (I never thought I would see the day!). So there are lots of opportunities for different types of dance and it is working to a degree! Please PM me if you have specific questions. Dramascientist
  14. Luckily now living in Asia, shorts are almost a must! DRSC
  15. Well I stand corrected, unbelievable that in this day and age people in developed societies are suffering from vitamin deficiency diseases. Lifestyle, diet etc. Have a lot to answer for. Off for a walk in the sun in my shorts! DRSC
  16. Wow Dr Dance that is very interesting, I had no idea that these bones were so late in "joining the body" fascinating!
  17. Hang on a minute this seems to be a lot of scare mongering. Surely if people were so deficient in Vitamin D we would be seeing rickets everywhere? This was eliminated in the UK during the Second World War when the government started putting vit D in margarine - a practice that I believe still happens today. Sunlight only on your torso??? I find this highly suspiscous, the skin is all one organ, completely joined as people who suffer from eczema, psoriasis etc will I am sure contest to. I agree it is important to spend time out doors every day, it lightens your mood, prevents lethargy and provides the body with UV light to help it produce vitamin D and yes dancers do need a specialist diet to provide their bodies with the correct nutrients as any athlete does but as for the rest of us, I find it very hard to believe anybody who eats a healthy diet requires any supplements other than the very old or pregnant. Sorry to be controversial but with discussions like this the only people who benefit are the companies who manufacture the supplements, most people would simply excrete most if not all they take in.
  18. My DD went to a very reputable RAD school in Bangkok who refused to allow their students en pointe as per the RAD guidelines. Another school down the road put students en pointe at 8 and 9, I cannot tell you how awful it was watching these young girls wobble around, not even getting onto full pointe but still my DDs school lost a lot of pupils to this other school because they would not compromise. The principal was RBS trained and said she would rather lose students than put them in danger of injury and problems in the future. DD also trained at a Vaganova method school in Eastern Europe starting at 11, the girls did not go en pointe until after the "Easter holiday" the first year to give them two terms of daily classes to build up the strength. IMHO there is nothing worse than watching someone who does not have the strength and technique trying to dance en pointe!
  19. I would say it is almost impossible to find a non voc school that offers a ballet class per day for a certain age group. At my sisters school there is one class a week per grade plus another class for those students studying RAD vocational grades. Having said this her students score high marks in both RAD grade and vocational exams and has had several students go on to full time voc schools at 16 and some younger ones going at year 7. Several students attending JAS, MAs and SAs so it is definitely quality over quantity that matters.
  20. Anaballerina I would also reccommend speaking with someone on staff just to let them know how you are feeling so they will look out for you and check in with you every now and again to check how things are going. I would definitely share with somebody because if you don't there is a tendency to bottle things up and this can lead to depression and other problems. Take care of yourself DRSC
  21. I feel yours and her pain pups_mum, it can be a nightmare drive! My DD did it herself for the first time this year, picture mum and dad biting their nails at home!
  22. Good luck to everyone, I cannot believe that DD is starting her third year at Ballet West, it only seems like yesterday that I was dropping a 16 yr old DD off there on the Sunday before term started. I hope all the new students and their parents have a great day today dropping off and settling them in, it's hard for us but they are doing what they love. Especially the new students at Ballet West, it's a lovely place they will soon settle in! Best wishes DRSC
  23. And in the end the child is 4 years old! At that age the children have no technique, they are simply learning how to balance and point their toes. This is again a problem with you tube and other social media that people watch that very rare child who shows amazing ability and talent at 4 years old and people think this is what every 4 year old can do. We all know it takes years and years of training to see real technique! It also shows how dangerous the Internet can be, people are never that rude to each other face to face but in an email it's easy to call people names and read into things. Crazy!
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