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An Update on “The Power of Dance and a Story of Hope”


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I posted this back in 2016 :



I have made small references to our DS' journey a couple of times but thought it would be nice to share our news. 

He was born with severe kidney & bladder abnormalities for which he underwent numerous operations as a baby/toddler & has had further surgery throughout his life, leaving him with one kidney . His amazing medical care saved his life on more occasions than I care to remember. 

Lightening struck twice & he was diagnosed with one of the most aggressive cancers, totally unrelated to his renal problems - he was nearly 5yrs old at the time.

He went through further surgery & months of the strongest chemotherapy. We nearly lost him again on too many occasions & he was unable to walk properly for months afterwards...... but he was cancer free.


We were told if the cancer returned ......there would be no hope of a cure, and we would have to wait years before a final all-clear.


DS grew in strength very slowly & I arranged dance lessons for him after he'd repeatedly asked for tap shoes & to learn how to dance - he was nearly 7 by now. I was nervous, his heart had taken a bashing from the chemo and he suffered terribly with leg pain, again another side-effect. His oncologist who was by now a good friend - said to me .....if he wants to dance, let him dance & enjoy himself ..... his heart is strong enough, try not to worry .


The rest is history, his dancing went from strength to strength , gave him confidence, focus, his leg pain eased and his heart grew strong again, he had less time to dwell on upsetting memories ... he was healing before our eyes and his happiness charging to dance class was palpable.


His oncologist was and is amazed by how DS has recovered so well and puts it down to his dancing - improving his physical & emotional well- being.

DS said goodbye to his oncologist a few weeks ago as he is retiring after a lifetime of trying to save children from cancer. 

His oncologist told him ..... I'm retiring now, but I'm so happy to tell you finally that you are cured , and your cancer won't return & I'm so proud of your dancing achievements. DS cried at hearing this news and also at having to say goodbye.


DS starts at vocational school this week.


As parents ..... this is a new chapter for us & watching him dance over the last few years has helped us heal our own scars. 

We realise how amazingly lucky we have been for DS to recover so well, we count our blessings all the time . I write this in memory of the children & teenagers we met & became so fond of along the way and so sadly weren't as lucky as our DS . We hold their families in our heart knowing they would be so pleased for DS ..... Every now and again it's nice to be reminded of success stories with cancer & other serious health problems...... and we firmly believe dancing has played a huge part in our family's healing. X


Five years on and our DS still requires regular renal & oncology check ups. 
His consultants still maintain dancing and his level of fitness have played a huge part in his recovery and the strength of his heart (which was damaged by chemo) is now comparable to that of an Olympic athlete. 
His doctors have watched his journey with great interest as it is highly unusual for a child with his medical history to make such a good recovery. 

My mother ( his grandma ) died when I myself was young, so the two of them never had the chance to meet. Her great passion in life from being a young girl was dancing, especially ballet - and she later became a ballet teacher with her own dance school. 

It’s bizarre (but in a lovely way) that our DS looks like her, and also wanted to dance from a young age (just like my mum) with absolutely no prompt from anyone……. !  

I like to think that she is his guardian angel and coupled with the amazing medical treatment and dance training he’s received …… it has all played a part. 

He starts full time training at Central this September and I’m sure his Grandma will be pirouetting in heaven xx




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Thank you so much for sharing your incredible journey. What a remarkably resilient, talented son you have and so wonderful that he discovered his passion for dance so young. Wishing him every success with the next step in his training. 

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You must be so proud of your son and all that he has achieved. His journey will be so inspiring to others. I wish him every success for his training at Central. 

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A further update

Following on from our DS training with Central School of Ballet ……. he has recently been selected to join the cast of English National Ballet (as part of their corps de ballet)  for their production of Raymonda. 
It is an amazing opportunity for him and we are so grateful for Central temporarily releasing him from his course in order to take part . 

When we think back to how critically  ill he was as a young boy …… it is our own miracle that he is managing to live out his dream 🙏🏻😊x

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