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Online NOW: RB Jewels Insight Evening

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I watched online; Marianela's sunny smile was a treat.  I also thought Sarah Lamb was very interesting in the interview with Patricia near and Elyse Borne; at some hopefully distant future date she could have a good career in presenting as she really knows what she is talking about and can express it clearly.  Which leads me to the actual presenter, who I assumed was a staff member from the ROH but turns out to be a professional. You'd think a pro would familiarise herself with how to pronounce the stars' names.  Noo-n-ez, pah. Presumably she gets a decent fee for this.  Instead of a series of paid outside presenters who are always somewhat underwhelming, why doesn't the ROH instead just use some of their dancers and thus give that money to more deserving recipients ?  


Anyway, that niggle off my chest, this was very enjoyable and has helped me get further into Jewels than I've hitherto been able to.

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This was a truly enlightening and interesting Insight performance. Exactly the right mix of talking and dancing. I've seen Pat Neary years ago at a similar event, she's a very good presenter and full of great stories and her corrections are real eye-openers.


Besides of the fantastic dancing, I very much liked the remark by Marianela Nunez about Diamonds: "I love this so much I could do it everyday for breakfast" and Sarah Lamb about "the time when America was happy to welcome immigrants".

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It was an enjoyable session and unusual these days in two respects: firstly, Principals were fielded; secondly, the dancers were experienced in the roles so, instead of watching them starting from scratch, we witnessed some special dancing and heard finessing corrections.


But the Presenter - oh dear. It has worked best when Kristen McNally or Laura McCullouch have introduced the evenings or a Critic has been invited in.

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I watched online

...in which case you will have missed an interesting introductory talk, which would have been even more interesting if it had been longer, by Stephanie Jordan, which somebody at ROH had deemed too - what, boring? highbrow? dunno - for the online audience.


There used to be a time when Insight events were truly intelligent and one would always learn a lot. Now the focus seems to be on entertainment, with a bit of learning if one is lucky. I enjoyed last night enormously but feel sad that the historical/critical/analytic bit, provided by a professor of dance, was deliberately dropped from the online presentation. No point in making this point to RB I suppose...

Edited by Geoff
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Oh and the presenter took great care to act and present herself as sloppily as possible, so as to provide a courteous contrast to some of the most elegant people in Britain. How thoughtful of her to help make the guests look as good as possible....

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That's a bit uncalled for Geoff. Personally I thought the presenter was fine and appropriate for a wider non-specialist audience. I find McNally's constant air of giggly breathless excitement at the most trivial things on world ballet day far more irritating.

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...in which case you will have missed an interesting introductory talk, which would have been even more interesting if it had been longer, by Stephanie Jordan, which somebody at ROH had deemed too - what, boring? highbrow? dunno - for the online audience.





I wonder if they had technical problems starting - the livestream started 15 minutes later than was advertised, with a countdown clock to entertain us..  


The 'specialist v generalist' audience distinction is very much a matter of perspective.  I imagine only people with a pretty well established interest in ballet would actually hear about the broadcast and then bother to tune in.  Then amongst that set you'll have one set of people with deep knowledge about styles, technique, history etc  and another set, like me, who have minimal technical or historical knowledge but are enthusiastic about the art form and keen to learn more.  I'd have thought the introduction as described would have suited both sets, but given the delay in starting maybe they did originally intend to show it.

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It wouldn't be the first time there was a long lead-in to the actual broadcast: I think it happened with Der Rosenkavalier and one of the other ballet insights/rehearsals I saw recently.  How long did the whole thing last?  They usually don't broadcast the Q&A session at the end.

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I too found the presenter rather poorly attired and agree about Noonez it's Nunyez grr! That aside Marianela was so happy it was infectious and Sarah Lamb in conversation was a revelation!! Good broadcast I loved it

Edited by Don Q Fan
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I've been meaning to say that I wasn't at all surprised by Sarah Lamb's contributions (dancing and discussion) - she's occasionally been on Radio 4's Broadcasting House on Sunday mornings reviewing the papers and has been very feisty!

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