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Everything posted by Karen

  1. Thank you Ellie; very interesting. ????
  2. Thank you for posting, Allegro11. Interesting list with lots of South East Asian dancers. It would also be interesting to know the nationalities of those who did not get through to this stage to see the percentage of each nationality group that made it.
  3. I have emailed and had a very quick, informative reply from Olivia. Very impressed - I hope Dd will be able to attend????
  4. Sounds great. Dd is fortunate to have Fiona Brockway as her class ballet teacher and she is fabulous. Haven't had experience of the others' teaching, but have heard some very positive things. Hope we can find out more soon.
  5. Lovely Gaynor Minden shoes come with ready done toes and last very well because the box is made of synthetic material. However ribbons are much harder to attach and they are a bit more pricey. I quite miss chain stitching those tips....
  6. We have not sought independent quotes because Dd is covered by school's policy. She has in the last few weeks needed to use it and I have dealt direct with BUPA and have been very impressed with their efficiency and clear communication. If future prices are competitive, I would be happy to continue to use them.
  7. What a great idea! I hope more directors recognise the benefit and the number who use it increases. I also hope there is something similar in place when it's time for my Dd to audition. Feedback from forum members who participate, please!
  8. I have seen no evidence of pushing students to be over flexible in the classes at The Hammond where I have observed my Dd. Dancers have been encouraged to stretch and push as far as they can, but nothing inappropriate or over flexed.
  9. I think that these things may vary across the schools she is considering and would be great questions to ask at open days or at audition day tours. I think that generally all year 7 students share bedrooms/dorms, numbers in each vary from school to school. Most schools mix academics and dance in a day and she will do roughly the same amount of academics as she would at a local day school because she will be heading towards a similar number of GCSEs (or their upcoming replacements). Most schools offer an induction day at the end of the summer term and the new group will be able to meet each other and exchange contact details. I think that food may be the most individual aspect she is asking about - schools will have different providers which impacts on the quality and style of what is offered and also may have different approaches to healthy eating and degree of autonomy over choice, particularly around non meal time snacks. I'm sure lots of forum members will be able to give you more specific information about these individual schools from their own experiences.
  10. I think Dd told me that you only use this if you select the more classical variation. Dd did the more contemporary one and wore a little black skirt. Might be an idea to check which one your Dd is doing before you purchase.
  11. At the end of last term I found in the boarding house the coat that dd lost in year7. It has long been replaced, but dd had taken it back for yr10 as she reckons it fits better than the replacement!
  12. Likewise, Pictures! I expect school will tell us eventually!!
  13. Good luck everyone and I must echo the message about the importance of getting post. As well as giving nearest and dearest DD's boarding address and asking them to drop a line, we joined the Dog's Trust so DD hears from her adopted dog too. I guess there are lots of similar organisations too.
  14. Really enjoyed this. Wonder what happened to Jane?
  15. Thank you anondancer_15. I enjoyed reading your blog.
  16. I called school pas de chat, but they did say that the breakdowns were being posted. Nothing arrived for us today though.
  17. We have got the result this afternoon - a very pleasing distinction for dd so I can relax and go on holiday now! Good luck to all waiting. ????
  18. Curious and curiouser! Have spoken to school this morning and results have not arrived! Target date not unitl 12th, but strage that others from the same sesssion have received theirs. I am impatient now!
  19. Just sounds a little odd on a lass from Devon!!
  20. In case anyone is wondering if results have arrived in school, I spoke to someone yesterday and there is no one in from the dance department until next week, so no chance of finding out until then. RAD will not release results direct to paents either, so the suspense goes on! Good luck to all waiting
  21. Dd was on the Monday, pas de chat - one of the trio who went from school and spent the lunch money on frappacino and cake in a well known coffee shop!! I will be on to school tomorrow! Thanks for the tip off, balletqueen.
  22. Was this for the session at Northern Ballet, please balletqueen? We haven't heard from dd's school but that doesn't mean they're not sitting there waiting to be opened! Thanks
  23. Would love to hear about how this went anondancer_15 as my dd is wondering about a future programme. Thanks!
  24. Our dd has also acquired a Scouse twang, much to our amusement!
  25. Yes Anna, new Adv 1. Target date for results is 12th Aug. Hoping they are in by then and that there's someone at school to open them and let us know before we go on holiday!
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