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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. I subscribe to the ROH youtube channel and the most recent content on there that I can see is the Unknown Soldier Insight
  2. You may have seen the multiple uses of the phrase We've taken the decision to share the stream on Facebook in order to reach as many people as possible, on the ROH website.....every year I watch the Goodwood Festival of Speed on Youtube or Facebook (they use both) on the days that I don't go to the event in person, it works well for hours and hours a a time and throughout the day links on their FB page which followers will also pick up on their newsfeed so clips of interesting incidents which also serve as reminders that this event is on to see. I have no idea why the ROH can't do the same or very similar unless it's down to Youtube fees
  3. Just got home from work.....hunting high and low to find any RB content from today, preferably the La B rehearsal
  4. At least some of these titles and more are available in the shop.....and if you go right this second Vadim is on display in Floral Street (probably on his lunch break) 🙂
  5. The website eventually worked....slowly getting through the reviews but a line in the assessment of the latest Nutcracker rather jarred.... 'In 2006 the Arabian girl was too fat (Laura McCullock); in 2016, she's too lean (Itziar Mendizabal): '
  6. If you can get the pages to load it appears to be very useful re the ballet reviews
  7. I sense Vadim Muntagirov fans are itching to have a go 😂
  8. This thread is weird!!!🙃
  9. Alexander appears at 1hr 05 until 1hr 30. It was an enjoyable 25 minutes
  10. Don't you fee(l) you've missed a major clue with your choi(ce) of guess? If you are quickish you've got time for one more go. There's a smack on the way for anyone that says Bolle or Soares!!
  11. Ok, that's cleared that up....hoping Stevie will be along to help my brain later.
  12. You've both confused me 🙃
  13. Exactly! I didn’t think I’d had an original idea! 😂
  14. I raised that question with the listed contact on the pointe shoe appeal page after I recently won a pair of Yuhui's shoes in a silent (but deadly!) auction run by a dance school in Australia (the shoes were from the RB's Brisbane shows last summer)...over a month later I haven't had a reply, maybe she's too busy counting all those £39 donations that people are falling over themselves to give. Obviously they're not going to find homes for 6000 pairs every year but I thought a decent selection may bring in some money rather than we just see photos of shoes in a bin from various dancers on Instagram
  15. I couldn't possibly say, but you're welcome to guess if you fee(l) lucky.
  16. I know now how you feel, I need one of those post-booking cigarettes...and I don’t even smoke!!
  17. I’m somewhat relieved that I managed to get my exact preferred seat in the stalls for La B because the interactive price guide thing didn’t show any price for them when I was looking last night!! I hope you all managed to get the seats and performances you wanted.
  18. If it were me and I particularly wanted the Special Edition (enough to buy it at £50 if that's what it had said originally) I'd check with Amazon customer services quickly to determine what's going to happen given there will only be 500 of them. If you 'just chose the special one as it's a seemingly free enhancement then maybe leave it and you may be pleasantly surprised. Amazon are usually very good re customer service so may honour it but I would check
  19. Don't quote me on it but their price guarantee deals with the price you pay should it go down between the time you order it and when it's released, as it's now indicating the Special Edition version is £50 they may claim your order was when it was mis-priced and the guarantee doesn't cover that.
  20. Oh dear, we can't have that.....a snap from my own recording
  21. I've seen people take as long to get balanced as Tamara held her balance, though
  22. Priests don’t do exorcisms properly anymore, too busy posting pictures of themselves lifting weights. Can’t even quote the Lord’s Prayer, half of ‘em!
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