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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. I suggested to the person listed as being responsible for the shoe appeal that they sell a selection of the used shoes to raise funds, I got no reply....and then at the end of the season nearly all the dancers I follow on Instagram posted photos of bins full of used shoes ( I presume they just go to landfill). Now they sent out letters requesting donations
  2. Oh so I was right to say Ella but for the wrong reason! 🤣 Edit....oh, I was wrong to say Ella for the right/wrong reason, and I can’t delete this post...I’ll get my coat
  3. Actually, scrub that...I’ve got not idea why I keep calling Luca Acri Benjamin Ella....so the two I remember were Corrales and Acri!
  4. Not got my cast sheet handy but the main man was Corrales, plus Ella and can’t remember the other two
  5. Now I’ve engaged brain, I’ve remembered the single seat next to me was empty and I’m very glad the ROH doesn’t have a policy of not allowing a single person to book a seat in such a position that will allow an isolated empty seat....unless they were desperate for bookings on Saturday morning
  6. I booked my ticket for last night at about 0130 on Saturday morning having just got back from Friday’s performance and was surprised how many empty seats were displayed as available in stalls and amphitheatre and that’s what persuaded me to try out a seat in the Stalls Circle. I did look at the back of the stalls last night specifically to see if there were empty seats and it didn’t look like there were that many
  7. Rather! I did spot some interesting moves when I momentarily looked away from Princess Stephanie’s disapproving face 😂
  8. I don’t know how often he does it but my heart did skip several beats when Kevin O’Hare made his appearance on stage before the start.....expecting to hear that ‘due to circumstances beyond our control.....’ etc, thankfully it was just for appeal purposes
  9. Another fantastic evening of Mayerling helped immeasurably by a front row stall circle seat
  10. Doing it once is fine but surely something else could have been thought of instead of repeating it.....and then having an old bloke walking along looking round. I propose whores being chased by the police accompanied by the the closest thing Liszt did to the Benny Hill theme
  11. Not super quality as the ISO had to go up to make up for trying to hold a very small compact with a long lens but here's the man. When I got home from last night I decided to book another chance to see Princess Yuhui on Monday night and managed to get a Stalls Circle seat near the stage, in the online description it states the aisle is NOT always available so I guess I'm not going to be in my preferred aisle seat
  12. You can post photos directly from your PC, and your phone. I did that for a couple of my Mayerling photos last week. The only issue is that there is a file size limit of 152kb per post, so you’d need to crop/resize/compress them first
  13. Another good reason to get there in plenty of time....hopefully they keep a 'master copy' so people can photograph it if they run out
  14. Oh dear, that's definitely changed since I booked my ticket for that
  15. The idea of that page is to give a summary of who is appearing in the main roles for each performance...like names on a poster for a film that has an ensemble cast. The order is the traditional order that the characters appear in the cast sheet.....so for Mayerling it's always Rudolf, Mary, Marie for example. Clicking on the underlined date leads to a page which details the dancer's full name and the character they play as well as running time and act length
  16. On my second ever trip to the ROH earlier this year I saw Alexander Campbell and Alistair Campbell...one was on stage, one sat in the foyer, can't remember which was which now
  17. Must be something about newsapers and Mayerling, on Friday Alexander Campbell posted an Instagram Story featuring a photo of him in the Standard (?) that had labelled him as Alexander Bratfisch!
  18. I should point out I didn't open them in the way I would at home but with one hand under a folded arm.....but as the woman I was talking to claimed she was put off by the loud ticking of a woman's watch behind us I was clearly in a tough crowd.
  19. If only I'd seen this post before last night, although Jelly Babies (in soft paper bag) aren't very good for sorting out tickly throats. Anyway, I'm here to confess my sin from last night's performance of Mayerling....at the first interval an usher came up to me and very diplomatically pointed out that someone behind me had complained about the squeaking of my sweet wrappers as I opened them ( I only opened two, from a small supply in my breast pocket during the louder moments of the act) . Although I wanted a large hole to open up in front of me....between my seat in the second row and the orchestra pit... it did create an ideal ice breaker with one of the few people around to witness my embarrassment, I did tell her I may well end up appearing in the 'Audience Behaviour' thread on a ballet forum I occasionally post on, and here I am
  20. From last night A great night, I was expecting Tierny Heap as Empress Elizabeth (listed as being her debut in the role) but it turned out to be Lara Turk
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