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Everything posted by Colman

  1. My wife has done a workshop in Elmhurst, and I've done martial arts workshops nearby. It's much less hassle than a 100 mile drive, and probably cheaper too. The good parking at the airport would cost more than the flight, which would be €33.98, or just under £30. This is nuts, but there you go - the biggest problem is that I'd be there way too early in the morning at that price. Anyone know a good coffee shop in Birmingham to sit for four hours? :-)
  2. It's not really: I suspect a lot of the UK people are spending more time and money travelling than we would - return flights for some of those days are €35 at the moment. The multi-day courses are on the radar too, but you end up with baby-sitting and dog sitting issues and so on.
  3. How are these for boys? I'm half contemplating trying one: if you can sort cheap flights Birmingham is a comfortable day trip from Dublin.
  4. It's bad enough when they're 6 and 9. I'm dreading 16 and 19. It's going to be like something out of a Tudor banquet, isn't it? Whole sheep and flocks of chickens being stripped of flesh in minutes.
  5. I had a thong style one that had, for reasons I can't fathom, a lump just where the thong met the belt section at the back, which was deeply uncomfortable and made the drive home unnecessarily entertaining. But one that fits and isn't designed by an evil misanthrope is perfectly comfortable. I'm inclined to say that going with the thong version is probably best, if you can. Full seat ones create weird seams under tights, so just get used to the real thing from the start. I have a leotard with a built in one, which is fine, but a stand alone is more flexible.
  6. Go have fun: there are a good number of us who were thirty years or more older than you starting ballet. Don't worry about competitions or exams for a while, but if you feel you need some external motivation and some certs to hang on the wall the exams are a possibility.
  7. I believe Penelope was saying that she herself lacked technical knowledge.
  8. Wow. Congratulations. That's amazing - and well deserved.
  9. Yeah, €207 return from Dundalk to Liverpool by Sail-Rail. €181 by bus eireann from Dundalk. Might be private operators slightly cheaper.
  10. Bookings seem ok for me, at least as far as selecting seats.
  11. It is in most usage, though not in all. I'd rule that the twit meaning was dominant in UK/IE usage, though once you know the other meaning you can't unknow it. I'm tempted now to test which are the other words filtered.
  12. Did you check Dublin ferry ID requirements? In theory you shouldn't need a passport. (Common travel area, though airlines don't seem to respect it. Wait, Aer Lingus do, it's just RyanAir being ***** again.) Irish Ferries page here: http://www.irishferries.com/uk-en/frequently-asked-questions/top-10-faqs/passports-identification/ They say a utility bill would do.
  13. The problem with this approach (for me at least) is that it requires knowing the precise names of all the steps. ? (Or for that matter, when in class above my pay grade, knowing what the steps are! "We do *what*?") It is, however, helpful to tag the steps to the musical cues. (Hm, maybe marking through without music isn't very helpful at all.) Story helps too: martial arts kata are much easier to remember when you know what your imaginary opponents are meant to be doing and where they are. It provides a high level structure to tag the movement to.
  14. Yeah, that's always a problem, though in our case the grannies stopped their nonsense after I started dancing. Anyone else is too busy processing that I do ballet to say anything stupid about the boys. ?
  15. I've long assumed I'd end up dying in a Hollywood style explosion as my horse's heart gave out at the gallop and we tumbled into a dramatic gently sloping 6' deep dip, but flying apart in the midst of an attempt at a pirouette is obviously a possibility.
  16. Colman

    New Thread

    Jan McNulty asked the discussion get back on topic. This wasn't honoured. I suggested it be moved and locked as a result. I'm finished here now.
  17. Colman

    New Thread

    Wait, I thought this topic was closed? Does this mean people get to abuse those who obey the closure without fear of contradiction? Could I ask the moderators - and I would have hated to impose except one liked the comment above - to move the "offending" section of the thread into a separate one and lock it please?
  18. Colman

    New Thread

    This has rather wandered off topic.
  19. He caught my eye even when I was flipping through it. I hope I'm that good when I grow up. :-)
  20. Don't talk to me: I've been doing assorted bits of damage control on the "healthy eating" stuff. "There's no such think as a healthy/unhealthy food, just healthy/unhealthy diets." <sigh>
  21. If they're eight and saying that in school I'd have a word with their school teacher: sounds like a little work needed there.
  22. We have a trans friend we first met post transition and we'd never have known if she hadn't said so (even though she transitioned quite late in life).
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