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Everything posted by Lema

  1. Dr Dance we have tried a few times to do the survey but something goes wrong every time? Not sure I it's me or the survey?
  2. What a lovely story mnemo thank you for sharing!
  3. Wow Lisa, so the worrying doesn't stop even when they are grow up then!! I think as moms we always find something to worry about with our children, after all we just want the best for them! And jennyboydance I know exactly how you feel, dd got offered 4 associate schemes after only 9 months of Ballet also, and since then life has just been a whirlwind!! And sometimes it does leave you with your head spinning!! Although I am lucky that I only have one dancing child and not 4 like you!! I don't know how I'd cope with more than one child dancing. Thank you Piccolo for your kind words and yes I recall Tring saying that and I agree it was nice to get an acknowledgement of how hard it can be for us parent!!
  4. Harwel it is so nice to know I'm not alone and Anna C it's lovely to hear of your daughters success, and I will never look at her Ballet as a waste of time even if she decided to take up something else at a later date, she has enjoyed it whilst she's done it and that is all that matters to me ????
  5. Thank you everyone, I am a natural worrier and I think I'm panicking at the moment as we have had to make some hard choices over the last 6 months with regards to her dancing and I have found it so difficult knowing whether we have made the right decisions, so I suppose a lot of my worry isn't whether she will make it as a dancer or is she good enough etc my worries are more immediate, have I made the right choices, is this what's best for her and how do I know what's the best route to take to help her achieve what she dreams of, I think I just feel like I need a little guidance from time to time from someone who knows what they are talking about as I really haven't got a clue!! But then again as has been pointed out, there is no set route and I guess I need to just take each day as it comes and if it's right it's right and if not we can try a new approach ???? luckily she is very academic and I think that is very important to keep the level of education up so she will always have other options, I just think I feel a little out of my depth with never being a part of this world before and all of a sudden I'm in it up to my elbows and having to make decisions about things I know nothing of!!
  6. I know this may come across as a silly question but I just wondered if anyone else feels the same, or is it just me? So the question is.....don't you just wish someone could be straight with you and maybe give you all the answers ???? I feel like I never get a straight answer about dd and Her ability, potential or possibilities for the future!! Now obviously I know that nobody could ever give you the answers unless they had a crystal ball and of course different teachers have different opinions and things they look for, but I do feel that nobody is ever just straight with me, and I'm aware that they are talking about a child so obviously they don't want to hurt feelings, place doubt and negativity in the mind or even give the wrong advice, But as a complete novice and none dancing mom sometimes I wish teachers would spell it out a little clearer for me!! I should also maybe add that I am an absolute pessimist and always see the negative so maybe that's why I feel I need to know what others think as I know my judgement is often clouded by negativity!! As most of you will know my dd has only been doing Ballet for less than two years and was lucky enough to reach finals for 3 of the top 4 ballet schools and an offer of an unfunded place at Tring this year, which I know is a great achievement but I do worry about her being behind her peers with not having as many years under her belt and worry she will fall behind, but I don't have a clue as to whether she is behind and if so how much and what I can do to catch her up? Probably doesn't help also that we've had some changes and started a new school so I don't feel confident enough to ask her new teacher for fear of coming across as "that mom" lol To be honest I don't know why I worry so much as I think as long as she enjoys it and wants to continue trying then I will always support and encourage her, but I worry about her setting all her hopes on something that may never happen?! I suppose all we can do is prepare them for the no's that may come and not fill them with false hope whilst encouraging them to enjoy and work hard and have a back up plan too!! Lol, hopefully I'm not the only one wishing for a crystal ball ????
  7. Still waiting for the appointment from the physio so will update you all once that comes through, although dd's foot is feeling much better from resting it for the last 10 days or so, thank you. And I think I will mention the clinic to the physio when we go and see if they can refer us if need be ????
  8. Just a quick update after seeing dd's doctor today and explaining about the clinic you recommended dr dance and was told that he won't do a referral as it would just get rejected anyway as they would say use a local physio first, so we have a referral to a local physio and will have to see how that goes, must admit I am slightly disappointed that this facility is so close by yet still not accessible to us but on the bright side at least dd will be seeing a physio ???? thanks again for everyone's help!!
  9. Wow thank you very much Dr Dance!! Very glad I asked on here now ????
  10. Thank you everyone, I live close to Birmingham and Sutton so will have to look into the recommendations thank you all!!
  11. That's great thank you Anna C, and in that case can anyone recommend a good dance physio in the midlands area?? Thanks.
  12. Just wondering if anyone can give me any info and advice on Tendonitis as dd had to go to minor injuries yesterday with pain on the back of her foot and we were told she had tendonitis and to rest it for 7 days, but that was as far as it went on the advice!! So I'm now off to google it but thought I'd ask on the forum to see if others have suffered and had any advice to offer, thank you ????
  13. Awww how cute are they?!! Thanks for sharing Janet ????
  14. I know MIDAS still had places and they are based in birmingham ????
  15. Oh wow what great perseverance!! And nice to know it paid off in the end, but what a shame they made her wait so long as she obviously had something they liked!!
  16. Lovely to hear some positive stories, dd can't wait to audition again this year and took last years results of 3 finals and one offer as a positive and just says she has to work harder this year enough to impress enough for funding, bless her spirit!! Thanks everyone x
  17. My dd loves the whole process and we just see it as a chance to take class in one of the top schools and meet new people ????
  18. Can I just ask what peoples opinions are on auditioning for a place starting in year 8? Seeing as most schools don't assess out in year 8 now I can't imagine there being any places available, so this makes me wonder if there is any point or should we just hold off till year 9? (That said my dd loves auditions so she will be applying, so I'm only asking for idol curiosity really I suppose)
  19. Thank you happymum, it is an ordeal and a lot to take in!! It's so disheartening being offered a place but not secure funding but dd is soo excited about going to auditions again I think it's just me that's dreading it lol ???? And I do actually have a question....is Elmhursts office staff in over the holidays? Should I send dd's application in now or wait till after the summer holidays?? Thanks x
  20. Wow that has come around quick!! Well I suppose it's a case of here we go again ???? let the audition madness begin!! Lol.
  21. See the school where my dd does her grades only does grades, no shows, festivals etc it's just RAD Ballet grades that's it. This is why dd dances at another school also, to do none syllabus work! I think from this I will take it that she is not being held back but will speak with teacher about whether she does do IF and what her plans for my dd are, and take it from there. Thank you again everyone for your input!!
  22. Yes my daughter has just finished year 6 JA, and I never know how important grades are, some people tell me they don't matter but then why are you always asked what grade they are at?? And aww bless your daughter!! Must have been tough on her being ignored, how mean!! X
  23. http://www.dancewearnuneaton.co.uk They do very reasonably priced made to measure costumes (no tutus though), if you don't live local to the midlands then just give them a call and they can take all details and measurements over the phone, I know a lot of people who use them and have been happy with the price, fit and quality. I have only had one costume from them myself and was pleased with the price! ????
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