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Everything posted by Lema

  1. Aww hope your news comes soon balletqueen
  2. Interview makes it sound very scary doesn't it!! It is more an informal conversation with some staff, in told its to consider suitability for boarding (whether this is true I cannot say) but they ask about likes and dislikes, family life, pets, school etc so not at all scary
  3. Massive congratulations principito, and yes it is a long day but the parents can go off site and enjoy the park, we had a lovely lunch in Richmond. You arrive and have a talk with some of the staff, guided tour around the school and boarding and then to the canteen where the children are taken off for the ballet class, physio assessment, interview, lunch and if I remember rightly an academic test (all very basic) hope this helps
  4. My dd took it surprisingly well considering Elmhurst is pretty much top of her wish list of schools, she just said there was no point getting upset over it, she knew there was very little chance in year 8 and being upset won't change the result!! I was very proud of her attitude actually And Yes it is really hard because you wonder what's changed from last year, is it your dd, is it what they are looking for or is it just that they don't take many year 8's through to finals?? We'll never know but you still wonder don't you.
  5. Awww so sorry danceibtherain, I know the feeling as we are year 8 and got a no this year after making it last year!! Good luck for RB results!
  6. Massive congratulations pointeyourtoes, you and your dd will have a fabulous day at White Lodge and Richmond park, it really is a lovely day!! Good luck for finals!!
  7. Congratulations glissade what wonderful news, we were at finals for year 7 last year and there were around 40 if I recall. Best of luck to your dd!!
  8. Yes it's a letter, hopefully not much longer to wait then!!
  9. Our Tring letter took exactly one week to arrive Aklf.
  10. Very sorry to hear this Neil and I hope you son takes the news okay!
  11. Ours was 12 days last year also.....good luck everyone!!
  12. Thank you Annaliesey and I think we can all understand why your dd needed a years breathing space!! I hope she does audition next year and has every success, an if not then I hope she's happy in whatever she chooses to do xx
  13. Awww okay, bless her she obviously knows her own mind, and at the end of the day they have to be comfortable at a school so why audition for somewhere she doesn't want to go, smart girl! Well I really hope she gets finals for Elmhurst and enjoys White Lodge, we had a lovely day around Richmond last year while dd was there, it really is beautiful!
  14. Exactly!! And what an achievement she has made!! If you don't mind me asking, why did she refuse to audition at Tring/Hammond? Does she just not like the schools?
  15. Wow dancefanatic I really hope she heard right!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your dd, and thank you for your kind words!
  16. Exactly Danceintherain, and 50% ain't bad going as far as I'm concerned, not in this business at least! And even if it all ends in a final no like last year then at least she had the will to go and try again!!
  17. Also she has told me that she knows it will be a no from the Royal as she didn't dance her best at all, the flu she had last week has left her with the sniffles and a stuffy head and she said she just couldn't get into it, so we are taking it as 2 out of 4 ain't bad lol
  18. Yes she's fine about it thank you, obviously a little disappointed but she was fully expecting 4 no's this year so to have 2 yes' she's thrilled!! We take it all with a pinch of salt, if it's meant to be it will be and if not there's always tomorrow!!
  19. Well our letter hasn't arrived due to a typo and it being sent to the wrong address so the school were good enough to email us the letter and unfortunately it's a no for dd this year! Quite sad as she made it to finals last year so feels like taking a step back, but then to be honest we started out the season expecting all no's as dd is trying for year 8, she doesn't have a lot of experience and she doesn't get the amount of hours in as most children her age, so we are just going to be very grateful for the Hammond and Tring finals, and hope and pray that she gets funding...and if not then it wasn't meant to be and she will continue to enjoy dancing and if she wants to try again next year (which I'm sure she will) then we shall try again then!! Good luck to those still waiting and a massive congratulations to the yes letters received today
  20. Aww congratulations to your dd for getting MA that's a massive achievement for her!! And she has the right attitude, if at first you don't succeed try and try again....also the attitude my dd has adopted! It is a very emotional and stressful time but I have found it a little easier this year, whether that's experience or the pressure is off a little with knowing just how hard getting a year 8 place is, that said its still not a walk in the park though is it lol.
  21. No dancefanatic we were Tuesday! Also welcome to the forum, are you year 8 too then?
  22. Yes I'm sure it is pictures that's why I said I'll wait till the end of the week before contacting them, fingers crossed it will come tomorrow
  23. as if waiting isn't bad enough but to find out everyone else already has an answer is excruciating lol
  24. We are year 8 and had nothing?? Hmmm might give them a call if nothing has arrived by the end of the week then!!
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