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Everything posted by alison

  1. I wonder if it will be quite so visceral, if that's the right word, on TV? Glad to know it's being filmed, though.
  2. Ironic when you think how poorly it sold last year. What a difference a year makes (and a few awards?). Edit: actually possibly not *that* poorly sold, but I remember being able to move forward a few rows in the Second Circle without problems.
  3. Very disappointed to have missed the cinema relay, but unfortunately it clashed with two other things, and a girl can only be in one place at a time, even when 2 of the things are in more or less the same place And the repeats are on Easter Sunday, which is disappointing.
  4. Interesting that they used McNally. Was Darcey Bussell not available, or was this a deliberate decision, I wonder?
  5. Funny, that I believe I did get a spare ticket for that bill ...
  6. Lamb really is just a bit too tall for him, though - it's led to some ... uncomfortable ... partnering at times.
  7. I've just realised that this thread has got to 30 pages, which is a reflection largely of Angela's diligence in keeping us posted on events in German-speaking countries. Thank you very much, Angela, and to everyone else who contributes, too.
  8. Lisa, I know nothing about the area, but if you go onto the local police force's website I suspect you can find a lot of graphics, maps showing crime locations and so on - unless it's just the Met Police who do this. Warning: don't get freaked out by the display/frequency of events: it can be very disconcerting to see just how many crimes have been recorded - I looked at my road once, and it appeared to be an absolute hotbed of crime!
  9. Just curious to see what "writing a message on Bluebird's public feed" means :)

  10. Duck, my impression is that it's never been possible for ordinary members to edit their posts - tags included - once the initial 30-minute window has passed. Unless you know differently?
  11. Not working for me on Firefox, certainly. Okay, it's suddenly working again. But it was definitely on strike when I posted!
  12. The encore dates vary according to cinema, don't they?
  13. I don't know whether anyone actually mentioned it when the press release came out, but the Age of Anxiety bill appears to be an all-Bernstein one.
  14. Can anyone point me to a Cinema Finder for the current season which actually *works*, please? I'm trying to locate London showings for Eugene Onegin in a couple of weeks, but the Met's one stubbornly refuses to move from New York
  15. It doesn't look as though I'm going to be able to go to this performance, which is a shame, as I'd been blown away last time and wanted to see it again, so before I return the ticket to the box office I wanted to see whether anyone was looking for a ticket. The seat is one of the slightly restricted-view ones in row A of the Second Circle, and the price including the multibuy discount was £12-and-something, can't remember exactly now, but will check tomorrow.
  16. Okay, well, that seems to have resolved itself somehow. The dates have reversed from 4/6 to 06/04, and the "x hours ago" have gone too. No idea how that happened, but good to see. Ah, no, it turns out that it's browser-specific. The above relates to my Firefox, whereas my original remarks were when viewed in Internet Explorer.
  17. Well, the one I was reading just before this was this thread: Not only does it have the dates in American format (and I agree with Bluebird that that will be really confusing, especially since the site as a whole uses UK format!), but it also does weird things like "1 hour ago", and that seemingly will never change, even days after the event! I can't see any options for standard users to change their settings: in fact, I don't think I've ever seen forum software which offered so few choices to the user (and bear in mind that as I'm a Moderator I might be expected to see additional options which the general public don't have).
  18. A belated welcome to the forum, MageFilms. Taking your second question first: I'm not aware that it has happened, and I can imagine any such attempt incurring the wrath of the unions. (It was said, though, that Ross Stretton was wanting to demote some dancers during his ill-starred Directorship of the Royal Ballet). On the other hand, since casting is generally in the hands of the Artistic Director, he/she is perfectly able not to cast dancers in appropriate roles if he/she chooses. It's debatable whether that could be construed as constructive dismissal. With regard to your original question, if you're UK-based, can I suggest that you take a look on BBC iPlayer at the documentary on Giselle screened last Sunday? It shows some portions of the second act of English National Ballet's production of Giselle, and features two "chocolate" (as Dance Magazine has it) ballerinas, one in the corps of Wilis, and one in the major role of Myrtha. Seeing how it works out in practice might give you some ideas.
  19. Not last run, it wasn't. My annual remark: nothing from my wishlist as usual.
  20. It was last time around. Ooh, Lohengrin - and with the missus as well But did they really need a new production?
  21. Looking forward to it. Would like it even more if the items on my wishlist got included, but I've got used to that not happening by now.
  22. Aren't the POB's costumes by some famous French designer, maybe Christian Lacroix or somebody?
  23. Mummy twinkle toes, perfection no longer exists And of course Alina Cojocaru was dancing principal roles with the Kiev Ballet before she joined the Royal Ballet.
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