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Everything posted by SPD444

  1. There is a website that sells pointe shoe badges if you think we could use that as a motif. Have a look. www.zazzle.co.uk/pointe+shoe+badges
  2. Well said, Sim. I like a good arguement as long as it doesn't finish up insulting folk.
  3. It sounds better and better. I think I paid £10 for my Ballet Association badge, another member can correct me if I am wrong, so the forum would not be out of pocket in the long term. How many members does the forum have, does anyone know? This is the design of their badge, looks pretty good I think. So how do we move forward, really need a moderator or someone with authority to run with this.
  4. Mind you, if TheaG had a lapel badge then she would not have to tell us, we could see.
  5. Really enjoyed the first two. Tamara and Irek where wonderful in their respective roles. What an amazing woman Frida must have been and how fantastic did Tamara present her. Again M-Dao tackled a story with a strong woman and it came across really well, again helped by a brilliant score. I recently watched a play at the National about Medea so did have the benefit of being familiar with the story. Brilliant dancing by Lauretta. Like others on here I do like a bit of storyline, which was lacking in the final piece. I found nothing in Fantastic Beings that I enjoyed. I thought the music was awful, and the choreography repetitious. I am sure I watched the pas de six at least three times. The back lighting just seemed to be twinkling stars throughout, and it was far, far too long. Sorry. One final small point, if I may. It was noticeable that the choreography by these ladies contained much less of the girls adopting the spread legs contortions that male choreographers seem to employ. Well done ladies, and well done all the dancers, you did brilliantly.
  6. I am sure I saw a news item recently where one of the orchestra who sit in front of the percussion are suing the ROH for damage to his hearing.
  7. Alina has just tweeted what looks like a letter or statement to a minister perhaps, but it's in Romanian. How can I translate a tweet?
  8. I've got two SCS tickets for different performances of Frankie dancing Perdita. There are an awful lot of tickets available, might be able to get a few bargains.
  9. Sorry Mola, but your statements are frankly rubbish. For more than two years Johan was allowed to hire dancers, invite guests, decide on the programme, arrange designers and all the other things that are required to put a performance on the stage. If that is not being the Artistic Director then what is. So the previous General Manager was investigated for fraud, I think we call that corruption. Johan was allowed to hire dancers from all over the world, I don't believe they were required to prove they could speak Romanian before they were hired so its a bit late to expect that after hiring them. So on the official web site, which I am sure is Government controlled he was listed as AD, I don't think Johan physically did that but it would have been done by a clerk somewhere with the full knowledge of the minister/manager. This, for me, is when the trouble started because he became bigger than the managers/ministers so he had to be taught a lesson. Hence the hiring of an Interim Director who made all the changes that have resulted in Johan no longer being their. I do not blame him for one minute. As for your comments regarding Alina. Take a moment to think of all she has done for the children's home where they were very pleased for her to be giving her time and money to almost build the thing, I have attended gala's here in the UK raising money for it, and you speak of her as she is being mercenary in her supporting her fiance. I am sorry, Mola, but I do think you are completely wrong headed about this. You bought a ticket and you have got your money back, no loss to you.
  10. Looks like our best endeavours to persuade the powers that be to release a DVD have fallen on deaf ears. So disappointed. On the website this morning, in answer to a comment :- Mel Spencer (Content Producer (Social Media and News)) responded on 11 April 2016 at 10:29am Hi Elia, We're so glad you enjoyed the performance as much as we did. Unfortunately there are no plans to release a DVD, but we will of course announce on our social channels if this changes. Thank you for your support! All best, Mel
  11. I find it quite amazing, that Messrs Soare and Conta would expect Johan and Alina to agree to blame the cancellation of Manon on her dance partner. What sort of a world do these morons live in. Very sorry for Alina, we can see how hard she has worked for her charity in Romania raising money so what a kick in the teeth for her. These are government officials so what message does that send. Johan, go somewhere where your work is valued and Alina, come and dance at the RB, we love you.
  12. Alina has just retweeted the below. User Actions Follow Nastazia Philippou‏@TazPhilippou Politics and art have never worked in harmony .
  13. Janet, I opened your link which took me to his facebook account but I cannot find any statement. Where do I look please
  14. It is the most extraordinary thing. Why people can't go to something which lasts maybe two hours without eating is beyond me. I was at my local Vue the other week and this man who was there with lady and three children purchased three hot dogs, huge box of popcorn and three large soft drinks to take into the movie. Cost him £56. Thank goodness he wasn't going to the same film I was watching. And, yes, I too have seen the ROH encouraging people to load up before a live ballet broadcast, Not next to me thank you.
  15. On the topic of meeting forum members it occurred to me that whilst we do "speak" to each other through the forum I could be standing next to you in the ROH and I wouldn't know you. I am also a member of the Ballet Association and they have a lapel badge which you can buy which helps to raise money. So why don't we have a lapel badge which you can wear at the performances. I would not feel intimidated if someone spoke to me because they recognised the badge, it would make the intervals go quicker and give you someone to talk to if you are on your own. Balletfanp seems to have enjoyed the experience and it would raise money for the forum to help with costs of running it. I'm originally from "oop north" so I will talk to anyone.
  16. My twitter account is full of my tweet being retweeted. Power to the people.
  17. "I also did not spot that Albrecht makes his first entrance swordless. I have always wondered how he managed to get access to the hut in the village, though. In a small place like that he would have to have a convincing story in place, to satisfy the curiosity of the peasants. Also, in the film i thought it showed him going into it shortly before Hilarion enters to search for incriminating evidence. I assume it was the camera angle. Either that or the hut has a handy back door." I have a different memory of this Fonty, Albrecht first entrance is with his sword and wearing a cape. His squire reminds him that he is wearing his sword so Albrecht gives him the door key and he removes it and the squire takes it inside the hut. When the hunt arrives Albrecht does not enter the hut but exits stage left. Hilarion later breaks into the hut using his knife and comes out with the sword.
  18. Regarding the production of DVD. I received the below this afternoon:- The Royal Ballet ‏@TheRoyalBallet 2h2 hours ago Here's why @MNunezOfficial and @VMuntagirov love Giselle: http://www.roh.org.uk/news/watch-members-of-the-cast-and-creative-team-on-giselle … #ROHgiselle ^M I replied with the below:- Stuart Dixon ‏@StuartDixon4 2h2 hours ago @TheRoyalBallet @MNunezOfficial @VMuntagirov Come on RB. What about the DVD everyone wants. Read the reviews on your own website. PLEASE This was liked by loads of people and even Nela retweeted it. Then the below just arrived:- The Royal Ballet ‏@TheRoyalBallet 14m14 minutes ago @HerbalTeaTime @StuartDixon4 We’re currently looking at different online/on-demand options for our productions. Look out for updates! ^M So what do you all make of that, DVD/ Digital copy/?? Any ideas
  19. what a shame, Has someone hacked Ismene Brown's twitter account or just factually wrong?
  20. Just tweeted by Ismene Brown. Sounds like good news. Ismene Brown ‏@ismeneb Apr 6 Kobborg latest: Romania culture minister intervened, JK's job now confirmed/reinstated. But what an ominous start by new opera house chief.
  21. Does that stop them being "retweeted" then? In which case, one assumes they can only be seen by your followers.
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