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Everything posted by Fiz

  1. Well, that had me in tears! Thank you for posting it, @lady emily.
  2. Our youngest daughter was five and went to see La Fille Mal Gardée at the Festival Hall. I told both of our daughters that if they both misbehaved that would be the last time we took them to the theatre. My youngest daughter was normally well behaved but our oldest daughter has ADHD and I was apprehensive. They both behaved beautifully and our youngest daughter was in a trance afterwards.
  3. I will always remember his Alain in Fille. He turned him into a tragic character rather than a buffoon. He was very touching.
  4. What a barbarian the book dealer is!
  5. I’m sad about this but perhaps he and his wife Claire Calvert want to be more settled now they have a child?
  6. Fiz

    Room 101

    Yes, I did, Dave.
  7. Fiz

    Room 101

    I told her I thought that she was putting it on and instead of calling me a liar or denying it, she said “Do I look as if I am?” which I thought a curious thing to say.
  8. Fiz

    Room 101

    I would like to put the woman in the car park this morning into Room 101. She tried to pretend that we had scratched her car while parking. She said we had banged into her car - not true - and scratched it, also not true. She then stood fulminating for ten minutes and trying to browbeat my husband. If it had been true we would have admitted it but it was obviously an attempt to get money for nothing.
  9. Gutted to say that we had an email in the afternoon that said the cinema’s satellite was down and the relay would not be going ahead. I can’t go on Sunday either as our daughters are coming to celebrate the youngest’s birthday. It sounds as if we missed a brilliant show.
  10. Fiz

    Room 101

    I’m so thankful that you are all right, dear Jan. May I add recurrent glandular fever or Epstein Barre infection to room 101. We’ve both been off colour this week and I’ve actually been in bed today whilst my husband was on Monday.
  11. I saw this yesterday. It’s heartbreaking.
  12. I remember my daughters’ singing teacher telling a group of giggling teenagers “Dump the attitude at the stage door or get out of my class!” She meant it too.
  13. Thanks to @oncnp and @Emeralds for letting me know. I can’t think why we missed it in the cinema. I know we decided to lockdown before the government told us to but I don’t think it was that early.
  14. When was the last time Onegin was danced in the U.K and by the Royal Ballet, please? It seems as if it has been ages.
  15. The idea of dancing in those very narrow aisles at the Theatre Royal horrifies me, especially high up. Ugh!
  16. Happy New Year and thank you to all the moderators who work so hard!
  17. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Anna and to everyone here.
  18. Great fun but taps on those lovely floors chill me rather.
  19. I couldn'timagine Vadim as an effective Rudolf, but he blew me away and was one of the best I have ever seen. Oh Sim, I would so love to have seen him in that. I know he said on Instagram that it had been so intense that he was still caught up in it when the curtain calls came.
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