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Everything posted by Fiz

  1. I would "like" a number of these comments, but I've run out of votes again! i hate this idea of limiting them!
  2. Slightly off topic, my ex DD got her chance of performing a dream role in Sweeny Todd at the Edinburgh fringe denied her because her singing teacher wanted her for the role and another teacher,who is not concerned with it all (?!) vetoed her!!!
  3. Check your spam filter, JaniceandEllen.
  4. Oh, Wildflowers, I feel for both your DD's.xxx
  5. I have used Dancing in the Street, which is quick and very good for basic ballet wear (RAD/ISTD)) and things for younger children's dressing up and all very reasonably priced.
  6. I've always found Dance Direct quite slow, and if something was out of stock, they didn't say, just let the item wait until it had come back in without telling me.
  7. Dance is a requisite for drama even at university level.
  8. I haven't seen a ballet this millennium, very sadly. I can't justify ROH Stalls prices :-(
  9. No insurance will over any pre-existing medical condition.
  10. My daughter did not get into East 15 , the drama school which she desperately wanted to go to. It was a lovely thick letter, which made me feel hopeful for her, but in fact was just a load of information asking her if she wanted to go to a summer school there :-(
  11. It might be the norm at some ballet schools, but not reputable ones! Neither of the schools my recently ex-DDs went to would have countenanced a nine year old on pointe !
  12. Fiz


    Well done to all three of them!
  13. Why, oh why, do we have a rationed number of "like" points for the day? the remarks on this dire programme are wonderful, y'all!
  14. I've seen clips on You-Tube of kids with appalling technique and lack of ability asking if they "are ready to go en pointe"! Surely their teachers are ones who should say that, not members of the public?
  15. Totally not dance, I love your avatar, Julie! We have an 18 month black lab bitch who is one of the apples of our eyes.
  16. My eldest ex DD sometimes watches "Dance Moms" and has told me she has never seen anything on earth like the "Moms" concerned!
  17. It sounds a nightmare, Celb!
  18. I saw a clip from this and there is no way in the world I would watch it - it's on a par with "Toddlers and Tiaras"!
  19. My ex DD loves jazz and feels that very often now it meets contemporary ballet levels.
  20. She's had to take it up again, SpannerandPony, for part of her drama course at Lincoln and she has found that it's easier, and is being coached by a girl that helped teach it at her mum's dance school, but it doesn't come as easily to her as ballet did. That said, she's as good as the others, but there's a world of difference between professional dancers and actors who dance, as "Black Swan" showed.
  21. My ex DD could not do tap because of her affinity for ballet.
  22. My daughter had/has terrible problems with tap as a result of ballet and met, as I did, the school of thought that says if you are good at one dance discipline, you are good at all of them ...Umm, no!
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