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Everything posted by Farawaydancer

  1. I would second this, we love ballet boost.
  2. I think I posted last years funding finals schedule on the first page of this thread? It was simpler than the initial audition I seem to remember and i think it included a musical theatre workshop. They really just want to see them as they really are, and for whether they will have a go - my dd could compete for the title of worlds worst singer but still got an MDS. Have fun.
  3. Yes, fees can be covered by student finance. Accommodation is at Base Glasgow now, I believe. Well done to your dd, our ds is going to finals too.
  4. I was thinking more of the other lower schools students I must admit, as that’s what I have experience of. Almost every single one of my ds class does have extensive experience of dancing outside of the school too, I’d be very surprised if most of the WL students weren’t the same, especially since we come across lots of them very often at outside classes!
  5. They go in blind but at a definite advantage in some ways. They will be more relaxed in the surroundings and will likely have been taught by the person leading the class, therefore being more aware of their style and what the exercises might be like, timing etc. I think the panel too will be naturally drawn to paying more attention to students that they are familiar with.
  6. Thank you, that’s really useful. I know my ds likes his long summer, and definitely needs it to rest, but I think three months would be pushing it! 🤣
  7. Yes, it’s great for finding jobs etc, I was more thinking about the physical aspect of missing training for three months. But yes, at least some of those eye wateringly expensive summer schools would be feasible.
  8. Looking at the term dates for RCS, they have 13 weeks off in the summer - what do the dancers do with all this time?! That’s a really long time to not be having daily classes.
  9. DS was at the audition today and very much enjoyed it. I was impressed at the behaviour of the students around the place and in the cafe at the Scottish opera building. Fingers crossed.
  10. Thought this might be the case, which means a two night stay for us 😢 thank you for the info.
  11. Black Size 12A , perfect condition. £30 inc postage.
  12. Email. Ours came about four days after the audition.
  13. I can also tell you with confidence that not all Elmhurst y11s will be staying. They all have to do their final audition yet, alongside everyone else, and some are choosing to move elsewhere anyway. They have been told if they are likely to have a sixth form place or not, based on their current performance, but that’s not the same thing, and it’s most definitely not guaranteed. Plus there’s no such thing as a ‘full’ year group at Elmhurst, they’re flexible on numbers and so will take different numbers each year depending on available beds and funding.
  14. I’ve just checked with ds, he says the same; four lines in his audition and they didn’t rotate the lines.
  15. I’m sure last years winners are on the website but the list of scholarships taken etc isn’t complete.
  16. My ds will be there too. We too are waiting for more details to help with planning! I couldn’t work out how they would decided who needed to see the physio. Is it based on what they saw at the first audition maybe? Or those who declared a previous injury.
  17. Yes, theoretically, everyone who is successful is offered a definite place after the first round of auditions and so they could end up with 52, or however many, all taking up their places, regardless of success at the mds funding audition. Tring does it the same way, but I’m not sure about their deposit system, because they don’t invite everyone back to funding finals.
  18. The MDSs are primarily aimed at y7&8 but they can give them to any year group.
  19. Possibly, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try, especially those who are well known. I do think the industry needs to take some responsibility themselves for solving this issue, not just relying on parents to become better educated.
  20. No, I don’t necessarily think they would notice, not at first. But the parents might notice if teachers themselves started calling them out on it. And it’s the parents that need educating if they’re to keep their dc safe.
  21. What I notice about these posts is a lack of teachers challenging teachers. It would really help if their peers began to tell them how unacceptable and dangerous some of their practices are.
  22. There’s not a lot of choice in a small school where there’s usually only one class of each grade, especially when you get to vocational grades! Dd took her IF at 11, before some of the 14 year olds in the same class. The numbers are so small that the teacher couldn’t possibly have split the grade into age groups.
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