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Tony Newcombe

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Everything posted by Tony Newcombe

  1. He didn't even stay for the last act of one of the performances he was at. Still reviewed the dancer though.
  2. Do you mean that we did not applaud at the entrances because we knew we would have the same opinion as you before we had actually seen the performance
  3. Hi Rob, have sent you a personal message re Friday 9th
  4. With regard to Sim’s posting above, that part of the solo was danced by Asylmuratova when she guested in the early nineties. The suspicion is that Makarova did not like dancing that particular bit of the solo.
  5. Add to that 4 First Soloists, 2 Soloists and 2 very good corps members in the pas de action. Luxury casting all round
  6. Okay it can be considered to be in the public domain I suppose. The Baron(Lord) is listed as being married to the Royal Ballet dancer Nathalie Harrison. Lady or Baroness Birkett.
  7. I believe her formal title is The Lady ***********************
  8. At the premier of Mayerling the young Mary was played by Elizabeth Griffith. The elder Valerie was danced by Marguerite Porter, the younger by Julie Rose, not obvious look a likes. At the 1992 revival Durante was both the younger and the elder Mary. Valerie was danced by Muriel Valtat and Leanna Palmer. Once again not obvious look a likes. A few days later Lesley Collier was the adult Mary and the younger Mary was Michelle Davis. Make what you will of that.
  9. Dropped the dagger? Looked like Nikiya getting in the first strike. Just joking. Wonderful evening.
  10. Totally agree. The corps were rather good in the second act. Some eye catching performances??
  11. Which applies to so many dancers who have come through both Royal Ballet Schools
  12. Can’t agree with comment about Melissa Hamilton and there was a cast sheet change re Paul Kay
  13. The last time the Royal Ballet toured, they performed Manon in Bristol. It was very well attended. Mind you having Mukhamedov perform both male lead roles in the run helped. The ladies of Bristol seemed very happy
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