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Leaving present?


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So next year I am leaving my Ballet school as I am going to university. My Ballet teacher is my biggest inspiration and also like a second mum to me so I want to get her something really special. I am willing to spend quite a bit of money if needs be which is why I'm asking early!


I know that she likes chocolates, wine etc but I don't feel that any of that is special enough. She has two young children that I get on really well with and who both adore Frozen so I could get like a family present maybe? I also know that her iPod that she uses for class music is extremely old (like the IPod Classic that isn't made anymore!!) and it keeps freezing up etc with a slightly damaged screen, so maybe something along the technological route? I'm really not sure what to get her! Any ideas?

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Hi there, this may sound a bit of a cliché,  but maybe the most special gift would be something that you can make or put together that shows how much she means to you...and an iPod (or other too) Maybe if you have photos from your lessons or exams with her, to show how she has developed you and you have grown together? Or a fantastic silver picture frame with a lovely photo of you both? Or if you have any mementos from the time together that you can frame?


Or write a poem? Draw a picture?


Otherwise, there are lot of paintings and or sketches maybe that are themed with ballet?


If you do buy an iPod, you can preload a mix of songs or a personal message in it/engrave.


I think the most lovely thing is really something from you personally and the memories that you shared.

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Those are such lovely ideas, thank you! I have quite a few pictures and videos of us together from shows and during class etc so a picture album/memory book would be a good thing to give to her. Engraving the iPod is a nice idea as well, I think she would love that! You've been really helpful, I now have a much better idea of what to get her so thank you!!

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Those are such lovely ideas, thank you! I have quite a few pictures and videos of us together from shows and during class etc so a picture album/memory book would be a good thing to give to her. Engraving the iPod is a nice idea as well, I think she would love that! You've been really helpful, I now have a much better idea of what to get her so thank you!!

 You're very welcome. Apple engrave for free too I believe.

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W/hat lovely and original ideas.  I've never been very good at choosing gifts - even for my own family!


We bought a big glass vase for DD's ballet teacher when dd left to go to vocational school.  She always got flowers after shows, end of term etc.I saw her house once after a show which was also end of year - looked like a florists shop.  I have the vain hope that when she uses it she remembers dd :)

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In the last few years our seniors have given all the teachers a gift set of soaps and creams from one of the specialist shops that seem to be everywhere.  They're very nice, and the sets are probably quite costly, but I find they're totally lacking in the personal touch.  Sometimes they haven't even bothered to write a nice note.  Personally I would rather have a beautiful thank you letter to keep and treasure, and I really don't want them to spend a lot of money, just to give it a bit more thought.  Funnily enough the best group gifts I ever got were years ago when the whole class clubbed together and I got a towel with my name on it and a super stewpot!  I have only just stopped using the pot and I am still using the towel!   Actually as an individual gift, the best one I received was a memo pad for the fridge with a beautiful note on the top page.  The only trouble was that I didn't want to lose that top page, so I never used the pad!

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A couple of years ago I made an album for DDs teacher with a picture from each year that she has danced, with a comment about a special memory or achievement from that year. It looked pretty good when I had finished, even if I say so myself! Maybe you could do something similar?

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I think DD's teacher would be horrified to receive an expensive gift.  For her it is the personal touch that counts - I know what she has appreciated the most over the years are the letters and cards she receives off  students - especially those that keep in touch after they have left.  She has commented many times on how nice it I to receive a 'thank you for all you've done' letter in the post a few weeks or even months after a student has left.  Not only can she keep these letters but she does like to put an odd photo up on the noticeboard with a note to say what the student is doing next to inspire those students still at the school.

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I have a cupboard full of homemade pictures and cards from students. Some comments are quite funny, one child wrote "thank you for reminding me to hold my skirt!"


I also love getting plants. I name them after the students who give them and take good care of them. I had a cyclamen called Millie that lasted about 5 years.She's a cellist now. (The student not the plant!)

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My only concern about the iPod idea is that iPods don't last for ever.  If I was going to bother getting something engraved as a memento for somebody, I think I would want it to be something the person might still be using in twenty years' time...

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Thank you so much for all of your ideas and thoughts! Going for something personal definitely seems to be the best idea, so I think I'll write her a thank you note or card and probably make some sort of photo collage or something☺️

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we've just finished our 3 recitals and I was so excited about our graduating students' gift to the teachers, that I just had to tell you about it.  They went to the trouble of baking biscuits!  There were four school leavers this year and each one made different shaped biscuits - one made hearts, another made chocolate chip cookies, the third one made club shapes and the fourth made butter cookies.  They put them into a really nice storage jar, tied a red ribbon round it and gave one to each of their teachers!  I thought that was a wonderful gift, unusual and enterprising and they had obviously made a big effort, which was very nice.

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I don't know if you have one near you but there are places where you can paint your own plate or mug or piece of china. You could decorate it and write a message on the back or something with the dates she taught you. She can then use it but it will last a long time. You could also then make a cake or biscuits or something to go with it but it's sort of homemade but personal too :)

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