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Instagram cookies

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I love classical ballet (no surprise there) and as the owner of a Parson Russell terrier, dogs too.


Like many of you, I go to Instagram to find (ballet) news and photos.


I follow various dancers and other posters; @dancersdiary, @missbunnyman and @embracethe ballet, and others 


All straightforward so far but, what I don’t get is why my Instagram stream has so many advertisements and links to women’s clothing, fashion, swimsuits, make up, …. 

Do the cookies assume that because of my interest in ballet that I’m probably a woman?

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5 minutes ago, Suffolkgal said:

Probably! It’s the sort of thing I worry about with AI!


Actually I find it reassuring that AI, in what is probably its most straightforward and profitable application (targeted advertising), is so bad at figuring me out!

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1 minute ago, Lizbie1 said:


Actually I find it reassuring that AI, in what is probably its most straightforward and profitable application (targeted advertising), is so bad at figuring me out!

Well, if you start getting ads for shaving gear, beard trimmers and Y fronts, you’ll have to let me know 🤪

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You can't do much about the ads but you can turn off 'recommended' posts though only for 30 days at a time...also making use of the options after pressing the '...' button at the top right of each post means you can tailor what you get fed.


You can also try drowning out irrelevant stuff by liking pictures of a few distinct interests

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19 minutes ago, PeterS said:

Or perhaps a man who likes to wear women’s clothes and makeup?

Thanks for this, Peter. 
I’m rarely lost for words but this is one such occasion. 

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11 hours ago, Paco said:

I don't have this issue with Instagram, but I clean my PC from cookies twice a day (using a cleaning software)

Does that work though? I have to use an old toothbrush for getting the crumbs out of the keyboard....

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15 hours ago, RobR said:


Do the cookies assume that because of my interest in ballet that I’m probably a woman?


Depends if you are spending time engaging with those ads. The more you engage/interact, the more you will see those sorts of ads - or even content. I engage with lots of cute dog videos, so my instagram feed is interspersed with more of those. I clearly have an interest in gluten free food content so I get targeted with this sort of information. On top of that, my registration data gives away my age and location. Plus meta (facebook and instagram) can also track you offsite (at the moment cookies), unless you have set specific conditions, so if someone else is using your device, you may be targeted based on this.

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I seem to get targeted with 'hot Eastern European/Asian girls' ads.  Considering that, like Blossom, I mostly watch cute dog or owl videos on Instagram, I am not sure why I get targeted.  They mostly arrive in my email junk folder and I never open them, but I am getting a bit sick of receiving them.  

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Don't start me on my Junk folder - it's currently overrun with adverts for walk-in baths, pillows, timeshare relief, canvas prints and all sorts of other garbage.  And that's not counting the obvious phishing ones (I reported a batch of over 40 the other day).  The filters clearly aren't working, and M$/Outlook obviously couldn't care less.

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1 hour ago, Sim said:

I seem to get targeted with 'hot Eastern European/Asian girls' ads.  Considering that, like Blossom, I mostly watch cute dog or owl videos on Instagram, I am not sure why I get targeted.  They mostly arrive in my email junk folder and I never open them, but I am getting a bit sick of receiving them.  

I get offered Ukrainian girls several times a day.  is this connected to my having bought tickets to the Dance for Ukraine galas....? 

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2 hours ago, PeterS said:

I get offered Ukrainian girls several times a day.  is this connected to my having bought tickets to the Dance for Ukraine galas....? 

Good explanation - stick with it 👍😉

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