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Die Fledermaus - music ID question

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Thanks everyone, especially Jane S for the lead, Jan for the warm welcome.   I did look it up but it seems Mr. Gamley has already passed away, and in any event I couldn't imagine contacting him to ask what operetta piece he sourced to create an orchestral score for that section of the ballet.   Is there something like 'the great encyclopedia of ballet music, 20th century edition'?   :)     


A kind friend, a very fine musician, advised me to listen to Die Fledermaus and I thought I listened with proper attention, trying to adjust my ears for the lack of singers, but I'm of the mind the music here didn't come from Die Fledermaus operetta itself.   If it is from there and my ears just couldn't detect it, could my new learned friends please educate me as to which scene/song?   Thank you all again

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9 hours ago, myrtle said:

Thanks everyone, especially Jane S for the lead, Jan for the warm welcome.   I did look it up but it seems Mr. Gamley has already passed away, and in any event I couldn't imagine contacting him to ask what operetta piece he sourced to create an orchestral score for that section of the ballet.   Is there something like 'the great encyclopedia of ballet music, 20th century edition'?   :)     


A kind friend, a very fine musician, advised me to listen to Die Fledermaus and I thought I listened with proper attention, trying to adjust my ears for the lack of singers, but I'm of the mind the music here didn't come from Die Fledermaus operetta itself.   If it is from there and my ears just couldn't detect it, could my new learned friends please educate me as to which scene/song?   Thank you all again

I performed in Die Fledermaus as an amateur and saw it several times at the ROH. The music which is being danced to is not familiar to my ears either.

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I too am quite familiar with the operetta and hear elements of the slow section of Act 1-no. 4 (trio “Sa Muss Allein Ich Bleiben...”) in parts of this pas de deux (at the 1:30 mark of the film, for ex.). The arranger, Gamley, seems to have taken great artistic license, straying far from Strauss Jr’s original...but I recognize bits...slowed and lengthened.


There also may be bits from Strauss Jr’s ballet, Cinderella.


The souvenir programme (booklet) from the August 1980 tour of Petit’s Ballet de Marseilles to the Uris Theatre (NY-Broadway), which included The Bat, had a breakdown of sources for each number, if memory serves, but my trunk of programmes is not with me at this moment. Such souvenir booklets sometimes appear on Ebay.


Hope that this helps.

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Thank you capybara and Jeannette.   I have re-listened to the trio you mentioned and I'm embarrassed to say I don't quite hear it, but that's nothing unexpected since I am not a musician.    Maybe capybara can hear it?   I am sure that motifs get developed in pieces, like themes and variations, that I wouldn't recognize.   


It is helpful to know a program exists that has a breakdown of music sources.    Thank you.   I will try to keep an eye out for ebay offerings.   And if anybody here could just straight out recognize the pieces or share the info from that program, that would be absolutely wonderful.   


So kind of everyone to help out a newbie.  Thank you all.  :)

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