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  1. Ah, thank you. Luckily thanks to the wise folks here I have more than just wikipedia to go on. Thank you for the insight.
  2. Thank you so much. Thank you for the insight.
  3. You're right and I appreciate the correction. I was mistaken about how many performances BRB is performing this season. (BTW, thought I'd already posted this? If my other post ended up in the wrong thread, please kindly remove the duplicate. Thank you.)
  4. Thank you very much. It makes me sad but I appreciate your wisdom. Thank you. Now I know I can stop hoping for that miracle stream. Thank you for the suggestions, too. I've bought most of those DVDs, and the princess outfit does not appeal to me because I love the fluidity of her arms. I don't know if Yuhui is even viewed as an Ashton dancer by the knowledgeable folks here, I just think she'd be too charming as Lise, so I'll hold on to that hope for the next Fille revival.
  5. Thank you for this. I admire your cosmopolitan travels, and I'm very grateful for the valuable insights you're sharing. I'm sure you are being modest, but it is reassuring to hear that people are kind and generous when you speak German with them, even if you aren't as fluent as you'd like to be.
  6. Thank you for this valuable information. Thank you and much gratitude to all the kind folks who overlook clumsy pronunciation like mine is sure to be. You mention Zurich being an international town. Which of the many languages should I be trying to learn phrases in for Zurich? I gather Swiss German is for the true connoisseur and not a klutz like me, but there must be so many other options? Should I just learn a wee bit of regular (high?) German because that's somewhat widely understood in Zurich? Google / wikipedia tells me Swiss German is used by 63% of the people, and since that's not to be attempted by amateurs, should I instead purchase a French phrase book? Didn't I read somewhere that as soon as a French speaker joins a conversation in Zurich, everyone switches to speaking French, even if they had previously been speaking German (or Swiss German)? Thank you all for educating me and allowing me to dream about ballet tourism.
  7. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain that. The word ballot made me think of voting and I was so confused! But you helped me to make sense of it, thank you again.
  8. Thank you very much for sharing that. Much respect to Kevin also for his kind and very prompt reply. It makes me sad that there won't be any filming of the Ashton programs, because that also puts an end to my hope that they will eventually be viewable on ROH stream. But there is the encouraging news about Fille--thank you for that ray of sunshine. I do wonder if BRB putting on Fille will delay ROH doing it for fear of saturation (POB recently put on Fille as well). That 'logic' would also delay Giselle, if National Ballet of Japan and ENB are doing Giselle in 2024-25? Although fear of saturation certainly hasn't discouraged any company from staging Carmen, Swan Lake and Nutcracker, so perhaps Fille is coming very soon, after all. *fingers crossed* The other day I saw a photo of Yuhui Choe as Lise in the ROH production. Is there any hope Yuhui's performances in Fille or Rhapsody in past years were filmed and might some day show up on the ROH stream? If this is too off topic, please, moderators, kindly move my ramblings to a more appropriate thread. Thank you.
  9. Are the end of stalls (toward aisles) bad in Deutsche Oper? In which theaters should non-central stalls be avoided, in your extensive experience? Also, do a lot of people in Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam and Zurich speak English? Efforts will be made with phrasebooks, but my pronunciation is usually too horrid for anyone to figure out what I'm trying to say, so a city where the people will laugh rather than get offended, or better yet, answer me in English, would be most encouraging! Thank you all for the education.
  10. Thank you very much! But do I understand correctly that there won't be POB platform stream of the Giselle performances in May? I have already watched and re-watched the POB platform Giselle with Ms. Gilbert and Mr. Ganio. Indeed they were magnificent, but I would appreciate seeing these same dancers again in a different performance, or indeed any other of the POB's many stellar casts and was hoping that one of the upcoming performances would be on the platform just like the recent Don Q!
  11. I hope that no performer need ever feel exploited or distressed! Due to the SF Ballet incident of the amorous brother and sister Borzoi from years ago, I understand in 2023 there was only one dog. ABT's Borzoi(s) are featured prominently on their social media.
  12. This discussion is very intriguing for me and now I'm even more keen to see Fille! Will there be a performance streamed on the POB stream platform? Don Quixote was just added yesterday--dare I hope Fille and then Giselle will also be on the POB stream? If it will be streamed, is it already known which cast will be on the stream for Fille and Giselle? Thank you all very much.
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