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Doris Day


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How are you all bearing up under the onslaught of Storm Doris?


Just got in from work, and had to drive round a tree in the road. Our rickety old garden fence is still there at the moment, although the same can't be said for the large name board where I work, which came down with an almighty crash into the car park earlier - fortunately missing all the cars.


Quite a few high-sided lorries have sensibly parked up by the roadside and are waiting it out.

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Pretty wild in Derbyshire. I went shopping this morning and managed to get round without incident. Last time it was so windy, the roof started to peel off the supermarket and we had to vacate. We looked out at the car park and all the detritus flying around and wondered if it would be safer to stay instore. They insisted we left, presumably for insurance reasons as under their roof, what's left of it, you are in their care. But you use the carpark at your own risk so out you go and good luck!

The wind is howling here but we live in quite an exposed area. Amazes me how many people you see struggling with umbrellas in this weather. What do they think is going to happen?

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Wind is finding every tiny (and not so tiny) gap in the windows in our office - its freezing a s a result! I have resorted to putting my coat on. The sun is warming us a little when it pops out occasionally, now that its come around to our side of the building.

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Doris eased off here quite suddenly. It seems very quiet now the wind has stopped howling. I was watching the birds earlier, trying to eat the food I put out, with their feathers standing on end. The pheasant was tapping on the window as if to say let me in. He runs away when I go to open the door though. Just as well, if he did come in he would probably poop everywhere!

Janet, if you read this, do say what daytime tv you watched. I like Judge Judy. She doesn't take any crap from anybody and sticks to the law, which can be quite educational. I like the reruns of Bergerac as well, mostly for the scenery rather than the plots.

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Janet, if you read this, do say what daytime tv you watched. I like Judge Judy. She doesn't take any crap from anybody and sticks to the law, which can be quite educational. I like the reruns of Bergerac as well, mostly for the scenery rather than the plots.



The end of Homes Under The Hammer, Bargain Hunt, Doctors, The Coroner...  All BBC1.


It shows how lethargic the weather had made me feel  as I've got a couple of things I need to watch on catchup and just couldn't be bothered!

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We had a very small ballet class last night, with just 7 die hards. Normally there are 12-15. To make matters worse, Miss had lost her voice, although she soldiered on and delivered her usual lovely class. I don't know what was going on, but the traffic around Brum was terrible last night; I don't know if anybody tried to get to the DX and gave up.

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We didn't get too battered with the delightful Doris' wind problem(!), however we were hit pretty bad with snow yesterday morning. 


Not sure if anyone caught the BBC news last night as it did apparently include a feature on the M80 being closed (must have been bad if it made it onto the National news coverage!). 


We live on one of the hills above this Motorway and it was absolute carnage yesterday morning.  After clearing my driveway in a blizzard, the children and I left home at 7:30am.  This is about 20 mins earlier than usual as it was still snowing and I suspected that it was going to be a bit busier/slower on the road than usual.


Normally leaving at 7:50am I drop the children at school by 8am and I can then proceed to work, getting into my office by about 8:40am - perfect!


At 11am I 'parked' (read : abandoned!) my car in a space in our local supermarket car park - don't worry I 'parked' in the same manner as everyone else, given the coverage of >6 inches of snow and our complete inability to spot the painted bays.  This supermarket is 0.86 miles away from my house - 210 minutes to travel 0.86 miles!  That works out at a travelling speed of 0.004 miles per minute!  This has to be some sort of record!


We proceeded to avail ourselves of the supermarkets 'Customer Facilities' and then visited the café for a warming cup of tea, before we started the long and arduous walk back up the hill to home.


We made it back home at about 1:20pm.


Thankfully it did rain for a short while in the afternoon which rendered the main roads passable, so I was able to retrieve my car and, with the aid of a few neighbours, managed to get it into my, very steep, driveway.


Unfortunately the temperature dropped overnight so all the snow is now solid ice - looks beautiful, but treacherous underfoot.


With the majority of my colleagues being based in one of our southern offices I received a fair bit of ribbing about not attending my early morning calls - that is until I started sending them some photographs of the weather conditions and the Range Rovers that had fallen into ditches at the side of my wee local road!


Think the temperature has to fall again tonight, but hopefully this will be the end of it and Spring can hurry up and arrive!!


Stay safe and warm x

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Good grief, the weather has gone insane. While this was happening over there, it's been in the mid- to high 70s (22-23 Celsius) for the last few days, at a time when it should be in the mid-40s (less than 10 Celsius). The nighttime temperature is higher than the normal daytime highs. We're supposed to get a cold front today so are expecting a thunderstorm, which is pretty rare in February.

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Good grief, the weather has gone insane. While this was happening over there, it's been in the mid- to high 70s (22-23 Celsius) for the last few days, at a time when it should be in the mid-40s (less than 10 Celsius). The nighttime temperature is higher than the normal daytime highs. We're supposed to get a cold front today so are expecting a thunderstorm, which is pretty rare in February.

Weird weather indeed! I take it the California dam disaster was averted. It got quite a lot of coverage here as to what might happen. Then as is typical of the news it dropped from sight. In part presumably, because the flooding failed to occur.

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