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Richard LH

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Everything posted by Richard LH

  1. Wow that is quite a bold prediction this far out, capybara! But why not...going by this clip, for example...lovely control and poise, I thought, at just 16.
  2. Which is understandable. The uncertainty so far out may mean the ROH won't be gaining as many front-loaded "Winter" bookings as they hoped.
  3. Of course other companies open booking before casts are announced, but it would certainly be an unwelcome and retrograde step for the RB. I suppose minimal casting information might be announced (just the two main leads) before first booking, but with the increased risk, so far ahead, of more cast changes nearer the time.
  4. As has been pointed out elsewhere (by Lizbie1), Swan Lake runs from 05 March to 16 May 2020 yet has been placed in the Winter booking period which starts on 03 September for Premium 2 Friends, on 25 September for Friends, and 24 October for general booking. How will this tie in with the casting announcement and booking decisions? This year Frankenstein started on 05 March as well, and ended 23 March, and it was perfectly logically placed in the Spring booking period, which started on 27 November 2018 for Premium 2 Friends, on 12 December for Friends, and 30 January for general booking. Casts for Frankenstein and the rest of the Spring season were announced 23 October 2018, just over 4 months before it started. Casts for Swan Lake are going to have to be announced by late August to be in time for first bookings in September, just over 6 months before it starts and almost 9 months before it ends. Is this at all realistic? Or is it more likely that booking for Swan Lake will already have opened long before any cast announcement?
  5. Yes indeed but you do find listed casts and other relevant details by going to the production pages. As I said, I just posted this as helpful tip for anyone's benefit, not as an attempt to resuscitate the earlier discussion which I agree has had its day.
  6. Not meant as a further reposte, Sim, but hopefully a helpful suggestion....you can considerably speed up ROH website functionality by creating a bookmark for each production you are interested in. (I think this has been mentioned elsewhere).
  7. No not really! Just a passing thought on my part. I admit to being disappointed for Akane and concerned about her, so probably feeling rather disgruntled all round...
  8. Perhaps rather insensitive, yes, or perhaps a bit thoughtless. I don't think you need to be confused.. the distinction surely is that the cast change, if correct, has yet to be officially announced, so not "confirmed", and the change information may be sensitive in terms of timing, or even inaccurate, and he is a member of the Company and presumably subject to the sort of protocols Capybara indicates. I would have thought that anyone who is on this Forum talking about a dancer whose has a confirmed injury is reasonably free to speculate about its ramifications, subject to the normal sense of decency and provided they are not themselves Company members (you would not expect a Company member to speculate publicly about other dancers in the Company).
  9. Hmm, maybe, but I am not sure it was for him to make that assumption without checking first. Although I suspect the ROH are just being dilatory, there may be some good, or sensitive, reason the ROH has yet to post the cast changes. So I still think it is preferable for all concerned that social media posts do not pre-empt official announcements in such cases. It is not even as if Sambe were himself the dancer replacing anyone.
  10. With under 24 hours to go, at the time of writing this, Akane Takada is still listed as Medusa on the website. I would have thought that out of respect to the performers involved, and the customers, the ROH should have flagged up this important cast change well before now, without learning about it indirectly from social media. Actually I also think it is rather insensitive of Sambe to post this before it has been officially announced.
  11. Thanks for posting the link. I think this could be an extremely moving work, given the music and the subject matter. Here is Jacqueline du Pre playing the concerto ....
  12. Joanna ..welcome to the Forum! (getting in with this before the usual welcome from one of the mods.!)
  13. Slightly off the topic of R&J but in the context of Francesca Hayward's roles, mentioned above, she will be dancing Vera in the forthcoming A Month In The Country.
  14. I agree; although I am a tremendous Frankie fan, I was just thinking today that I see her more as Manon than Juliet. For me she also brilliantly inhabited Clara, Giselle, Perdita in Winters Tale, and Princess Stephanie in Mayerling, rather more completely than she inhabited Juliet, somehow. I also agree that this is no way detracts from her wonderful performances in the Juliet role to date, by any normal standards! On seeing Akane Takada in her debut run (which was also my own "debut" for seeing R&J live) I thought she did truly encapsulate my idea of Juliet, and I suppose when you form that sort of opinion at the outset it can influence your view of later performers.
  15. The ROH website is not properly showing Insights for the new season. However the Autumn Season magazine lists: New Pam Tanowitz 30/09/19 7:30-9pm Clore Studio £11-£20 RB in rehearsal 14/10/19 7:30-9pm Clore Studio £11-£20 Coppelia 12/11/19 7:30-9pm Clore Studio £11-£20 The Sleeping Beauty 18/11/19 7:30-9pm Clore Studio £11-£20
  16. Not sure it is cut, but definitely more face visible due to a centre parting! Either way, for me he was really memorable tonight and their partnership just gets better. That Act 1 pdd was just sublime! As was the start of Act 3. Ballet pdds really do not get any more beautiful than this.
  17. There is some seasonal front loading , although I make it 3 listed under "Autumn" (Manon, The Sleeping Beauty, and Coppelia), 2 in "Winter" (Onegin and Swan Lake) and 1 in "Spring" (the Dante Project). Also under the normal concept of "seasons" one would define Coppelia (28 Nov to 07 Jan) as Winter, and Swan Lake (05 March to 16 May) as Spring, which evens things out somewhat in terms of attending, if not so much in terms of booking.
  18. Live Cinema for 2019/20 Concerto triple bill 05/11/19 Coppelia 10/12/19 (not "Live" as such.....Nutcracker 17/12/19 - the 2016 recording plus new features) Sleeping Beauty 16/01/20 New Marston/Scarlett 25/02/20 Swan Lake 01/04/20 Dante Project 28/05/20
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