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Everything posted by Confuddled

  1. Thank you all, lots of ideas! There's a book called Ballet Companion by Eliza Gaynor Minden, which also has excellent reviews, so I'm dithering between that and the Darcey Bussell one...
  2. I'm sure I've seen a particular encyclopaedia of ballet recommended on here, but all my advanced searching isn't finding it. Dd is asking for books for Christmas (though I'm sure other ballet-related presents would be acceptable) so I've been looking on Amazon, but I can't tell which are any good. Has anyone got one they'd recommend? She's 9, but a good reader so it doens't need to be particularly easy to read. Thanks!
  3. Nude-coloured dance pants are easy to get via Amazon, and apparently comfy enough to wear all day on ballet days. I do have some sympathy for the parents, it's actually quite hard to find small child pants that aren't patterned / frilly / have bows - it gets a lot easier as they get older.
  4. I'll see if I can persuade her to wear separates - but given her hatred of bra-style / spaghetti straps on anything, I'm not sure whether I'll succeed...
  5. Thanks! Any chance you could tell me how tall your 8yo is? I'm dithering between the age 6-8 and the 8-10. Mine normally just wears dance pants under costumes, but at 9 she's old enough to not want to strip to her pants in the wings (and there won't be time to go back to the dressing room for this change).
  6. I'v had a look at old threads on what girls can wear under leotards, and found the Intermezzo Loverfor highly recommended. Does anyone have one, and know how the sizing comes up? Dd is mostly wearing a 1b leotard at the moment (her 2 is a bit big but wearable), but the Intermezzo is sized in ages so I'm not sure what to go for. Or does anyone have any other recommendations for something that can be worn for modesty under a costume (quick change in the wings needed) and which is comfy? Ideally she'd like one with thick tank-style straps, she doesn't like spaghetti style.
  7. It was my dd's intro to ballet, too. I hadn't realised she still remembered it (she was 2!) but recently we walked past the church hall where it was held, and she turned to me and said "do you remember good toes, naughty toes?". So it made an impression!
  8. Yeah, one of the logistical issues is where the class is and therefore can she walk there by herself (how far, are the crossings safe etc). And what time does it end and therefore am I happy for her to walk home by herself in winter when it's dark.
  9. I don't know if she's got a particular aptitude - I can't tell by looking, so I can see the advantage in keeping her options open, that's a good point. Thanks! I've now got to work out the possible timetables, and match that to childcare / other commitments (which are also moving) / location etc.
  10. RobR - she's changing dance schools, part of the decision about which one to go for is about how many hours (and of which type of dance) classes I can get her to. So no current teacher to ask. I'm seeking advice from various sources, this is just one :-)
  11. ArucariaBallerina - she likes ballet and modern best, tap is definitely second-best. It's more about what would give her a chance to do more youth ballet - she's done a little bit and absolutely loved it, and wants the chance to do more.
  12. Hmm, she's only Grade 3, so IF is a while away. But that's useful to know, thanks! Can you remember, were they doing two classes of the same grade, or one of their current grade and one of the grade above? From what I've read, the latter seems more common?
  13. I know there are endless threads about how many hours of dance. Sorry. But I have a specific question. For a 9yo who wants to have a decent chance for youth ballet auditions, but isn't interested in dance as a career, is an hour of ballet enough per week? I'm getting conflicting advice... We're in a position where she's going to have to make some choices, based on how many hours of classes I can physically get her to each week, and I'm trying to work out whether she should prioritise a second ballet class and lose one of modern / contemporary / tap, or vice versa. Obviously, ideally I'd get her to everything, but I have a job, and a family, and even (very occasionally) a social life.
  14. Does anyone have a pair of size 1 (ish, I suspect 1.5 or even 2 would work with insoles) black jazz shoes? Ideally with laces. Dd is just squeezing into her size 13s for summer schools, but they're not going to last much longer and I'm a bit worried they're squashing her toes. They don't get much use, so I'd rather not buy new if I can get second hand. Thanks!
  15. That's reassuring - dd didn't apply this year (I felt 9 was too young to be away for 2 weeks, for her) but would like to next year. But hair is a big issue - she can't even do a decent pony tail, let alone a bun, so it's good to know they get help. Though a hair cut would help more, I think...
  16. I have one of those dds whose grace in dancing turns into an inability to run except in first position. Which is not speedy, And looks silly. I have to say, I'm not entirely sad that Sports Day always falls on one of my working days. I'm prepared to leave early for concerts, go in late for Assemblies etc, but I'm quite happy to have a reason not to spend a whole morning on the grass watching my child wait for her turn to come last.
  17. DD has always done exams / auditions in brand new satin shoes, without using them beforehand for more than ten minutes. Otherwise they inevitably get dirty. I do find they somehow show up the dirt on socks / tights, too, and have learnt to either buy a new pair or soak the ones she's going to wear overnight in Vanish.
  18. I'll ask, but I won't get dd's hopes up. It's a shame, as I suspect quite a few of the SYB dancers would like to have gone for it.
  19. Does anyone know if there's any flexibility on the audition dates? Dd is dancing with SYB this year, and their final show is the same Sunday as the final LCB audition (were she to get that far). She clearly can't miss the show, but is so keen, having seen the production of The Secret Garden.
  20. Wow, I had assumed you needed to be close enough for after school rehearsals, but maybe I should look more closely at the timetable, as just weekends / holidays would make travel time much less of a problem. Dartford takes ages from us, unfortunately, however you do it. Ah, that's good to know. Thanks!
  21. Ooh, Wimbledon is easy on public transport for us - I wonder if they'll do it again?
  22. Do they ever come anywhere near London, or is it the point that they don't?
  23. Thanks. You are all prompting me to look into other options, though I don't want to share my location as that's rather identifying, combined with the other stuff I've posted. I have to say, I completely agree with aileen that there is something about the mystique of ballet that makes it somehow harder to question her teacher or know what is and isn't appropriate / normal.
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