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Everything posted by Peanut68

  1. So great added value for RAD Enterprises!!
  2. The crazy thing is how many would take even 1 day off school or work fir a mild cough or sore throat? And let’s face it, the majority of these will most likely just be one of the usual run of the mill regular winter sniffles/colds/viruses that lay us all a little low from time to time each year....
  3. This function sounds like it would be really helpful for pupils & teachers alike in breaking it down to really nail the technique & specifics such as movements/timings between positions etc
  4. Thank you.... indeed it is quite pricey! I’m not great with tech either but think may well be a useful tool for DC!
  5. Cheers Tango Dancer for your seconding my views on Sambe & I loved your wine analogy 🥂🍷!! Also for the heads up recommending the cast I’m itching to see! 🤞🏻I make it 🤞🏻🤞🏻that turns of events don’t interrupt this run....
  6. Is this available to buy to non members or just members (or discount for members?) Do you pay per grade or a large access all fee? Thx
  7. I think this is just indicative of the truly galactic star quality of Sambe.... even when not the lead he inevitably just shines through & his characters become the more memorable ones! When I watched R&J with Sambe as Mecutio I couldn’t help but feel he seemed to unintentionally upstage Romeo in terms of charisma, dance quality & virtuosity, personality, acting quality & well, just sheer presence.... I just wanted to recast the evening with him as Romeo! (Sorry Corrales) I did however love the casting of the recent R&J film Beyond Words as somehow this seemed to allow Sambe’s scene stealing appeal to not upstage the subtlety of the oh so believable as Romeo Bracewell! So, back to SL.... should I get lucky & be able to pick up a last minute ticket I’d like a poll as to which cast I should aim for.... My natural first choice would be to see Nunez every time!
  8. And put into perspective with comparisons.... eg. How many typically get flu & how many deaths annually attributed to that in the risk groups especially. I think media is hyping up massive fear
  9. Absolutely the voice of reason & sense Meetmeatthebarre.... And well expressed - thank you. I personally fear that the curse of social media & the seemingly relentless trend for mainstream media to over sensationalise anything they can to be the ‘lead story’ has caused an almost self fulfilling prophecy of impending disaster. We all need to question our personal & collective decisions & responses to make these sensible, appropriate, timely & at correct level of action. (I in no way wish to detract from the very real worry of an illness that we clearly do not want anyone to suffer or indeed lose their life from. But adding unnecessary collective anxiety will only increase the damage to society & individuals.)
  10. Panicking but stoic? I’m rather heartened that the plan is to fight it on a hearty breakfast of porridge rather than one of flimsy chocolate puffed rice or similar!! Hope for our nation yet!
  11. Well just got the email with the contingency plans as per Pups Mum in same region! Suggestions for all books to be taken home, more bring out online for home access etc.... Really hoping its doesn’t come to closure if schools near & far 🤞🏻
  12. I have a child in same region at a state school & we’ve not had any such info....horrible seeing this situation develop.
  13. For your art....hope it was worth it all....am sure your audiences appreciated your gifts!
  14. Yes, that could be a happy & fair recompense - hope something like that happens for those sadly losing out x
  15. That’s a pertinent example you found Pas de Quatre & I see she does rather go thump down onto her arch in motion to kneeling position.... Couod only view on phone but did notice very exaggerated arches....wonder if real if fake???!!! And true too about Corps having to often hold uncomfortable poses etc.... Still, all those former generations completed the classic choreography - often 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day....without these fake arches....what are clearly designed & marketed as an ‘enhancement’, not as a comfort or health & safety aid
  16. Am really struggling to picture any female choreo where asked to land on one knee from a pirouette as OAS de Quatre refers to....men yes....usually after spinning multiple turns to create a stable landing rather than a stood but stumbled one! And it’s female fake arches worn for ‘aesthetic’ reasons I was referring too....
  17. Gosh that’s quite a tale... poor you to have gone through all that. 🤞🏻🤞🏻For long term improvements I too have recently been told my foot pain may be arthritis (🙁)....any advice on care/relief etc as really want to keep dancing wouid be much appreciated!
  18. UK Spring is only White Lodge (max age 15 I think) Summer both So so sad for all those disappointed dancers....I do so hope they get another Royal experience opportunity again very soon xx
  19. Choreographers should compose to the real limitations of real bodies imho
  20. Hmmm..... the TBR I went to was combined Xmas & Birthday present.... now wondering if I forego the promised birthday shopping for a few clothes & ask for another TBR instead....trouble is I’d look like a tramp as not really had new clothes for over 10 years!!
  21. I’d said to a friend how I disliked a certain dancer as I felt her look & performances were spoiled by over exaggerated massive arches that were just distracting & drew the eye, completely breaking what would otherwise be a perfect Classical line of this beautiful talented RB Principal.... The friend is apparently is ‘in the know’ with ‘connections’ & told me about this dancer wearing fake arches....yuck. Its as bad as the Instagram trend for oversplits..... a 180 degree flat line Grand Jete is truly a stunning feat..... but as soon as the angle goes beyond with straight legs drawing a semi circle line with feet above the base of the torso is not actually attractive to look at imho. Yes one can go ‘wow - how do they do that?’ And ‘gosh they are stretchy’ but does it look nice??? NO!!!! Again, opinionated me expressing my own viewpoint!
  22. That’s a good analogy - likening fake arches to photoshopping! I sense a comment coming from my 92 year old father about the ‘fake appendages’ that he is sure many male ballet dancers use to enhance a particular region of their anatomy.....😱 I couldn’t possibly comment....🤣🤣🤣
  23. I totally agree how overly arched feet are distracting! It actually can ‘cut’ the overall classical line..... And am horrified about the whole concept that pro dancers are wearing fake arches!!! Have heard rumours (& indeed have wondered when watching some dancers where I look at the feet & they seem insanely - & IMHO - hidiously overarched!) RB & other companies should ban this practise as it is misrepresentation of ‘the product’, setting very poor example to those in training & potentially leading to dangerous practises such as wearing fake arches (can’t be good - particularly when still training), using invasive ‘torture’ foot stretchers (again cannot be advisable to a growing foot?), over training in specific areas to produce ‘desirable’ (??) high arches, & the worst thing in my opinion is how the OP & others are questioning wether it’s even worth their hold continuing to pursue the idea of ballet as a career if by a certain age they don’t have these (awful - IMHO!) ‘banana feet’. Derrin’s Mum has it spot on!! Can we name & shame these Pros wearing fake arches? They are causing immeasurable harm in young dancers striving to measure up to these ‘cheats’ and spiilibg the artistry & elegance as beauty is replaced by freakshow!! Again....my opinion & personal taste; I realise others may like a different look!
  24. BTW all, apologies as I may have taken this thread off track somewhat! Bit just to clarify, my comments relating to funding are more regarding all schools not just relating to Tring.... Important to research all aspects for each institution & age group! 🤞🏻to those awaiting results for Tring & good luck to those going to all the various funding auditions there next week x
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