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Everything posted by SwaybackSapphire

  1. Does anyone have or can point me in the direction of a portable barre? X
  2. Swan princess, hi!! Is this still available? Long shot I know. Xx
  3. Ahhhh the amount of pointe shoes we tried!! My DD has very narrow feet and high arches, suited for her were grishko vaganova, but they don't come with a drawstring as they have a very long vamp. Hence no fingers left after threading drawstring through (one hour each shoe). We haven't found another one yet that suits my DD's feet, but just ballet are correct when they say you shouldn't be sold a shoe, you should be fitted. Good luck! X
  4. Hi along for the ride. No I don't think so, the last summer school (residential, so bedding and all meals etc) DD attended was £475 for a week, non residential was £275. Maybe I'm behind the times too!! Xx
  5. Mum on the run, we use a good camera and my DD's ballet teacher to place her in positions needed. I certainly couldn't afford a photographer! This is pretty much what 99% of the parents I know do. Good luck!
  6. Dance forward looks lovely but is pricey at £300 for three days, would have to starve for a couple of weeks!! DD booked at the Tring Ballet Intensive though, very excited about it. Edited for iPhone spelling....
  7. My DD is blessed to be taught by them not only at OPES but also at Midland Theatre Ballet. It's wonderful to see ballet back on the dance shows, along with Kaine, who is sublime. Nice to see it isn't all about street dance! #bringingballetback
  8. Hi lemongirl, she is 13 and in dorm 9, literally opposite dorm 7. X DD having an amazing time. Lemongirl, have pm'd you
  9. Hi I look after licensing for a theatre company and it's normally if any child has been in a performance in the previous six months, regardless of the new performance duration, they will have to have a full licence. Hope this helps
  10. Royal Ballet School audition dates for 2015 entry have been published on their website: http://www.royalballetschool.org.uk/training/auditions/audition-dates/
  11. Jojo I have just pm'd you Xx
  12. Completely agree with 2dancersmum. It's exactly what we did, had her ballet teacher putting her into the required poses and then I took the photos.
  13. I agree with picturesintheflight. I would prefer a 1-2-1 before any Jan auditions
  14. Hi, pointe work is only done at auditions for upper schools age 16+ at most vocational schools.
  15. Hi ZooZoo This will be for year 10, I did think about the deposit for Tring which is quite hefty I believe and not something I think I can write off! Caught between a rock and a hard place! X
  16. Hi I am pretty new to the forum, and have had some great advice. Was wondering if anyone thought if auditioning as soon as dates come out for vocational schools is better to get it done, or to wait until Jan/Feb to get extra practice in? Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks X
  17. Am in need of a black practice tutu for a summer school week commencing 18th August! Daughter is 13, very slight Thanks!
  18. Just heard that Max Westwell and Araminta Wraith will be performing a pas-de-deux on the performance day, how exciting!!!!!
  19. It is always great to see dancers with commitment, teachers would rather see dancers be a little late than not at all, as it is especially hard when rehearsing a full production and trying to place missing children. Edited for spelling!!
  20. My DD was a JA and is now an MA, she had to miss a couple of classes for various reasons and I found the teachers very understanding, you just have to be upfront with them. (Even if she is a little late to some of her other classes, as long as you explain, they are fine). Congrats on her getting a JA place!!
  21. @swanprincess @dancingdaisy3 That is correct, Midland Theatre Ballet will always see talented dancers outside of audition dates, details can be found on their website: www.midlandtheatreballet.co.uk
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