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Everything posted by ENBlover

  1. He's taken his chances, but I doubt his life is sad for it.
  2. I would agree. I feel that inasmuch as this is big news, there is nothing remotely "strange" about it. Bolshoi has been long trying to get Natalia to guest there so this is a logical conclusion for both parties. Good for Natalia to be able to return to the stage that must mean so much to her. I've missed seeing her on stage. January couldn't come soon enough.
  3. Natalia is not scheduled to dance anything after her Giselle on March 29. This makes it 10 performances between January 20 - March 29. She wasn't supposed to dance here this spring.
  4. I doubt Osipova tweets. Polunin deleted his tweeter account two years ago or so.
  5. Yes, I think RB made a right decision. And I hope Natalia recovers soon.
  6. I am also extremely happy to hear about Anastasia's promotion. She was terrific here in London two years ago - definitely one of my personal discoveries during that tour.
  7. No, it's a problem of the public perception. You are wrongly assuming that Hamilton is unhappy to move to Dresden or that she should only want to stay in London given the opportunity. Good luck to Melissa. She's very talented and brave and deserves the best.
  8. Back to ballet, we are lucky to have Osipova. Jarring is good - it means challenging, growing, changing. This is what art is meant to do. If you want things to always be the same, you probably want entertainment, comfort and familiarity. There nothing wrong with that either.
  9. Well, for one describing someone as "foreign" is in and of itself an insult that is completely unrelated to one's artistic merits. Last time I checked there are quite a few "foreign" faces within RB. What does it have to do with anything at all?
  10. Let's all slate Osipova now because she's new and different. The world is such a ridiculous place.
  11. Viktoria is 32. She is a magnificent ballerina.
  12. Osipova was terrific this time, but will undoubtedly continue improving. As far as O/Os go, for me it begins and ends with Lopatkina.
  13. I thought Osipova's Odette was danced flawlessly. I can see how her interpretation could be polarizing, but technically she was superb.
  14. To be honest, there's no need to compare Osipova and Obraztsova - two completely different interpretations by two completely different ballerinas, both in terms of their background and style. I felt that both interpretations worked perfectly and were well supported by Steven and Mathew. I did like the company overall much more last night (and happy the spakles flied for the recorded performance). Can't wait to watch it somewhere on the screen.
  15. Tatiana does display a lot of true affection and love for Gremin in the scene that precedes her last pdd with Onegin. I thought it was acted subtly, but with a lot of real warmth and feeling towards Tatiana's husband. I don't think it's possible to understand Tatiana's ultimate rejection of Onegin without appreciating how much she's grown to love Gremin.
  16. Well, tonight was special. Absolutely breathtaking. Carlos and Natalia were one.
  17. I don't think any one of us holds the rights to how different parts could be interpreted. While Osipova is a vibrant dancers, I have never felt that she could be blamed of self-indulgence, trying to outdance her partner or steal the limelight. There is nothing remotely diva-esque in her performances and demeanor. She is Russian after all - can't she dance a Turgenev character as she feels her? Maybe she has a point she wants to make after all.
  18. Alright then, I'll defend my "flat" comment. It might seem absolutely ridiculous, but once Carlos's shoes started squeaking in the first act, the fourth wall was broken and I couldn't get into the relationship between the people on stage. I had a few goosebump moments, but the performace just didn't become whole for me at the end. Take it with as much a pinch of salt as you want. I'll go back in two weeks and if Carlos's shoes keep making funny noises while their owner is confessing his love to Manon I'll be ready for it.
  19. I always prefer it when artists bring their interpretations and personality to the part. It doesn't always pay off, but you always treasure the moment when it does. I definitely saw and felt her as Manon albeit a different kind of Manon. The fact she gave me a new perspective on the character is the reason I go to the theatre. I'm seeing this cast again and am intrigued to know how I'll feel about it on my second viewing.
  20. I honestly couldn't agree more with the praise of Osipova - she was mesmerising from start to finish.
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