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Everything posted by Lifeafterballet?

  1. Just a thought .... If anyone is going to "MoveIt" this weekend would you mind asking a question at the "School of Ballet Theatre UK" stand. Pretty please ! They have applied for HND accreditation which goes hand-in-hand with student financing. I would be very grateful if somebody could ask the status of their accreditation. Auditions are 2 weeks away and don't know if we can afford the course! .... I (and a number of the BTUK thread) would be very grateful. Thank you in anticipation - enjoy your time at moveit!
  2. It looks really busy based on the photos on Instagram etc. Hope everyone has a great time and it isn't too busy so that you can't see or get around.
  3. We pre-booked parking in the multi story there last year (Sunday). We arrived for opening and managed to park on the first level and left about half hour before it closed - our car was only a few on that level then too. .I'm sorry I can't help with how busy it was during the day but if you arrive first thing parking was easy.
  4. We weren't going to go this year as went last year but I received an e-mail to say Russian Pointe have a stand there for the first time .... DD LOOOOOOOVES russian pointe shoes and you can't buy them in the UK ............ Shall I tell her?!!!
  5. And a lot it will be too Katymac! Most handed out carrier or jute bags with prospectus and "freebies" in. Last year we had enough pens and pencils, key rings and water bottles to keep both dd going for years to come - the boot of the car was full! Your dd will love it - I can only describe it as an ideal home show for dancers. The refreshments last year were quite pricey and very few tables to sit but that is to be expected
  6. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! I'm coming to terms with the arts world do everything at their own speed .... I just wish it was a bit quicker! Never mind it will soon be over and we will be able to look back on it ..... Pleased we won't have to do it again ....
  7. I can't say what happens for Drama course as "we" are on the ballet one. Our understanding from the call last week is our daughter has a place on the course no matter what .... What happens on Tuesday is boarder/day student places are allocated and then funding falls as appropriate (be it self funded, DaDa or scholarship for those who are eligible). I am ringing to confirm this tomorrow with the lady who was off last week!
  8. We rang Tring as DD invited to DaDa Funding Audition on Tuesday - the lady we need to speak to was off last week but the lady answering the phone said having received the letter the audition would allocate boarding/day places to students who had received the letters ??? Reading the fees and funding page on the school website, setting aside DaDa, I understood the scholarship was 10% of fees - is that how others read it?
  9. Hopefully a week away from school - no rushing in the morning for the school bell etc will be a tonic. I do believe the school has "ramped up" the pressure considerably this last couple of weeks - dd walked into a class this week to be informed that she had 16 lessons left before the exam whilst some children need that hard kick I know it sent my daughter into blind panic. Try to relax and enjoy the half term (whether at auditions or preparing). Take care to the both of you - supporting a teenager through year 11 and college auditions is a full time job in itself!
  10. Everything crossed for Central, Madhouse x
  11. After drying the letter out - it's a yes here too! what better news to cheer up a stormy day!!!
  12. We were there in the morning of the 21st - it seems like months ago now. Hope the letters are out before the weekend - I'll be grey by the end of this process!!!
  13. There are lyrical style dances in DD modern sections - however if the dancers have a modern they obviously cannot enter both dances in the same section.
  14. The very helpful administrator told me that they are in the process of making inquiries for their course to be eligible for funding via Student Finance England (i.e. the same funding as you get for degree courses). I went to an open day they held in November - all the staff are very friendly.
  15. Hi swanprincess, I asked DD - watch32.com has upto season 4 streamed currently. Happy viewing - they're addictive ....
  16. I know Spanner - most just say "dark coloured" or "plain classical" . DD uniform isn't black and I bought a degas Leo as a special treat for her auditions .... That's not black either!!! I know I a fairly new to this but didn't realise the colour you wear affects how you pointe your toes!!!!
  17. Oh bless you that's very kind Swanprincess. Hope we get to meet up one day! I was using this as an example and highlighting to others the full extent of hidden costs. X
  18. One college actually specifies a colour of Leo for the audition - rather than plain, dark, classical etc .... I know it's only black they require but DD doesn't own a black one! I am sure we aren't the only ones either .....
  19. Our doctors have lost all it's partners and is staffed entirely by locums at the moment - they said it would cost £45 and take 7 weeks to complete a medical questionnaire!! Time to move docs I think ......
  20. We have had him 3 times now and is good. The minute the last dancer has finished he is ready on the mic with his placings - no hanging around - marks as he goes along rather than waiting for the section to complete. He doesn't like black tap shoes on the bottom of a coloured costume - saying it hardens the line.
  21. We are flying too - anticipating it taking half the time in this wind!!! You really don't need a car - everything is very close within the city itself. It's just getting from airport that's the difficult bit. Good luck to your DD.
  22. Anyone else heading to RCS for an audition this week? Or has anyone been already?!!!
  23. It really depends on the adjudicator and their background - especially in Modern and Tap sections I think musicality plays a huge part. I agree with you sometimes you cannot predict the results. DD watches a section before her and knows if adjudicator is looking for "face or feet" . My youngest DD is a tapper her routine is so fast with complicated beating - she rarely places as she is concentrating too much she loses her smile - but as long as she enjoys taking part in festivals that is all that matters - I love watching!!!
  24. DD went today - their group had no opportunity to sing or play instruments - apparently not required at this stage - but they were asked questions about their aspirations and why they were applying to Tring when they went in for their solos ..... .?.? Our tour was time managed - they then had 45mins ballet class, 30mins jazz class and solos.
  25. Both my DD had to have "cross over plaits" for ISTD ballet and modern exams when they were younger. It is easy - the trick is to get the initial bunches high. Once plaited cross one over the top of her head and round the outside of other bunch and repeat with the other. Tuck the ends under the plaits before pinning if possible. Then run a line of pins down the centre - catching the inside of both plaits to keep them together before putting a net over then pinning the outside edges. Lots of gel spray!!! I think the most stressful bit of exams for me is how they look as that's my responsibility - the dancing is all down to them
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