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Everything posted by alison

  1. Sounds as though I didn't miss much by giving the screening a miss - and I'm sure the audience will have appreciated the absence of my coughing. But yes, I agree, if you felt the filming fell below par, do let your feelings be known in the right place - only that way will we get improvement. When you're shelling out £20 for a cinema ticket, you deserve a premium experience.
  2. There was certainly a Mother Ginger section in the Hampson/Scarfe ENB Nutcracker. I've yet to see any production which makes particularly convincing use of the music.
  3. The boxes in the Circle (and downstairs, no doubt) get in the way of being able to appreciate the transformation properly - so to be avoided.
  4. Possibly not. That's a variation on a question I've asked in the past: whether an AD needs to be a former *principal* dancer. I don't think so.
  5. Available now: http://www.getintolondontheatre.co.uk/shows/#dance-opera
  6. http://www.officiallondontheatre.co.uk/news/latest-news/article/item382169/matthew-bournes-cinderella-returns-christmas-2017/
  7. They're not on for another couple of weeks, Scheherezade
  8. I must admit that if I were an individual artist I might not necessarily be keen on having my every word recorded for posterity, especially these days, when the slightest word out of place risks causing such havoc. But at least, as capybara says, most of the insights are shown online. You just miss any juicy bits at the end
  9. Good spot, thanks, cavycapers. Am I right in thinking that a (longer?) version of Start the Week goes out at 9 am?
  10. And Misty Copeland??? http://www.odeon.co.uk/films/all_opera_romeo_amp_juliet/17017/ Don't they have any home-grown Juliets? What's Copeland's Juliet like? Wimbledon the only London Odeon showing this.
  11. I guess not. Unless it's happening on New Year's Eve or Day - the two-week listings guides have sneakily managed to produce a version which doesn't cover both Christmas and New Year this year.
  12. alison

    Room 101

    I never use mine: we have a relatively new Hotpoint, but the catch on the dispenser drawer always sounds so potentially fragile that I don't like to open and shut it if I don't have to. The washing liquid always goes in one of those dispenser-ball thingies.
  13. Now, *that* I would report to the Advertising Standards Authority
  14. Oh sneaky. So they've changed the name, which will confuse people. They are *not* stalls, and will be raised quite a bit above (front) stalls seats.
  15. And now I noticed in Sainsbury's yesterday that the pack size has gone back down to 750 g, but the price is still at £2.49 rather than the old £2.00.
  16. This has now happened to me for the first time on the Opera and Music sub-forum. I only have the one computer working today, so my above hypothesis can't be the whole truth.
  17. Louise Levene was certainly there. I don't know about the other critics: what I think of as the "critics' seats" on one side of the orchestra stalls were largely empty at the start of the performance. It may be that some critics will lump several performances/debuts together, of course.
  18. But no need to remove him before washing it?
  19. Since this forum isn't limited to classical music only, I thought I'd post the news that Bruce Springsteen will be the "castaway" on Desert Island Discs on Radio 4, 11.15 am on Sunday 18th December. (And then you can switch straight over to Private Passions on Radio 3, where Edward Watson is the guest)
  20. alison

    Room 101

    I suppose now would be a timely moment to issue a reminder *not* to take too much paracetamol: overdosing can start at not far above "safe" levels, I believe, and I understand that the irreversible liver damage which can occur can be excruciatingly painful. Bright lights and cold winds, according to my experience - no particular foods that I'm aware of. On several occasions when sitting in the stalls or similar I've had to ask to be moved because the lights in the wings were starting to trigger one. (And I'm currently stuck at home with a stinker of a cold which is however definitely *not* flu. I remember once when I had *real* flu, and that was horrendous. Could barely get out of bed for days.)
  21. I seem to remember a bit of viewing restriction towards the very sides of the rear front stalls when the RB were there, but I usually sit in the Balcony for ballet, so can't be of much help.
  22. Not quite adverts, but there was a piece in the Evening Standard the other day about Liberty's of London, whose store (windows?) this year are themed with the RB Nutcracker.
  23. I saw this yesterday evening, and was very taken with it, too. In fact, I spent much of Act I considering whether I wanted to go and catch it again - Act II rather less so. I thought it was visually stunning, and had its own style - plus I've got relatively used to Peking Opera over the years. I've been put off a bit in the past by NBC productions because of their seeming emotional distance, but perhaps I've acclimatised, because I didn't find this piece nearly as hard to warm to. And Lin, when they put the Chinese Opera version on at Sadler's a few years ago they cut it down to 3 nights and maybe 3 hours per night. I went to one of them (part 1, I think), but seem to remember I couldn't fit them all in.
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