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Everything posted by Anon2

  1. On the summer school info pdf we got back in June there was the contact details of who to contact. If you can't find it pm me and I will have a look. No better?
  2. Dancermum just been told there might be a disco one evening.
  3. They are not allowed off site so unless they need anything in emergency which houseparents will pick up for them then not much money. My dd will just take some casual wear, jeans, shorts etc for evenings. Dance wear plus cover ups for between classes.
  4. Oh I miss Anjuli's advice and common sense. Ladybug I would take the advice everyone is giving you. You haven't been back to dance long, you previously complained about foot pain and other problems. Pointe work needs to be supervised by a very knowledgable teacher to reduce injury and problems. A proper pointe shoe fitting can take an hour plus - there are so many variables, foot shape, strength, instep, flexibility, length of toes etc. My dd is roughly your age, has been en pointe for years and over that time as her feet have changed and she has developed she has moved through various brands and styles to get the perfect shoe for her stage. I only buy mail order or online when I'm replacing shoes she is currently using. She would never try a new shoe or g back to an old style without a proper fitting. Your feet, knees, hips need to give you years of service not just the short time you are dancing.
  5. Well done Lisa for getting through a difficult day without your usual prop. Onwards and upwards - you have positives to concentrate on now. Sean is doing well with his studies, you are doing well with your weight loss and of course your ballet trip is coming up.
  6. Our small local theatre posts info about panto auditions on its website, not on front page but often in news or youth group page. Also I'm on their email list so get info via that source. I've also heard info on local radio when musicals such as Les Mis visited the larger regional theatre - wanting girls of specific height, colouring etc. Audition info used to be in local newspaper too - just a couple of lines well hidden! When my dd been involved in pantos it was because dance teacher was asked to provide dancers. Might be worth emailing education officer at local theatres and asking about audition opportunities. They might be able to point you in right direction. Pantos are a huge family commitment, great fun for the child but as parents you end up juggling fitting in preparation for Christmas and inevitable bad weather!
  7. He will need dance wear for each day as it is a full on course and they don't have access to the washing machines unless he is keen to hand wash his dance wear! I don't have access to the paperwork but does it suggest an outfit for the performance? In a previous year girls had to have a black leotard of any style for this. If the other boys are wearing leotards and tights on stage he might feel conspicuous if dressed differently although I'm don't think the faculty will mind what he wears as long as they can see his body during class.
  8. Afab did you manage to get hold of someone? Hope it is resolved.
  9. I've been reading the various threads about your concerns regarding your dd, her current level and training and her hopes to get into vocational school in year 9. Is the hope for her to get a year 9 place in the academic year starting September 2016? If so the audition season for that will start this autumn not long after schools go back. Regardless of level achieved or hours of classes per week the schools at this age will be looking for a number of things including potential, performance, facility, musicality, physique. As others have said you need to discuss your dd aspirations with her teacher and be guided by her in the best path to follow. Auditions can be fun if treated as a chance to enjoy a class in a new environment with the opportunity to see the school. Realistically there may be one or two spaces and girls auditioning from across the globe. The chances of getting a place are minimal but of course someone will be just who the school are looking for, your dd might be that lucky one. At this stage don't get too hung up on the end result, give her opportunities with summer schools, associates and workshops and let her enjoy her dancing journey.
  10. My mother has just updated her bedroom with this design - it is very pretty.
  11. Well we've had 2 emails from school in last 2 days so assume some one is around and they are not sending from home. Are you getting the option to for different departments as reception is closed? If you are I would try them all.
  12. School broke up last Friday but the offices are normally manned during the holidays. If summer school coordinator is off this week I imagine one of bursary/finance team might be in. Have you tried phoning Elmhurst?
  13. Thank you for posting as I found it interesting. Over the years my dd been a vocational pupil I've noticed an increase in the number 'off dance' due to injury and not just at dd school but across her friends at other schools. The injuries seem to be more prominent in those that spend hours of their free time in the studio practicing unsupervised and post photos of themselves in amazing poses. DD can have 6 - 7 hours of dance timetabled per day so is physically and mentally drained at the end of it just needing a bath and her bed ready for the next day. Some will push themselves beyond their limits, some will thrive on it but many will cause their growing bodies damage and unfortunately miss out on what they have been working hard for - shows and exams.
  14. Janet has the money been taken from your bank account? My dd had issues on Saturday too, both with loading and getting PAYG Oyster to register passing through barrier. She had to speak to a TFL member of staff who said problems all day and she got journey for free! She had plenty of credit on card for journey and it registered at beginning of journey but wouldn't work at exit station.
  15. You have all shown amazing strength through these episodes. It is lovely to hear what your younger dd has achieved since her strokes. I hope you have a lovely summer with plenty of family time together before getting your older dd prepared for September.
  16. I think we ordered few weeks before end of summer holidays so that it was delivered for beginning of term. Lasts for duration of course. From what I remember have to upload photo, give term address and place of study. Don't forget to look into student railcard too, Santander give four year one as freebie for having student bank account. Good luck with your move to London and studies.
  17. You will need a student Oyster card to get reduced rates but it needs delivering to your term time address within Greater London.
  18. How old is she? Can you not encourage her to darn her own as it isn't to do with neatness of stitching but to give friction? Have never used stitched tips but tried stick on suede ones and they always come away at edges.
  19. Lisa, the figures I found are for students starting courses next academic year 2016/2017. Anyone currently on a course stays with current student finance arrangements.
  20. Was just about to ask where you got that info sblick as every news article the same, then found it on moneysavibgexpert. So for family income below £25000 Living at home: £6904/yr Living away but outside London: £8200/yr Living away in London: £10,702/yr Awaiting news on bands for those above £25000. Course fees are going to be allowed to rise too.
  21. Aileen my dc rent was just about covered by current maintaince loan and that was university halls, although we had to pay a large amount before the finance was through and student finance went smoothly. I think the management companies will put up the rents in line with the increase in amount of finance the English students will get. They are businesses and are ruthless.
  22. I believe it is for new students from 2016 so anyone on the current system carry on. Cynically all I can think is that student rent will increase that year and those running accommodation will be rubbing their hands in glee!
  23. I think from 2016/17 according to BBC website. Maintenance to be replaced by loans, amount will increase to £8200. Does look like for those from low income families they won't be able to apply for any top up as you can at moment.
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