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Pointe shoe fitting

Sheila Beelam

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Opinions sought please :)


We fitted a pair of pointe shoes to a 15 yr old dancer who does one 15 min class a week. She doesn't like ballet but is required to do it at her dance school to complement other dancing.


I had been warned this school was fussy, but was happy to change/refund shoes if teacher wasn't satisfied. I spent an hour with the dancer, was happy with the fit, and advised on some strengthening exercises she could do.


The mother came back and said teacher thought although shoes fit perfectly now, she was concerned that once shes softened the box would be too NARROW for her foot??


She has recommended Gaynors for this student and the mother is not happy as this means a trip to London and a shoe twice the price. She has no ballet experience and feels powerless to question the teacher.


Can anybody think what the teacher means? I know I could phone her, but to be honest this is my first dealing with the school, so I though I'd ask you friendly people first!

Thank you!


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How strange as most teachers don't like Gaynors at all for beginners... Both my DDs use them and they are really good value for money but they use them a few hours a week... Does the teacher mean that they would be better for that kid because they actually don't soften and with 15 min a week it would take a long time to soften other brands?


Good luck!

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That was my feeling Rhoda, which was why I didn't understand!

I also think GM would be wrong for this dancer's feet and ability, but the teacher probably knows the dancer's feet better than me. I have given the mother my opinion...

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Just Ballet you sound like you offer an exceptional service for your customers but I'm sure you are right in thinking the box would go wider if softened ...... If the shoes are perfect now who can anticipate what will happen when the girl has danced on them and it is trial and error until you get a shoe that is right for how you dance.and should you be dancing on box that has gone soft anyway ?

I too am shocked that the teacher has recommended Gaynors although they make the feet look lovely do not work the feet enough ( not my opinion the girls teacher) .

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I, too, think that a softened box would tend to widen.


I can't help but wonder if the other girls in the class use GMs?  Sometimes a teacher is more familiar with a particular maker and tends to stay with that maker.


I also wonder if the school has a connection to GMs?  Like more experience with them, or a representative comes out to the school periodically....etc.

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I have never seen a pointe shoe become narrower the more the shoe is worn; if anything, a traditionally made shoe may stretch a little. The *only* thing I can think of is that if perhaps this student's foot swells excessively after a long class, the shoe may get a little tight?


But if that is the case, then it would have been prudent to have the fitting after class so the foot is already warm, and secondly, that's not your problem really!


Re Gaynors, I'm VERY surprised for a student at that level.

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sorry to hijack this thread but in a related question , dd is about to go for.her.first pair of pointe shoes. Do i trust to one of the local(ish) shops or is there any point(e) i. making a trip.to London to the better known branded shops. My gut feeling is that the lical shops will have stock of all different brands whereas if we go to Lo.don we would be going to Freed or Bloch or wherever, which will obviously have an interest in selling us their.own brand. However good they are, is.it better to try lots of different.brands first time round . Also are any brands/models better for first timers,. Unfortunately I am no longer in Thorpe Bay, JFB! x

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In my experience of wearing pointe shoes I cannot imagine the shoes becoming narrower!! I hated buying new pointe shoes so was very bad for wearing them too long...so they got softer and looser if anything. I really don't know what this teacher means I'm afraid. It all seems to depend on exactly how much longer she will be doing pointe work....when is she taking this exam....because if she hates ballet that will be it probably.....so,not worth spending a fortune etc but maybe they want to make sure she only has to buy one pair.....maybe worth finding out when exam is....if only a few months away....why buy an expensive pair?

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I agree with all of the above. I guess I'm going to get this a lot! The mother hasn't brought the shoes back yet, but when she does I'll have a chat and try to find out if the teacher spoke to her directly of just the DD. All I can do is advise her of my opinion!

I think I may have opened a can of worms with this shop lark! ????

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Sorry I jumped in on your thread, Just Ballet, but as a complete and utter novice at this pointe shoe stuff I'd welcome any input. I would be straight round to your shop if it wasn't  three hour drive away! It sounds to me as though you really go the extra mile and are very knowledgable, I hope I am lucky enough to find someone similar. (even as a complete novice, surely any shoes become wider, not narrower with wear?!!) x

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No problem along for the ride mum ???? a good place to start may be too ask the teacher to recommend a local shop or ask other parents what their opinions are of service they've received.

If you do end up in London the shops are all centred around covent garden making it handy to do the rounds - and Dancia in Drury Lane stock several brands :)

If you inbox me your postal address I can send you some articles on pointe shoe fitting, so you can go in with some info ????

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Just Ballet

the pointe shoe fitting info arrived in the post this morning. Thank you so much!! Perfect timing as I am off sick today with a horrible cold and sore throat, it has kept me from getting bored whilst glued to the sofa this morning.It makes really interesting reading and I at least feel that I will have some clue about what we are aiming for now! Thank you so much for putting yourself out for us. What a shame we don't still live in Thorpe Bay or nearby, I'd have been straight round to your shop for a fitting! I will definitely be visiting the online shop in future.

Many Thanks x

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Point shoes don't narrow after wearing them.

They mould to the shape of the feet as the girls wear them and are warmed up. When they take them off hang them outside of their bags so they dry off and keep the shape of the girls feet.

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