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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. that is very true - and yes, a stander I am 🙂
  2. There is indeed a glut of 'back of the hand to the forehead' melodramatic moments - but that makes the very subtle ones all the more moving I find. If there is a middle section I don't like (triple bill or 3-acter), I'll happily sit it out in the bar with my book, and not feel in the least bit hard done by 🙂
  3. Lara is a lovely dancer, who has been starting a family, and so has been restricted to more character roles of late when she has been on stage (unattibuted type roles). I like her a lot, so had been hoping she would return to dancing properly. I saw her in the Linbury audience a couple of weeks back, and she certainly looks fit enough to my eye Kevin has been injured I believe, but I don't know much else
  4. I'd say it isn't the ballet (choreography) as such, but the costume designs that date a production of even seemingly timeless works (eg Catalabutte in RB's Beauty - well actually, nearly all the chaps seem somewhat cursed in the costume dept in that production - look pretty ghastly in my view). The ethereal beings (sylphs, nymphs, fairies etc) seem to persevere better being in 'timeless' costumes such as tutus, but the courtiers do suffer horribly! Swan Lake's white acts sail imperiously over the other acts as they have been left largely alone - whereas every restaging has a go at the first and third act, with varying success over varying timescales. For me, when a ballet is made (or even restaged) and very much "of it's time", it will tend to date very quickly. Something like Giselle seems almost timeless when set in the era of its story, so more resistant to becoming dated - will Khan's Giselle at ENB do the same over the years? (I do hope so). Whereas something like Symphonic Variations could have been made any time in the last 100 years - or even the next 100 years - as opposed to some of Ashton's more twee one act works, or MacMillans contemporary make-'em-aware-of-real-life era ballets, which look very dated to me, as opposed to something like his Requiem or Concerto which still look breathtakingly fresh and vibrant. The simplicity of the staging/production of Balanchine's ballets will make them pretty bomb proof to the passge of time I reckon, as another example.
  5. I went along to see the Chineke! Orchestra's performance at the QE Hall, mainly to hear the premier of Joan Armatrading's 'Symphony No 1'. The programme started with a rendition of Duke Ellihgton's reworking of The Nutcracker Suite (the overture). Starting with the opening bars of the Nutcracker overture we are all familiar with (made me look forward to the 6th Dec at ROH all the more!), it then changed when the 'jazz' instruments joined in. I'm not a huge fan of jazz, but this short piece was most enjoyable. After the interval, we enjoyed Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony, splendidly and enthusiatically played, by the orchestra in full flow. Made me realise it is a good while since last I heard this masterpiece, so it is due a revival on my CD player very soon. In between was the afore mentioned premiere, of Joan Armatrading's debut symphony. Better know as a singer/songwriter of folk/pop/rock/blues/jazz tunes, the multi-instrumentalist (she plays all the instruments on her records) continues her musical path into a classical symphony. I really enjoyed it too. Not hugely 'challenging' - ie not difficult to listen to - she used the orchestration to good effect, putting over her motifs elegantly, and with a triumphant bit of 'oomph' for the climaxes. The audience gave it a great reception, and then went bonkers with a standing ovation when the lady herself took the stage. As much an ovation for the piece, as for the woman herself - well, it WAS Joan Armatrading!!! PS - spotted Wayne McGregor in the audience. On a night 'off'? Or scouting for the next musical collaboration? He may not have been in love - but open to persuasion?
  6. Sarah Lamb was magnificent as Beatrice (that last pdd in 'act 2' was sublime) Lovely to see Olivia Cowley being devilish (very intense) closing out 'act 1'. Both these dancers really do deliver for McGregor.
  7. full details: https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events/43/insights-the-royal-ballet-in-rehearsal/cast-list/56207
  8. casting is up for the insight this evening... https://www.roh.org.uk/tickets-and-events/43/insights-the-royal-ballet-in-rehearsal/cast-list/56207 Guessing - Chinese Dance? Bits of Clara solos?
  9. I must be in a minority of about one, but I really liked Live Fire Exercise and had been looking forward to it before it got 'covided' (along with Symphonic Dances if memory serves). There is nothing though, save the winning Euromillions numbers, that could get me to see Multiverse again! (same with some of MacMillan's 'rapey' pieces).
  10. Agreed, and then some. For me, she is single handedly 'bringing on' a lot of the up-and-coming male dancers, as she seems to bring them up to her level (to my eyes)
  11. suggest everyone bookmarks (make a favourite) this link in the web browser of their choice. Will come in handy, I promise!
  12. well, it was brand new when it was first made... 😉
  13. yes, looks like my trains out for the 6th. So tram/tube it is - just as well Nutcracker a relatively early finish
  14. Stephen - have removed personal contact details (Internet safety) Anyone wanting these tckets, please use the PM system
  15. sorry to jump in: Aklf - your PM mailbox is virtually maxed out, suggest you delete a good few of the oldest messages to make space
  16. It wasn't your helpful post that the 'negativity' was about Jenny, more the increasingly unavailability of shows due to ticket price increases for many of us. So please keep posting any tips you find - as you say, it may have helped someone who doesn't have to be ultra careful with their spending 🙂
  17. I think your interpretation nails it Anne! 😞
  18. I'd give the audience a break - the make-up of it probably had a large number of non-regular theatre/ballet goers for whom it would have been a marvelous novelty (first time attendance?), so can hardly blame them for being excitable
  19. I don't mind most of the more joyous shouts in the town square, seems in tune with what's going on. The bits I really don't like is the 'appreciative' exclamations around the gypsy campfire - sounds like dirty old men lusting after a lap dancer
  20. somewhat ironically, I had given up going to my local Vue (15mins walk away) because they always cocked it up (and the price rise from £12 to £24 not helping). But tonight - no problem at all! (except the gloom, which I doubt was their fault)
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