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Everything posted by Jazzpaws

  1. Central results are out from 15th audition. DD's friend has just had a yes Our postman is nowhere to be seen - as we are a bit rural our post can be late. Oh well, carry on sweating
  2. Hi I found these tutorials useful ( a bit long winded though). I use a thinner crotchet thread, but that is my preference, it really doesn't take too long once you are in the routine of backwards and forwards, I find it quite relaxing and a nice way to pass time whilst waiting around for DD. Probably a dance mum fetish !
  3. Will be lovely to see you too - the girls are both looking forward to it - it sounds like a lovely experience and not high pressure, best to dance and enjoy it
  4. From Saturdays audition ? Wasn't really expecting anything for a few days as finals aren't till end of March. Perhaps I should start stalking our sleazy postman again lol
  5. At this stage, the girls aren't thinking of cruise ship work, but I have also heard that it's very competitive to get into. Two girls DD and I know are on cruise ships at the moment - we follow their progress on facebook. They are having a fantastic time ! Lots of happy smiley pictures from all over the world. Plus, I think they can save a lot of their salaries while working. One girl is doing this to get the 'dancing bug' out of her body before setting up her own dance school, and she will have the savings to do this by the time she's finished. Certainly not a bad achievement at all
  6. Haha didn't think it would be, what a shame !
  7. That's interesting Kathy G Is this only for Tring ? DD has an MDS BUT this is for her CAT scheme, not vocational school. Wouldn't it be lovely if that could be transferred to 6th form !!! Silly of me to even think of it I'm sure, wonder if it's worth mentioning to Tring before her funding audition lol
  8. Hi anaballerina - they're both studying advanced 2, but as they have arranged the groups, would have thought the level will be set for all in that group xx
  9. Ho anaballerina DD and her friend are in level 4 - Both are non vocational so you won't be It sounds lovely - 2 days of classes and the opportunity to perform at a nice venue (nice break for DD before GCSe's) - fun times x
  10. I'm not giving an opinion on BTUK school but I did email them with a number of questions and said I might look around the area when DD had her Elmhurst audition. I didn't get any sort of reply which did put me off sending DD there if they are hard to reach. I'm sure all this will be ironed out in time and they may be amazing but as they are going through a learning process too, I thought I'd rather send DD somewhere that has done it all any times before x
  11. Do many do this,does more than one stay with a family - would worry that DD would feel isolated if everyone else was at the school BUT it does sound do-able
  12. It is relevant to all, but I was relating it to the very high Tring boarding costs, didn't mean to sidetrack lol
  13. Here are DADA figures for the coming year : National Income Bands - Student Fee Contribution - DaDA Maintenance Rates http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/pdf/i/final%20income%20bands%20-%20new%20students%2013-14.pdf I think a lot won't be able to cough up the boarding fees. If someone is earning under £21,000, around £7,000 will have to be found, which is a very tall order ! Similar problems for other figures too Wonder how anyone can afford it. We are going along, hoping that there is a better outcome and I suspect others are doing the same !
  14. I am far from being the expert sugarplumsmum, but I thought someone got a DADA or not and it couldn't be split between 2 for example. It clearly states in the letter DD received, that if parental income is over £70,000 then a student isn't eligible for a DADA award. Thing is, it's all a bit confusing and there could well be a few with income over £70,000 that ticked the DADA box without being aware they weren't eligible My DD needs the full DADA and then there is the boarding issue, at nearly £12,000 per year, not quite sure how it will work. Very hard for all, especially with all the other audition stress and GCSE's
  15. A yes for DD - invitation to audition for DaDa place came today. Did open it because if it was a no, that would have been kept till after Central tomorrow
  16. Thank you Pastel - she has a yes for Tring with funding audition on the 25th, lovely news before her Central audition tomorrow !! Re: the kookaburra - my eldest daughter and her family are in Sydney for 2 years. We visited this summer - just loved it, amazing ! That little chap used to wake us every morning
  17. Thank you - all the best to your DD too it's all so hard, so many talented girls out there - look at them all back to back in their Royal auditions on Sunday, so many. It must also be very hard for the panel to choose. Still they have worked so hard and given it their best and that is all anyone can ask of themselves whatever the result is(hopefully nice news) xx
  18. It was a no for DD too, and ENBS, but she has Elmhurst finals, Central audition on Saturday and of course still waiting to hear from Tring (she is not hopeful about that, felt they weren't watching her), so on we go and so grateful that she has a final to go to x
  19. All these girls have worked for years for this, so much hinges on it. DD just has one more audition at Central on Saturday and then we will be resorting to stalking the postman - how sad of me - he may even think I fancy him - Oh dear wouldn't want him to get any ideas, he reminds me of Shrek !! Perhaps emails would be better but not sure if any of the schools do this
  20. Who knows ? I only really saw a section of one class which may not give a true picture at all. It would be a shame for any dancer to be dismissed purely on physique, but the schools have so many to choose from and there are so many very talented dancers out there
  21. My DD had a lovely time and was happy enough with her dancing so that's all that matters to me whether or not she is called back. Interesting what you say about physique - we watched a first year class at the Royal in November and i didn't think they all had the same physique at all , In fact I noticed a few different shapes and sizes, admittedly nothing extreme Also noticed this at ENB audition on Saturday, but when we were shown around Elmhurst, the girls all seemed to be very thin and willowy but perhaps that's just the class I saw.
  22. DD was there yesterday and enjoyed her audition with Anita Young taking the class. It was a very busy, but well organised day with classes of around 28 going in and out all day - LOTS of competition, but DD enjoyed having a go. I think the Royal Ballet have been at it long enough to know exactly what they want, whatever that something is
  23. Oh dear, more expense !! I'm presuming your DD has an offer - Congratulations Has she decided to accept that place or is she waiting for other offers ? If she is waiting, can't you see what other offers she gets and then just pay the doctor's fees for one school - don't really know how it works xx
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