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Everything posted by munchkin16

  1. What area/grade are you looking for? I know someone in East Hampshire who is very supportive of adults. She runs a tiny RAD studio and when I was looking she offered me a grade 8 class with 1 other adult. I couldn't make it but she was really helpful.
  2. Congratulations! Such exciting news
  3. Thanks to a very kind forum member selling me her ticket I had a wonderful view of last night's performance and it was my best birthday present by far from my parents. I was apprehensive but this production blew me away. I want to go again! The first act was fast moving and emotional. The artistry came across perfectly. I felt for each of the characters and I loved Wheeldon's choreography. It seemed to flow so well with the story concentrating on the meaning behind each move rather than tricks which I loved. I have to mention Joe Parker as the little price, he was excellent and very energetic. Don't understand the Prince's sudden death though, he seemed healthy enough! The scenery, sets and lighting were visually stunning, there were gasps in the audience at one point! The only thing missing was I thought Watson's madness was a bit sudden but that's probably the story and his acting was brilliant. I loved Lauren Cuthbertson's performance, she is a wonderful artist and I feel very lucky to have seen her dance. Her appeal at her trial was touching. The act 2 set was wonderful and I actually quite liked the folk dancing, it showcased the men a bit more and they were fabulous, the turns in those skirts! I also felt McRae was wasted as Florizel but he still gave it such energy. Sarah Lamb gave a beautiful performance, I really believed she could be an innocent 16 year old and obviously her dancing was stunning. On a side note, Darcy Bussell and Wayne Sleep were in the audience, so close to me! I could see them chatting away. Act 3 was touching, but felt a little rushed at times then too long in others. I thought perhaps Perdita accepts these strangers rather quickly as her parents... Some people left very quickly when the curtain went down so the applause was not as loud as the dancers deserved, and I couldn't tell who was standing out of appreciation and who out of impatience to leave! Sorry for my long ramble, basically I loved it and hope it stays around becuase it truly is something different and special.
  4. I think it's normal and fine as long as the clicking isn't painful. If it hurts get it checked out? My hips click when I dance lots, it seems to be common with the people I know who dance.
  5. I love the British Museum, might try and go to that, especially the Egyptian, or the Greek sections. I've just been to Amsterdam to see the Rembrants at the Rijksmuseum so I will have to hunt for the self portrait now at the National Portrait Gallery. St. James Park sounds lik a nice idea, if it's sunny... I love the sounds of the Theatre Galleries at the V and A, is it easy to walk there or would I need to get a tube? Fonty, where is the Actors Church, I've never heard of it before? The Cafe in the Crypt sounds really nice, I might stop for a cake or something. Thank you so much for all the ideas, just a thought, anyone have any particular nice places to eat where I won't look lonely being on my own? Especially if the weather isn't nice I can't just sit in a park.
  6. I'm going to London next week for the day before seeing the Royal Ballet perform in the evening and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of things that I could go see or do. I will be alone so other than shopping (and dance shops!) is there anything else anyone could suggest visiting. I've been to most of the museums before but if there is one I might have missed or special exhibitions I would love to hear any ideas. Thank you for your help in advance.
  7. I'm half way through Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky but I keep having to stop to revise and then the Russian names are confusing me... I just finished The Greatest Traitor which is about the spy George Blake and his betrayal to work for the Soviets during the Cold War so very interesting from both a historical and philosophical sense. I bought my dad The Book Thief for his birthday but I think I might have steal it back, apparently the book is even better than the film.
  8. Definitely get her to wear them a couple of times first, it loosens the satin and makes it a lot easier to darn! Also, don't worry about it being neat, as long as the surface is covered well it will give more grip.
  9. I don't know how old your daughter is but I found this talk by a young dancer really inspiring: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShswlNMaUSA its from an event called TEDx Talks in America but thought it might be relevant, she used to be a festival dancer. Hope the link works...
  10. Dance sugar plum: I think they have, at least mine doesnt show sweat! It's a material called meryl I think and its in one of my capezio leotards. It's thicker than nylon but nicely stretchy, very good at keeping me warm or cool and its never shown sweat.
  11. That is what made me hesitant about the doctor, last time I waited an hour to be told what I already knew! Dont have a physio that I know of but I could ask my osteopath? I Googled it and something called runners knee came up but its probably nothing, the constant sound is just disturbing!
  12. Thank you for the quick replies, I do also click everywhere but mostly hips and ankles, occasionally toes after pointe. This sounds different though, normally its more like a crack in my hips but this is a definite click down the edge of my knee and ankle. I know I should get it checked but it feels silly to go to the doctors for this! Supposed to be doing tae kwondo tomorrow at school, not sure if I'm just overeacting, it doesnt hurt...
  13. Thank you for the quick replies, I do also click everywhere but mostly hips and ankles, occasionally toes after pointe. This sounds different though, normally its more like a crack in my hips but this is a definite click down the edge of my knee and ankle. I know I should get it checked but it feels silly to go to the doctors for this! Supposed to be doing tae kwondo tomorrow at school, not sure if I'm just overeacting, it doesnt hurt...
  14. I started noticing this weird clicking sound coming from the side of my knee when I did a plie this afternoon. Now it happens whenever I walk, is this normal?
  15. Don't know if this is the problem but if the outer sole isn't quite flat it can be more wobbly. I read somewhere that you can shave this down a bit to even the surface but I don't know if it would work/help!
  16. When I was last in there they had a few which I tried on but they had limited styles and sizes. That was a while ago so it might have changed, maybe call and ask?
  17. This really made me think becuase I'm not used to reading the steps! Think I worked out the first half, the second bit seems more complicated. I would love it if you did some more
  18. I would love to take one of those workshops but cost is an issue and also, I can't afford to go to London too often. I try to use my other trips as a way of getting a class, like yesterday, but it means the level I take has to fit with other timings, otherwise I would have gone to a beginners class! I will definitely bear that in mind next time I go up though, the sunday class sounds nice
  19. I thought that was the case, but then most of the class knew it as well! I enjoyed it but probably would do even more at a lower level. I like to perform the combination and as it was so fast I couldn't even consider that, to be honest I didn't really hear the music I was concentrating so hard!
  20. Thank you LinMM, I was terrified when I went in! I think there were about 3 people a lot younger than me as I think they were regular students of Anna. One of them was tiny but very good, so it made me feel very inadequate. I think it was the case, certainly with the barre, the warm up she didnt even demonstrate but they all knew it. I think if she slowed down the transitions and arms I could do most of it, I'm just not fast enough yet at learning things but it was good for my brain to have to think around here intermediate classes are still only an hour or if you are lucky 1 hour 15 minutes. I'm looking at another school to add a class but I'm just worried about the cost. Either way, I need some more unset work, I feel that syllabus classes teach you some of the theory, but they don't really teach you to 'dance'.
  21. Don't know if this goes here but anyway, I attempted the elementary ballet at danceworks again after last years disaster! Not sure I will be able to walk tomorrow as its been a week since i danced and I am definitely not used to 1 and a half hour classes. Anyway it was good, didn't really pick up the combinations as they were really fast but I learnt from her general corrections. I also need to invest in some canvas shoes, I may be making excuses but turns feel twice as hard in leather shoes that stick, I swear my pique turns are normally better!
  22. LinMM: I don't want to perform, I've known from the beginning I am far too old with not enough experience and also lack the flexibility and turn out necessary. I didn't not want to take the exam, the decision was my parents and considering they are funding a private sixth form education I respect their decision as the timing of the exam was not ideal (I would happily have done it, I managed to balance performing in a musical and exams before!) I am concentrating on the intermediate exam as it is the one I would need to even be considered for the teaching course. I have taken two dance exams before, one modern and one ballet although I understand I need more experience than that. They accept it becuase they know it makes me happy but no, they neither understand nor particuarly support it. They find it funny! Studying politics was suggested by my teachers as most people at my school go on to university and it is my best subject.
  23. Mimi66: I'm in london tomorrow and with timings for other things I'm doing in London, I might go to Anna's elementary class at danceworks. Don't know if you think that is a good idea? Is the class really busy?
  24. munchkin16


    Anjuli_Bai I prefer turning to the left too and I also prefer fouettes to the right (when I do them in my kitchen at least, we haven't learnt them in class yet!) I feel in the minority as a left turner being the only one in my class. The fact about hormones is fascinating, do you think that could apply to flexibility as well? I am normally more flexible on my left but at certain times it switches to the right. I wonder if the two are linked?
  25. I understand the need to be both practical and realistic which is why I have applied for university, but that doesn't mean I can't explore further options until results in the summer. I spent a year studying the sciences, it wasn't right for me and I was miserable, which is why I say that I need to see if there is any way to something I love because I know first hand that doing the wrong thing because it is 'sensible' can actually be more damaging psychologically. I may end up at uni, but I see that as easier to take up as you get older, I think dance goes the other way! I visited parliament the other day and maybe I will end up as a politican, but maybe I could contribute greatly to the arts in one of the excellent suggestions and get a seat in the lords instead, the red benches are rather comfortable
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