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Everything posted by Lilac

  1. Does anyone know of courses in or near the Easter holiday? Dad's school breaks up strangely late, so Tring would not be possible. Know of Central's, just wondered if there are others as she did that last year and does associates there?
  2. My DD takes her Intermediate ballet exam. She is quite nervous about it with going to the RAD. She is especially worried about the Variations. Does anyone know what percentage of mask they count for? Also any general advice appreciated.
  3. Hate it when this happens! Have been a bit overenthusiastic and let DD sign up for CBA at Tring and a panto! Panto rehearsals started earlier than we envisaged, so have 4 Sundays when they clash! So far she has missed a Sunday of Tring, so 3 more clashes to come. Not sure what to do for the best - would be grateful for any comments. Seems to be a big crime to miss even one week of panto, but obviously can't miss four out of six sessions at Tring! Thanks
  4. Another thought! Watched two character sessions today including an effective dance based on Schindler's List. I have the same issue with my DD - often lets herself down in festivals by not smiling enough.
  5. My 14 year old has sometimes done character dances at festivals. At that the last festival the winning dance was Roberta from the Railway children which was sad. We've also seen people doing dances as evacuees. Also seen people portray birds and animals. Don't know if any of that helps!
  6. We moved our DD at the start of the autumn term a year ago. I had an increasing amount of dissatisfactions with the previous school. I did try to have dialogue with the teacher about many of these, to no avail. Then when we came to move her we felt it could not come as a surprise. We downplayed opinions that the new dance school had better quality teaching, but focused where possible on factual aspects such as cheaper lessons. I had also had dialogue with the new teacher for much of the year, so knew she was very happy to have her.
  7. My DD started in Group 4 today and loved it. She thought there were about 16 in the class. Does anyone know what the CBA attitude is to pupils missing a week- DD has a clash with panto rehearsals later in the trem?
  8. Does anyone have a DD attending there? Just wondering whether to apply for DD to audution there in September. She is 14, and done 4 years of associate classes. If she were to successfully audition, would she start in the first senior class, or how are things arranged? What do people think of standard of training, and futures for the children. Any information/opinions would be very helpful.
  9. Believe it's new this year. DD was going to audition, but changed her mind when retained her place on the Central associate programme. Did sound good, sometimes wonder if we made the right decision! She did the 3 day Summer course there and really enjoyed it.
  10. Came across reference today to a group called One youth Dance Company, holding auditions in September. Does anyone know anything about them? Thanks
  11. Lilac

    Dance exams

    (Apologies if this has been discussed before!) Am starting to wonder whether my DD is some way behind others of her age in terms of exams taken, and whether this could have a negative effect in the future as she is verty serious about dance. She is just coming to the end of Year 9, and was 14 in January. Her latest exams passed were: Ballet- Inter Foundation and Grade 6, Modern - Grade 5, and Tap - Grade 4! I only moved her to this dance school in the autumn because I felt the quality of teaching especially in ballet was the best available locally. I still feel that, particularly in ballet which is her greatest passion. However I do get frustrated that exams keep getting put back, and than meet parents at auditions, associates etc whose girls are much futher on, so thereby learning more complex work. Her associate teacher thinks she should do Intermediate Ballet soon, but I can't see that happening while the Tap and Modern exams keep being postponed! It's only a small dance school with just two teachers, so I realise there's a limit to what can be accomodated at any one time!
  12. BallerinaX, just wondering, those who got places or waiting list for Pre Seniors, are they year 9 or year 10? just wondering relative to my daughter! She loves it at Central.
  13. We have very much found that associates are good for many of the reasons given. Our DD got to perform at the ROH when a JA - an incredible memory. Since then she has really gained from other associates, and the extra top level teaching has I'm sure helped her to achieve well in exams, auditions, festivals etc. As others have stated, works best when the local teacher will work with the associate work. We will probably take on some second associates in the autumn, to help build up more high level tuition for DD.
  14. DD doing group sessions at cranbrook today, Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. Good luck to all othere there! Our first time also.
  15. Wish there were more around Hampshire without travelling to London!
  16. How easy is it to obtain accomodation to take part in the Summer school?
  17. Central associate classes are Saturdays. London Studio Centre are setting up an associate scheme, with a taster day and audition day in June and July. They were very keen for applications as a new scheme.
  18. My DD also got a yes for Group 4. Very very pleased. Now deciding if we can do Central Associates, Tring and festivals!
  19. My dd is 14 and auditioning in Group 3 on Sunday. She has passed Inter Foundation and Grade 6, not sure how this compares for her age. We're treating it largely as audtion experience as few places mentioned!
  20. My daughter has had a new teacher since mid September. She has had a quite a dramatic effect on dd'S results in festivals. Also her associate reports have vastly improved. Although generally finds more to work on than the previous teacher, it is done in a very positive way.
  21. Thanks for that, some very valuable comments. To date we managed to combine, missing some associate lessons to do Festivals, and vice versa! Also as you say, gave priority to groups, but DD didn't have a big part if had to miss. Just more of an issue with new local teacher who wants to use festivals to help improve DD's previously poor performing qualities! Has helped her to get much better associate reports, and DD chuffed for 1st time ever to win trophies at festivals! Will ask teacher about Karen's suggestion of dancing out of class, as that may help not to miss chance to qualify for All England.
  22. Have a bit of a dilema as to how our 14 year old daughter should progress dance wise through the next year. For the last four years DD has done associate classes, missing an occasional class to take part in festivals. However we moved her to a new danceschool in September, for a different teacher to work on her weaknesses,.This has been pretty successful. However this teacher likes her able students to take part in lots of festivals, which is difficult to fit in without missing lots of weeks of associate classes. I'm not sure what to prioritise, particularly what might be best for a dance future.
  23. Does anyone know about the 3 day Junior Performers Course at London Studio Centre? One of the most practical for DD to attend. She is 14, and learnt Ballet, Tap and Modern since Infant School, so just hoping there's plenty of challenge in it!
  24. More about Summer schools, currently trying to sort! My DD has always done RAD ballet, is it ok to attend the Cecchetti Summer school? Not sure how different types of ballet vary!
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