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Everything posted by art_enthusiast

  1. Yep - I think Cinderella was reasonably popular last time but was that mainly because it hadn't been seen for 10 years? And as it was on so recently, I don't know if it will be as successful in terms of selling out this time.
  2. Yep - I now don't have the free time to make the other cast I wanted to see (Lamb's). However, if they'd introduced the offer earlier I might have done.
  3. I have to disagree there, I think she will be very good. It's surprising that she hasn't done the role before given how long she has been with the company. I always think she brings a great energy and "oomph" to everything she does. For example, after all the Swan Lakes I saw last season, I often get a bit bored during the Sisters/Benno parts, but she holds my attention every time. She definitely had star quality in her performance as Kitri with Luca Acri last year.
  4. Yes indeed, and I hope they might be able to fit in some other debuts in June. (Would really like to see Marianna Tsembenhoi in the role as well)
  5. Interesting, didn't know there was a fish! So hopefully there will be some exciting debuts in other soloist roles. It seems as if there's more of a range of roles for male dancers as opposed to female though (feel free to correct me as I haven't seen the ballet in full)
  6. Absolutely. My sister saw it last night and came back saying it is one of the best ballets/theatrical works she has ever seen, and felt like "watching a movie" given how quickly she became engrossed. Deserves all the accolades! I hope it has received many.
  7. Yes, happy birthday to Natalia Osipova (and Margot Fonteyn)! So nice to see this work created by an RBS student was partially inspired by Osipova's Dying Swan - as she mentions in the video. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6mn6zAM_A8/
  8. I'm assuming that Anna Rose and Yasmine will be occupied with MaddAddam (which I think is happening around a similar time)? As they tend to feature in McGregor works (I know Vadim does not)
  9. Yes indeed. Legally, influencers have to declare the #ad in anything that is a paid promotion.
  10. I’m sure she would be, but I hope a few first soloists/soloists get a chance at the role as well - Isabella Gasparini, Mariko Sasaki, potentially Sae Maeda, etc. I was curious to know - assuming Wheeldon gets the final say for Alice and the Winter’s Tale casting as he is the choreographer of these ballets? Or is it a mixture of him and others at the RB?
  11. I thought the white rabbit was quite a small role? Does he get a solo?
  12. Queen of Hearts role maybe? I'm not sure how big that is though as I haven't seen the full ballet
  13. Absolutely - I really hope he's doing it and hopefully I'm somehow booked to see him, though of course they don't announce Puck's casting ahead of time.
  14. I wouldn't have seen her then, unfortunately! I've had to seriously cut down Swan Lakes this time due to the pricing and the fact that I saw quite a few casts in 2022 - I've only been to 2 performances of it so far
  15. I'm very tempted to book for Akane in this! And the other casts look very interesting as well. I know Viola but I don't think I've seen Ella Newton Severgnini in much - has she done any bigger roles recently? I can't really put a face to the name
  16. Well, we don't know who will be playing the Queen of Hearts yet - most likely it will be one of the principals. Maybe Cuthbertson will do that role
  17. I was hoping Joseph Sissens might be one of the Knaves... Mad Hatter maybe?
  18. Even the kids aren't down with the kids 😂 Speaking as someone who used to be into influencers but now has them all on mute. It's happening more often these days, people aren't as interested in celeb/influencer culture as they used to be.
  19. Thanks for explaining this! I confess to also being confused about the geography in this ballet
  20. Yes indeed. What beautiful choreography, and the seamless way the sets/backgrounds changed and transitioned was extremely good, the sound design, wow. I'm really impressed at how they managed to evoke the atmosphere/setting/time period so well with not a lot on stage, it was very subtle and just extremely well organised. The whole team involved in this deserve all the awards! It was my first time seeing this but I did briefly study the play in school, and watched the film with Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando. I have a feeling that they would be proud of this if they saw it. It evoked the characters and story incredibly well. The cast was absolutely brilliant. Marge Hendrick, Evan Loudon, Claire Souet - wow. What a very strong company the Scottish Ballet is (I have only seen their Coppelia before as well as this, would love to see more from them but I am quite far away from Scotland!) The dancer being Alan, Javier Andreu, was just superb. The height of his jumps! But that applies to the whole company really, absolutely on point!
  21. What's funny is I bought my Macmillan Triple ticket on my sister's ROH account - just randomly because I happened to be logged into hers. Then I got the offer code sent to me later because apparently I hadn't bought any seats, I guess. For The Winter's Tale, I did the same thing (again by accident) - got my tickets on my sister's account so it probably looks like I haven't bought any. I haven't received any discount offers this time though. So, who knows what the pattern is here
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