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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. I personally wouldn't buy 2nd hand shoes for me or dd but I've got a bit of a thing about sweaty feet and shared shoes lol. I even have my own bowling shoes and ice skates - not because I go a lot but because I can't bear to wear the hire ones!!
  2. Yep sounds reasonable to me too. 2nd hand with minimal wear I would ask about half the original cost.
  3. Tinnitus can certainly be treated to improve the symptoms. My husband ended up with a hearing aid which helped massively but there are other treatments available, just google treatment for tinnitus and then get back to the doctor! If its making you very dizzy, even occasionally I would say its worth pursuing.
  4. A releve that's actually just a rise, especially in a pirouette! Also hate poses onto bent legs! Poor posture too, mainly through laziness!
  5. I always stuck to a shoe for each foot. A foot isn't symmetrical and as the shoe moulds to the foot through wear I always felt that swapping would mean that shoes never felt comfortable and perhaps weren't fully supportive. I never tried it though and I'm sure there are plenty of arguments for and against.
  6. I love the beautiful witch, not so sure on the evil one but I imagine from a distance it would be effective. Thanks for the link
  7. Tired? No my daughter never gets tired unfortunately! She only dances 2 evenings a week though, the rest is done at the weekend. She gets homework every night from school but does it in the homework club before I collect her to take her to her classes. On the days she doesn't dance we try to do something else physical as she's extremely active and isn't good at doing nothing or sitting still! So we go swimming or she plays out with her friends (though that's coming to an end with dark nights!). We've also just put her name on the waiting list for climbing lessons! I don't think she's going to audition for vocational school next year anyway as my husband is very much against it so I guess we're aiming for 16 or 18 if it's still what she wants to do then. I do agree with others that quality is more important than quantity. My dd does a lot because it suits us for her to do it, it's good quality tuition too fortunately! At 11 potential is certainly the main factor. If a child has reached a high standard then it can help to allow them to demonstrate their potential, but it's certainly also possible to show potential without having done all that much.
  8. Yep agree with all that. I have seen the leg extend higher at the end if the rond de jambe but that's going into the next movement, it wouldn't then lower again for another circle. I have seen students take the circle too far back. The way I was taught (RAD) for en dehors the leg comes straight in and circles forwards, for en dedans it comes in forwards and circles back to the supporting leg and straight out from there. But at no point does the foot go further back than the supporting leg. Not sure if there is a method that allows the circle to go further back but it seems to result in the knee/thigh turning in slightly!
  9. My daughter turned 10 a couple of weeks ago, she does: Grade 3 ballet (1 hour), taking exam in March Unset ballet x2 (50 mins each) Grade 2 tap Unset tap Grade 1 modern Ballet conditioning Street dance Musical theatre Plus a weekly Elmhurst associate ballet class and a monthly Midas associate class.
  10. We've got about 6 sistema bottles and none of them leak so I think you'd be pretty unlucky to end up with one that did.
  11. Could you perhaps ask LCB if there is an alternative date she could do the audition? If not I would ask EYB if they would allow her to miss the rehearsal. If they said no I would accept that I think as a commitment has been made. I should think they'll try to be flexible if they can though.
  12. Totally agree mimi! Teachers in schools don't wear school uniform, doctors in hospital don't wear hospital gowns. They all have their own appropriate clothing! A watch on a student IMO is dangerous unless a plastic breo watch perhaps (which is what dd's teacher wears actually). It also breaks the line of the arm. I guess it depends on the size of the room and number of students as to how likely they are to collide though! Also the maturity comes into play but overall I think it's not appropriate.
  13. Small studs only at dd's school, the adults are allowed to wear a wedding ring but other than that they follow the policy, it's not specifically an adult class though. They are allowed to wear a short wrap skirt though whereas the children can only wear them for the unset classes. I do think ballet looks 'wrong' with jewellery somehow but I guess it's up to the school or teacher to set the policies. If its there it should be followed in my opinion.
  14. They do look exactly the same but the ones afab has linked to does say they are to use during rehearsals!
  15. Surely weights would affect placement too...?
  16. Well it was 3 or 4 of them that were talking to me, the others might have known but no, I guess they hadn't been taught at that school.
  17. When I attended ballet classes in France the other girls asked me afterwards how I understood what steps to do, turns out they hasn't realised ballet is taught in French the world over!! There can be quite a few differences in terminology but if 1 teacher gave 2 different dancers from different backgrounds a dance, verbally only, I reckon around 80% of the dance would still look the same and that's really quite impressive!
  18. Agree with everyone, thank you moderators!
  19. Preston college is funded the same way as any normal college so no dada needed at least! But yes one of the more well known schools is a better option if its financially viable.
  20. Have a look at the professional dancer's course at Preston College although I think they require intermediate level - she's not far off that though and actually she could do A levels first and try to reach that level within the next couple of years.
  21. I'm pretty sure Barbara sharples is an IDTA examiner or responsible for creating some of the IDTA syllabi or something so I'm sure it'll be a great school!
  22. I really hoped that this thread wouldn't go down the same route as the previous one with underhand comments but clearly I was wrong. That's two threads I will now have to avoid reading as I don't like it one bit!
  23. I thought they did Fusster, just not in all locations. I could be wrong though!
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