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Derin's Mom

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Everything posted by Derin's Mom

  1. Peanut68 I agree. If larger companies cannot afford strategicly to hire unexperienced dancers, smaller ones should have. So that they have a young blood on stage. They should benefit from that young energy. My DD is so sure about what she wants. She wants to dance and bring her art to people. This shouldn't be this hard to realize.
  2. So hearing you... My DD is graduating from Dutch National, 3 full years there and 9 before in Istanbul. All full time trainining. a very aspiring ballerina to be and yet no offers till today. I put down my expectation that she will be paid in the coming 1-2 years and also I came in terms with the idea that we have to pay some more time in order for her to gain experience. Even under such circumstances there are no decent options in the way. I am finding it really hard to comprehend this but this is her life and what she wants to do, so full support from our side...
  3. Any up to date information about this ballet group and trainee positions?
  4. Jan hello, what has your DC decided to do? Any up to date news about Catalunya. And so so true, sooo difficult for all these young people to find even a trainee program.
  5. We as a non european citizen for all our lives, are so accustomed to fight for every step; visas, residency permits, job searches… and with a very unstable economy, it is very difficult for our artist children to remain in their home country and find a job. This is a very sad truth for them as well, to know that the only job they can get in order to do what they love is outside… This is why it becomes crucial.
  6. Thank you… so well put. As a mother of a young woman who is at the very start of her career, I am reading each comment carefully; and saddened to hear the realities of this art form on a proffesional level. and on another scale in the midst of a war-fed world, the art is less and less important to many country budgets. So it means even less jobs in the future ahead. Yet, I also carry a hope for my DD (and other young children) that there will be a spot somewhere where she will be welcomed and be happy to perform her artwork. This maybe a small environment or a not well known place but yet honors the art form and allows the dancers to do what they are trained to in soo many years. ı understand from all written that we will be supporting our DC financially in years to come… I hope this doesnt make them feel useless and draw them away from their proffession.
  7. thank you 🙂 if only they receive invitations for auditions... but yes, trying for almost everything is the only way to go forward.
  8. All comments are fair and correct. In my DD's case actually she started her education back home, trained really hard from the age of 11 full time. Then she recieved offers from good schools in Europe. Then she took one and moved on. And as far as she told me, education is really good and she knew she developed well in these final years. So, what happens now to not herself but her classmates is very heart breaking. And honestly I do not think that the number of students in the school were only accepted for financial reasons. It is probably simply the fact that company vacancies are so less than the graduates all round each year. Plus, classically trained students fear to continue in contemporary right away since they think the return to classical will be so difficult in years to come. So this holds them back from certain jobs as well.
  9. yes exactly, but the situation in Europe is; there are few junior co.s and no graduate schools after the age of 18. US is a bit more advantageous in this option.
  10. I understand. And I assumed as such. Sadly though not even junior companies offer places well enough. She'll stay resilient as you mentioned. Good luck to your DD as well.
  11. Hello all. I want to start a topic where ballet parents may put their own feedback. My DD is graduating from one of the top ballet schools in Europe, she is a good and clever dancer. Her class is academicly talented. But yet within the past months almost none of them has been offered a place. What is going on in the dance world, are there so few places in companies, and for that reason are they looking into dancers with very precise details? These young people are at the very start of their careers and they feel so vulnarable by getting rejection over rejection. Any suggestions from experiences?
  12. Thank you very much. All helpful and i will be thinking over it.
  13. Dear Lifeafterballet, My daughter received an invitiation to HB2 in GrandAudition, and i understand HB2 is a part of the Academy. We are not familiar with US schools so I understand that students (still students) will be having an education of 2 more yeras where in Europe this is mostly under the name of junior company. But in Houston Ballet this HBA2 is a semi-school semi company programme. If she accepts and starts then I understand we will be paying for 2 more years. Do they get a certain amount of money if they are connected to company and attend the shows? What should we expect as expenses... this is bugging me. If there are people to enlighten me, it will be more than appreciated. The school, the dorms (or the student finds an accomodation on their own etc) all are a big question mark for me at the moment.
  14. Just seen your message. We are going through tough times in Turkey due to earthquakes, and so I missed a lot of notices lately. I guess her audition is over, hope all went well. Derin is today happy in Dutch National Ballet Academy and yes she was in Paris while she was only 14. She could only stay there for 4 months and returned back before the pandemic broke. I see that your DD is almost 18 (so is my DD) and yes that will surely help her feel more stabile. I understand she will be in classical ballet but in almost the last year (DNSM3 or 4). Just let me know if there is more I can help today.
  15. Emotional readiness is a huge issue, and not every child grows the same. Our first seperation was at age 14, and DD went away to Paris. being the only international student she suffered so much that we ended the process in 4 months. But the side effects were a lot, she took consultation for a year. This was the wisest thing we did as parents. Not forcing her to a stage where things would not be solved and let her take support. At age 16 she felt ready and moved away once again to a school that was more up to her expectations. Thankfully it worked this time. Depression signs should not be missed. A homesickness is possible for a few months but if it rules her emotions then this is not OK. And even though she continues, it is possible to seek for proffessional help sometimes, an online support would clarify things better. Cause being there by her/his side as a parent is not enough sometimes. Best wishes...
  16. During Covid it was through video auditioning, but they are doing it live now. You can check their websites for dates. You usually apply and send a video wrt their requirements, they either call you to a certain audution date or invite to school for a week. And decide whether she/he is a fit or not.
  17. My DD is in Dutch NBA and since we are out of-EU zone we pay quite a big amount compared to EU students 😞. The major issue with some European schools is that they do not have accomodation and hence apartment renting is more costly than the school fee. Berlin and Hamburg are exceptions in dormitory opportunities.
  18. let me tell you my opinion. My DD is 16 and she is in a very prestigious ballet academy in Europe, she has been training ballet since 6 and did not have a high instep. But her turnout, alignment and artistry always led her way. The issue with the feet is not the look but the ability to mobilize easily. By constant and clever exercises any muscle grows, including the tiny ones in the foot. And once it becomes strong and flexible then she will feel secure in point work. There is no obstacle for her to grow into being a professional ballet student and eventually a dancer. Sometimes some teachers who are not much aware of the ballet environment up to date can lead students negatively. Always be open for other prof. opinions. And support your daughter to cleverly work on her feet. Not every dancer is born with ALL pretty elements of ballet, some is natural some is earned.
  19. Lena, My DD is in Dutch National Ballet Academy, she is 16 and this is her 1st year there, away from home. We are not EU citizens and yes school fee is more expensive than for EU citizens. But actually, cost of living is the difficulty since there is no dorm offered. But actually, we know other girls in different cities around Europe and mostly costs are quite similar. Happy to answer if u have further questions.
  20. very similar feet of my DD as well, and was happiest in gaynors but her current school does not allow GMs... again stuck with various different brands.
  21. hello megan how is your search going for your DS? My DD who is almost 16 is offered a place at Dutch National Ballet Academy as well. We had an unpleasant experience some time ago in Paris and this time she is very cautious of where she will be heading to. We understand that the school environment and friendships are great but accomodation and related chores will be a task. Have you found your solution yet? I'll be happy to hear your about it. And, to which grade wil your DS will be going to, my DD will be NBA 7.
  22. The education is good. Her wish to go abroad sooner is to create a path to proffesion in europe. Let us know about Gr 3007 as well please 🙂
  23. oh unfortunately no. Noone from her region...
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