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Richard LH

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Everything posted by Richard LH

  1. The problem I have with that, Lizbie, is it suggests only a particular group of people are entitled to a view on what is offensive. I think people outside the most likely potential "victims" of an offence can, and indeed should, also be able to make a reasonable judgement one way or the other. In this case I do think it is valid to opine, though not being Indian, that there are no real grounds for being offended by the general context in which La B is set. By the same token, and as an example, I also think, though white, I can validly express distaste and discomfort about some of the "blacking" of characters which has been seen in earlier productions. I hope this aspect has been modified in the latest production.
  2. Yes and I think the Insight discussion, without stating your point in so many words, politely showed why there was no justification for being offended in this case.
  3. In the useful and interesting discussion on this aspect, everyone (including Indian choreographer Shobana Jeyasingh) agreed it was not to be regarded today as some kind of attempt to represent India or Indian dance; it really derives from the general idea of "Orientalia" as imagined at the time it was conceived (with the addition of clearly non-oriental classical ballet in the form of a white act, and tutus). I don't see any reason for anyone from India or otherwise to somehow feel offended just because it is not an accurate portrayal of India's cultural heritage.
  4. Exactly....this contrasts so badly with the extremely helpful (for the most part) advance casting information from the RB.
  5. Well let's hope he is more in tune with the current risks than MI5, who still have the terrorist threat level as "Severe", meaning an attack is highly likely. Whether bag checks (random or otherwise) make much difference, though, is another matter.
  6. No, I haven't seen him at all, apart from in the current Mayerling, and in a few short You Tube videos, but I am happy to rely on your judgement 🙂 I am sorry not to see Hayward/Campbell but will be happy to go for Hayward/Corrales - or indeed Hayward /Whoever !
  7. Yes and now the calendar for 7th June matinee is not listed as R&J but The Firebird etc. triple bill. Is this all starting to make some sense at last?
  8. Hmm... I know Corrales can perform explosive jumps and turns, but I wonder if as yet, at 22, he has as much depth and artistry in the acting department as Campbell (who of course is no slouch on the technical side either !)
  9. Yes there are several Makarova videos to be found that are well worth a look.
  10. Blossom from what you have described, you were probably the lady sitting just to our left - we were the couple, slightly beyond the late 30s mark, also on the barstools and fighting over a £4 chocolate brownie. We were also grumbling a bit that the staff weren't too quick about clearing up the mess on the tables left behind by the mucky opera goers, after the area suddenly emptied for their next Gotterdammerung fix. Apart from that, we totally agree with your generally very positive view of the place. It was our third visit since The Opening and, like you and Esmeralda, we noticed no invasion by the unwashed hordes. And wasn't the Insight fantastic?
  11. Not sure where you get this from, Sim, either in terms of the dates, or the cast. The website still shows only an evening perforamce on the 1st June,and a matinee on 7th June (greyed out as Lizbie points out earlier).
  12. Looking at You Tube now, the whole thing appears much darker lit than it appeared in reality, watching in the studio.
  13. Makarova's English seemed a bit limited and perhaps that inhibited a clear explanation. But I wouldn't pay too much store to the sort of dozy comments some people post on You Tube! I think most interested viewers will either know the story or hopefully would have been intrigued enough to look into the details themselves later.
  14. So pleased to have been able to attend and see these wonderful dancers and coaches at such close quarters...a really good taster for what is to come. Lovely to see the giggles when Akane dropped the dagger a little too close to Yasmine. These girls, in debut roles, were just soaking up the guidance from Makarova. A true Insight.
  15. No because you used to show your ticket at the main entrance and you were then free to wander within.... you did not have to show tickets on entry into the auditorium at the start (except that they would look at your tickets if it seemed you needed help where to go), or at intervals. At least that was my experience, but I have only been attending since 2017.
  16. Looks like a mix up with switched dates for this matinee, as the production page, and the calendar, has no matinee showing for Saturday 01 June, as listed on the pdf, only the evening performance. We will have to wait to see which is correct.
  17. Thanks Bluebird - well spotted ! I now see this on my own account page. Also a link to a digital version of the Spring Magazine.
  18. Sorry I had forgotten there were two Schools Matinees (28 March and 23 May) - but I can't find any cast details yet. Are they published somewhere?
  19. Bluebird, presumably you got a link to this document from the ROH in an email? I just ask because I have previously received such emails, but not this time.
  20. Yes it is strange a soloist gets 5 lead outings whilst the principal Campbell gets none. I suppose he could be down as potential super-sub again but waiting for an injury is rather a sad way to get into this role at the RB. And as Jan says, it's not as if he didn't have experience as Romeo at BRB.
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