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Everything posted by OnlyDance

  1. I've sent you a pm @Tiptoet
  2. mine's 14 Congrats to your DD @Sugarplum21 🎉
  3. Youtube is showing a watch time of 12 mins across 4 views. Though not sure what that relates to in terms of video watch time
  4. Thank you. Sorry you're being kept on tenterhooks 😟
  5. Thank you. Yes very, she did that shriek that only teenagers do 😂 bless her
  6. Fingers crossed 🤞 for those still waiting!
  7. Dd's email has arrived too and it's a yes to start 25th April!
  8. Congrats to your DS!!
  9. yes same here, hopefully not too long to wait now 🤞
  10. Having never uploaded or submitted anything to youtube or such like before I wasn't taking any chances 😂
  11. For peace of mind I emailed a week or so after submission as I'd been expecting a confirmation email lol! CBA then responded to say they had received it. They also checked the video link worked by viewing for a few seconds!
  12. My DD has a dance Instagram account which is logged onto both on her phone and on mine. Technically it's my account - my email/dob at sign up lol! - but it's about her and she selects photos/videos to post and I vet them. The account itself is set to private and while she follows dance brands, various dance schools (including her own), other dancers she has met at classes etc, selected school friends etc she only accepts people she's actually met. I'm happy with that aspect - however I sometimes despair at the amount of time she spends viewing the numerous Instagram accounts out there!
  13. Hi, I submitted my DDs a couple weeks ago. She's year 9.
  14. I bought the Katz barre for my DD at the beginning of the last lockdown so it has been used well. It's quite expensive but very sturdy, it's about 2m long (fits on a 2m width dance mat) and the height is adjustable. The barre bit comes in 3 pieces and you can use 2 or 3 depending how long. It is quite heavy though - I think the leg stands are weighted - and it takes two of us to move it. I like the look of the Zelus one @Bunny mentioned above but I didn't come across this on Amazon back in March, otherwise I probably would have bought it!
  15. My daughter attends two local dance schools. The ballet school closed today until further notice but the modern/tap/contemporary school is currently still open.
  16. Hi TKT, I have experience of this scheme as my DD was one of the first batch of associates. She thoroughly enjoyed her year there but I would say (having read one of your other posts) she was in a completely different situation to your daughter in terms of opportunities at home ballet school. My DD started at TLBC having only ever done 1 hour ballet class per week. No competitions, no festivals. The TLBC style of dancing if very creative and contemporary-like if your DD likes that. I would enquire as to the class sizes as I know the year after my DD left the size increased significantly (over 20). Picking up on Anna C's comment about teacher qualifications, I never did find out what formal teaching qualifications had been gained. My DD left after a year because it was too much of a commitment both financially (significant fee increase) and time-wise (often a 3-4 hour journey each way due to rail engineering works). Perhaps had we lived nearer, and were able to attend the non-residential Easter Intensive that's now included in the new fee, she may have continued as an associate.
  17. This was certainly the case in my dd's grade 3 class. A mixture of 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 year olds. My dd did her Grade 3 exam with a 14 year old girl who had been learning ballet for almost 2 years (she started in grade 2 before moving up to the grade 3 class without ever taking the grade 2 exam). Two of her year 8 friends started ballet this September in grade 3 (ISTD), and I know of another girl who started learning ballet in grade 4 (RAD) whilst also in year 8. This.
  18. I understand your fear about putting her forward for an associate scheme. But do remember that at your daughter's young age they will be looking at potential and many schemes only start at age 8 anyway. If distance is an issue, depending where you are, could a monthly or fortnightly scheme be an option? My dd's first associate was monthly, and it was just what she needed at the time to improve her confidence. She now attends a different fortnightly one which works well for us. Glad you're looking into alternative local schools and I hope you'll reach a decision that works well for all the family.
  19. I don't post often Moonbeam but I had to reply. In your shoes I would definitely seriously consider a change of school. My dd was in similar situation to Streetdancer and we moved schools 3 years ago and haven't looked back. Initially my dd didn't want to leave her original school but trialling some classes elsewhere helped her change her mind! She moved from a RAD school to an ISTD one after learning RAD Grade 2 for more than a year. With no exam date in sight she started losing interest because she just wanted to do more ballet (which wasn't possible at her original school) and felt she knew the syllabus better than children who were scheduled to take the exam! She moved age 9 and although she spent more than a year in Grade 2 she felt stretched because of the new exercises she had to cover in ISTD that she didn't do in RAD and also due to the un-set work. Most importantly she has been allowed to attend more than one grade at a time to help her 'catch-up'. (She started ballet at age 5 , took primary exam at age 7 and grade 1 at age 8.) It doesn't sound like your dd's school is working for her right now. I wish you the best of luck in deciding next steps. Is an associate scheme an option?
  20. Chelmsford Ballet Company do monthly company classes that non-members can attend. My daughter has attended a couple and she has thoroughly enjoyed them - though found them quite difficult as she is at the lower ability end of the range. South East Ballet Scholars offers weekly training but may be too far south? They're based in Essex near Brentwood. It's a real shame DanceEast in Ipswich doesn't have a significant ballet content. Oh and EYB is in Norwich every couple of years. Not an associate scheme I know but still an opportunity for some extra ballet training.
  21. I'm a parent whose daughter benefitted last summer from her summer school. My daughter is gutted that this years is cancelled (due to sickness) but I hadn't known until reading here that it's Ilsa that's poorly . Wishing her well too.
  22. I also think you need to rest and give your body a chance to recover. Both at work and my daughter's schools there is much sickness around. If you're also feeling stressed it will sap your energy, vitamins and minerals. If you haven't had blood tests recently it may be worth discussing with a sympathetic doctor. When I've been anaemic and vitamin D deficient in the past I've had aches, pains, tiredness...the list goes on and I don't even dance! If you were my daughter I'd be telling you to rest Hope you feel better soon
  23. Hi anon, good luck with the blog (and the course!). I'm impressed you have so much contact time
  24. Hi junedancer, I've gained much inspiration from reading your thread as this is something I'd wondered about myself. You are doing the right thing. Her teacher has suggested it without you asking, and as you've seen from on here it is common! The teacher wouldn't have suggested it if didn't feel it was appropriate for your dd. Could other dance mum be jealous?
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