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Everything posted by Balletfanp

  1. Saw the Muntagirov/Nunez cast last night. What a wonderful partnership they are turning out to be - bags of chemistry and both the most wonderful dancers. The characterisation of both was spot on, and both just seemed to be having a ball on stage. I must say Muntagirov was on fire last night gaining huge applause for his stunning solos. And Marianela's smile lit up the auditorium as ever. I have always thought that Tuckett made the best Simone, and I still think that, but I really enjoyed Marriott. He did actually come across as very feminine, and made Simone's genuine affection for her daughter very evident. He was also very funny, with a lot of little touches that made me laugh out loud a few times. I'm not sure if Vadim was expecting the "wandering hands" when Simone finally embraces Colas near the end or not, but either it was very good acting on his part, or his reaction was genuine and comical! ???? And Peregrine behaved well, except for breaking into a brisk trot whilst crossing the front of the stage, and having to be held back! A wonderful evening, enhanced by a particularly enthusiastic audience who laughed in all the right places and applauded with gusto!
  2. And let's not forget that he has already shown that he can play the more dramatic roles very well; e.g. Des Grieux, Lensky.
  3. Speaking as someone who has hung my (quite heavy) bag from my neck by the straps before, to avoid having to place it on a - shall we say, less than pristine toilet floor - I quite agree with you, Dance*is*life (and yes, I have also resorted to the teeth method on occasion as well)!
  4. They refused to issue the recent Nunez/Muntagirov Giselle as well - and they could hardly claim 'no demand' for that! There was a positive clamour for it.
  5. The Bolshoi segment now seems to be up on YouTube - they don't hang around! Hope the rest of them get their segments up quickly.
  6. They usually leave the whole thing up for some time afterwards. I will be at work all day do I'm counting on it!
  7. Yes, but the same reviewer, if I remember rightly, was scathing of her the last time around as well - he also didn't like Muntagirov either time! His is the one review I've seen that isn't good or glowing. Perhaps he is just very hard to please!
  8. I was rather disappointed that Peregrine behaved....???? Yes, a very special performance. How I love Laura Morera, but especially in this, and especially in this with Vadim. Such a tender and funny performance, and of course impeccably danced by the two of them. That last Pas de Deux was heaven. And Muntagirov's turns were stunning. The whole cast were on form, and Whitehead was very good as Widow Simone, but didn't quite reach the heights of Tuckett's. Tuckett's farce and daredevil slipping and sliding always looked realistic and positively dangerous, and the other Widows never quite get it - it always looks too choreographed somehow. I always find myself getting quite upset in the middle of Act 2 of Fille, because I know it has nearly finished, and I just want it to go on!
  9. This one really made me laugh! http://www.someecards.com/cute/animals/underwear-stealing-cat/
  10. Well, I've been registered for a while, and so far, no annoying subscription offers. All to the good.
  11. Received my Rhapsody/Two Pigeons DVD today. It is definitely Fumi Kaneko and not Laura Morera. I am saving it to watch tomorrow evening as I have the house to myself for once! Bliss. Tissues at the ready.
  12. I order Advantage online from a vet supplier - no prescription required. It was also recommended to us by our vet. Seems to work well but this hot weather does mean more fleas generally.
  13. Lisa, check that the flea spray is definitely formulated for cats. The wrong kind can kill them.
  14. Hmm, yes, tried that. It had to be a scruff of the neck job in the end - claws everywhere!
  15. Hmm, I see what you mean - it's almost like "Don't expect to see anything particularly exciting if you come to the ballet". I did like Hirano's point that they are storytellers and not "circus trick people", though.
  16. There is a dog grooming parlour at the end of our road called "Dirty Dogs and Filthy Bitches" ????. Forgot that one, probably because I see it every day!
  17. Local outdoor shop once had a sign in their window "Now is the winter of our discount tents".....
  18. And given that, I thought they did a pretty good job considering.
  19. Agree about the interviewer - even allowing for the language barrier, that was awful. And the lighting in the first half was so dark that in Giselle, Xander Parrish merged into the background - did anyone else find that or was it just me?
  20. Noooo...! I was so looking forward to that having missed seeing Vadim dance it live a few months back!! (Am retiring to swear at the screen).
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