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Two Pigeons

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Everything posted by Two Pigeons

  1. Clara's mother's red frock in the first act of BRB's Nutcracker.
  2. Two tremendous servants of the company retiring after very distinguished careers.
  3. If you think this applies to very excellent principals at the Royal Ballet spare a thought for those of BRB and ENB.
  4. Good heavens. She cannot have been the old. I have lots of very happy memories of her, on and off stage.
  5. Excellent though both of these suggestions are I do wonder if either luminary would be that interested in a company which however laudable is so underfunded at the moment.
  6. Offstage Michael has always seemed to be far more reticent than Kevin and I get the impression he is much more comfortable in a behind the scenes role. Mind you, I would be delighted to be proved wrong.
  7. I think Marion is worryingly close to 70 so we could have a double loss. I doubt that Michael O'Hare would want the job but maybe Wolfgang?
  8. May be he will finally get his knighthood! I do wonder if one of the reasons he is going is he is finding the lack of funding a real strain.
  9. Oh dear! I think the company will lose its special identity unless someone like Robert Parker gets the job. I would be very sorry to see the company become yet another clone of everything else.
  10. Given that we have so many fabulous ballerinas at the moment please may I put in a plea for the return of Giselle. I am no big fan of the current production but the performances could well transcend even that.
  11. There is a rather grudging review in the Mail on Sunday. Rupert Christiansen praises the orchestra and says 'the dancing is of good overall standard' (how patronising is that?). He liked Momoko Hirata but describes Mathias Dingman as 'endearingly preppy'. He has reservations about the 2nd act but raved about Nao Sakuma as Carabosse, whom he says stole the show. He really isn't that big a fan of BRB but I suppose at least he made the effort to get to the Hippodrome.
  12. The performance of Brandon that I remember really noticing first was when he was playing the cymbals in Hobson's Choice during the Salvation Army pas de six. Once he got going whichever poor soul who was dancing barely got a look in. I suppose it is heresy to wish for him to be doing the same next season. I hope he is well beyond cymbaldom by then.
  13. Although I am not going to renew my subscription this doesn't mean I won't be going. I agree with Maurice that the triple bills will be a hard sell so I will take pot luck nearer the time. I will definitely be going to Hobson's though, not least as hubby is very keen to see it. I might try to get him to Fille too.
  14. Me too Maurice, although I must confess that i was well on the way to making that decision anyway as I was getting really irritated to have same dancer as first cast in pretty much everything. I am very pleased to see Hobson's return as are so many other posters here but I was hoping that the plans for La Bayadere would reappear.
  15. Like Janet I remember her from the early 80s. Another loss to the ballet world.
  16. I have managed to get a ticket for Celine and Tyrone but not a hope for Delia and Brandon. There are some interesting pairings, not least at the Lowry.
  17. I do so agree. This production was premiered in 1984. How many different productions have the other major companies had over the last 34 years?
  18. Thank you Sim. I really am most envious of anyone who was able to see their performances. I think we all really do agree about Brandon deserving promotion. Now that Iain Mackay has left you never know........
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